My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 410 – Girl and Rezzed – Part four

“We successfully rescued King Shuongalve. I’m… Very glad.”

People of Rezzed are moved to tears. They really were worried about him.

I’m also relieved to hear he’s all right.

“I’m glad Mister Shuongalve is fine too…”

I think now that he’s safe, the situation will progress. I just don’t know how.

But still, I can’t help but feel relieved. It’s sad when someone loses their life.

I’ve never met him, but I like the person I know from the letters, so I’m glad he’s safe.

I’m sure the people of Rezzed were even more worried, so that’s why they’re crying.

“King Shuongalve needs to recuperate. The small nations around us fear him.”

Says one person after crying for a while.

By the way, the person who came here to tell us about Mister Shuongalve is a knight of Rezzed.

Unfortunately, other people died when Mister Shuongalve was in danger. It’s very sad when people have to die to protect someone. I’ll never get to meet them. I’m learning their names for the first time too, but just hearing about it makes my chest hurt.

Still, I think Mister Shuongalve is incredible. The Confederation of Saff has lots of small countries, but people are that wary and fearful of him.

If he didn’t have that kind of power to begin with, he wouldn’t become a loved restrictive force in those other countries.

That alone makes him incredible.

“But he’s still in danger…”

“Yes, despite escaping this attempt on his life…”

Miss Lan also has a sad expression.

It’s scary that people are still after his life. Someone being feared and others trying to eliminate him… Why can’t they all get along?

But there are a lot of things in this world that can’t be resolved by talking, and the world is filled with different ways of thinking.

Mister Shuongalve doesn’t have enemies all around because that’s what he wants. In fact, I can tell from his letters that he wants the opposite.

It makes my chest hurt just thinking that he’s been in this sort of trouble all this time.

“Yes, his life will still be in danger. We would not hesitate to throw down our lives for him, but that is not what he wants. In fact, he is likely to be upset if we don’t treasure our lives.

We don’t know what will happen, but Mister Shuongalve… Would be happy if he had permission to recuperate in this village.”

The eyes of everyone from Rezzed shine like jewels when they talk about Mister Shuongalve. They talk like they treasure him more than themselves.

It really comes across how important he is to them, and how much they don’t want to lose him.

That’s why they’re looking at us with those serious expressions.

Miss Lan and I look at each other. We already talked it over with everyone, and decided to help Rezzed. We still don’t know what they want, but one thing we know is that they don’t want to lose Mister Shuongalve.


“Yes. There’s no problem with letting him recuperate here. But we’ll decide what comes next after talking to him.”

I say.

The knight looks happy and relieved.

…I’m sure they’d back down if we said no. Mister Shuongalve and his brother probably told them not to make an enemy out of the miko.

But of course, we tell them to make sure they’re not followed to the village.

It would be terrible if when he comes here, the people after him came here too. We don’t want everyone to collapse together like that.

Then, I pray that Mister Shuongalve stays safe on the way here.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part four

(The miko’s village decides to welcome the king of Rezzed.)

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