Walking in another world – Chapter 448 – Everyone’s path

After leaving Tenso, we arrive in Loyet.

We’ve been practicing cooking on the way here, and I’ve learned more about dungeons from talking with everyone.

We also did mock battles while the horses rested, so we wouldn’t get rusty. We need some exercise when we’re sitting down for so long in the same position.

“Sora, here…”

When we get to Loyet, Miharu hands me a communications device.

I gave them two, but she’s giving hers back because she never really used it. And she says that she really felt like we go to a lot of places and get involved with a lot of people, so I should give it to someone who needs it.

Then we decide to spend two nights here, and prepare for what’s next.

That said, we don’t really buy anything, and just accompany Naoto and the others while they do some shopping.

And since we won’t see each other for a while, we go to the adventurer guild to accept a quest together. It’s a simple picking quest, to pick medicinal herbs in a nearby field.

I’m not an adventurer, but I put in a bit of effort, because I figure I can pick medicinal herbs and give them potions as a present. I have to be careful not to try too hard, or there won’t be any left for the others.

Surprisingly, Shun is the best in their party at picking herbs. With his serious personality and good memory, he can remember medicinal herbs, vitality herbs, magic energy herbs, and others that can be delivered. And I’m surprised by how he sorts them out and everything he picks is in good quality.

It’s different from me, who can just use Appraisal.

After delivering the medicinal herbs, we go back to the inn and eat, and then spend time as we want.

Argo is asking Rurika, Chris, and Sera for some kind of advice, and Naoto and the others are chatting with Hikari and Mia.

I go to my room to make potions, and do it quickly with Alchemy. I really can’t do it in front of other people, like the other guests.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next morning, it’s time to say goodbye to Naoto and the others.

“Tell us if you run into any trouble in the dungeon in Prekes! We’ll come right away.”

Says Naoto.

Everyone’s reluctant to say goodbye, but we promise to see each other again.

We start walking to the border city Saite, and I ask Rurika and the others something that pops into my mind.

“What were you talking about with Argo and the others last night?”

“Ah, he was asking about grandma.”

Says Rurika with an awkward smile.

I thought he had given up on her, since he’s chaperoning Naoto’s party and left the Republic of Eldo, but I guess I was wrong.

“I told him to work on it, because he can’t even talk to her properly like that.”

That was Chris’ advice.

Guilford actually told me while we were traveling that Argo gets so nervous in front of Morrigan, that he can’t even talk.

Maybe that’s why she ended up calling Guilford and the others something like Guil, but Argo was Argo boy.

At first he was happy, because he thought he was being given special treatment, until Rurika, Chris, and Sera told him that’s what she calls young children. He was pretty shocked.

And so, for Argo, that will be a journey to strengthen himself mentally too. I can’t say that’s pitiful though. If anything, I feel like I get it.

It’s tricky… I’m used to being with girls, but there were a lot of times when I got nervous when it was time to talk about something important.

Actually, I feel like that hasn’t changed much, so maybe I didn’t really grow. It takes courage, really.

“What’s wrong, Sora?”

Sera asks, kind of worried, because my face looks serious while I think.

“…Nothing. I was thinking about the dungeon. Should we go alone, or get Leila’s party to help us?”

“I think it’d be nice if they helped.”

“I agree with Rurika. They know your circumstances to a certain extent too, Sora… But…”

“What, Chris?”

“They go to an academy, so I don’t know if they will have time to help…”

I don’t think Chris has a reason to be worried about that, because they earn something like points from exploring the dungeon.

The real issue is how far they can follow us. Leila’s level is pretty good, but I think the other five might have trouble if their levels are the same as they were back then.

It might actually be better to get Guardian Sword’s help through Leila’s father, but…

“Let’s go to the dungeon alone to get a feel for it first, and then decide. How about that?”

“Yes… We haven’t fought a lot of monsters lately.”

Rurika says to me, and everyone nods.

Actually, the last time we really fought monsters was when we repelled the big attack on Elesya.

And ten days after leaving Loyet, we reach Majolica.

It took less time than the first time we came here, probably because Mia is used to traveling now.

Back then she had low stamina, and had to constantly take breaks.

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3 months ago

Thanks for the post

Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
3 months ago

Thanks for the treat.