I was reincarnated on an island where the strongest species live, so I will enjoy a peaceful life on this island – Chapter 117 – Searching

It’s night, and those three still aren’t back.

“Daddy… Where’s mommy?”

“She’s not back yet. Did something happen?”


I hold the worried looking Snow, and pat her back to reassure her.

“It’s okay, mommy’s strong. And Xellos and Merlin are great mages too.”


“It’s late, so you should go to sleep. I’ll stay up and wait.”

“Snow wants to sleep together.”

She says while sniffling a little.

Reina is always with her, so she’s never gone this long without her.

“We’ll do that once she gets back.”


“I’ll wake you up when mommy comes back, so you can sleep for now.”


She says with a quiet tone, and not long after, I hear her quiet sleeping sounds.

Then I sit on the sofa in a position that’s comfortable for Snow, since she isn’t letting go of me.

“…What happened to Reina…”

“Will she be all right?”

I say to myself, but Noname hears it as she comes back from taking a bath, and asks me that with a sort of curious tone.

“Probably. Reina was a strong mage in the continent too, but she’s gotten even stronger here.”

“I see… But the power of the monsters on this Island… I mean…”

Noname sounds vague, probably because her memory is a mess.

It’s like she has a tough time speaking because of the detachment between things she just sort of knows, and things she actually remembers.

She probably understands that monsters here are much stronger than on the continent, but doesn’t know exactly how strong they were in the first place.


“You could go looking for them if you’re worried.”

“But Snow…”

I really feel that she won’t let me go. She’s still clinging to me while she sleeps.

“I can look after her while you’re out.”

Noname comes closer, and gently rubs Snow’s back. Then she slides her hand on her side, and Snow clings to me a little less strongly.

“Sleeping kids are sensitive to people’s warmth.”

“You look like you’re used to that.”

“…Maybe I looked after children.”

Snow relaxes and holds on to Noname.

Maybe she’s mistaking her female warmth for Reina’s.

“Yes, she won’t wake up for a while.”

“…Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Yes, you helped me too. It only makes sense for me to help you.”

She says with a small smile, so I thank her and get up.

“Thanks, please look after her!”

I leave before she responds.

It goes without saying that there’s no artificial lighting on this island, so it’s pitch black other than the moon and stars.

I use magic to create light, and start by going around the forest from the air.

I don’t sense anything, so I head to the divine beast people’s village. If they’re going anywhere without me, this is a good bet, but…


It’s pitch black and no one’s awake, but I can feel presences if I focus. And I’m confident that I would feel Reina’s.

If she’s not in the closest place, let’s go a bit north to the demon gods’ village.

“I guess I’ll check over there.”

It took time getting there by foot before, but I get there a lot faster by flying.

I can see the water flowing into a big hole even from a distance. It really is a tremendous sight.


I sense Reina. She’s near Sakuya and some other people.

I assume it’s Merlin, Xellos, and other people I don’t know, but at least it looks like she’s safe.

“…Thank goodness.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and relax.

Are those people I don’t know the reason why they were in such a rush?

In any case, if they’re sleeping under the same roof, it must mean that matter’s been solved.

At first I want to go there, but it’s late, so I don’t want to be a bother.

“I’ll bring Snow here tomorrow.”

I assume she’ll ask for mommy when she wakes up…

“She’ll probably accept it now that I know where she is.”

For now, let’s just go back.

And when I do get back, I see Snow sleeping with Noname in a room in the back. I guess Snow didn’t wake up again.

“I’m back.”

I say as I slowly close the door to that room.

I need to get up earlier than Snow tomorrow…

◇ ◇ ◇

Is what I was thinking, but…

“Daddy! Where’s mommy!?”

She wakes up early, just as the sun is rising, and dives into my chest while I’m sleeping, looking a little angry.

“Snow… Morning…”


I hold her closer to me.

She starts wriggling, but I’m stronger, so she can’t go anywhere.

Eventually she gives up, and loosens up a little.

“Mommy stayed somewhere else last night, but do you want to go there?”

“To mommy?”

“Yes. Remember Sakuya’s place, where we went a while back?”

“Let’s go!”

She hops off my chest and leaves the room. I guess she’s going to get ready to go.


I was up late last night, so waking up early is making me yawn.

“You look sleepy.”

“Ah, Noname.”

“Ah… I guess you found her.”

“Yes, and thank you for looking after Snow last night.”

“I just slept next to her.”

She says with an awkward smile while coming in.

“What should I do?”


This house was built sturdy, but it’s pretty dangerous to leave her here alone.

It might be more convenient if she just comes along.

“I’m going to the demon gods’… To a village of people from this island. Do you want to come along?”

“Yes, of course. I’m going to need your help along the way though.”

She says with a somewhat playful tone.

I felt like she was a bit unapproachable at first, but she’s been getting more mellow.

I guess she’s opening up.

“Daddy! Ready!”

Snow has her favorite backpack, that Reina made, on her back, and a bunny doll she got from Wil’s castle in her arms, and she’s all ready to go.

“That was fast.”

“That’s how much she wants to see her mom.”

Says Noname with a laugh.

But first, breakfast.

“Here, you need to eat first.”


I grab Snow under her arms and take her to the living room. And I get her a simple salad and bread that doesn’t even begin to compare to Reina’s food.

And after we’re done eating, we all head to the demon gods’ village.

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