My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 411 – Girl and Rezzed – Part five

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lerunda. I’m sorry I couldn’t look better, but I am Shuongalve Saff Rezzed. Thank you for having me.”

Says Mister Shuongalve, as his brother helps him walk towards me.

He has silver hair like Mister Delaigal, with light purple eyes. He’s beautiful, like, to the point where his facial features feel like they’re artificial.

And if Mister Delaigal is helping him move, does that mean he’s having trouble moving on his own…

That makes me nervous.

“Nice to meet you. Mister Shuongalve, are you in pain? Hum…”

I wonder if I should pray and heal him.

I have that power, but should I make everyone here aware of that? I don’t know what others will think of my powers. People of Rezzed want my help, but I don’t know how far I should go.

I think it’s fine if Mister Shuongalve takes it easy and recovers on his own. His life isn’t in danger… But what is the best choice?

“How about we take you to where you will be staying?”

I say, because I can’t make that decision on my own.

Deciding on my own and pushing forward would definitely lead to trouble.

We prepared a house with a good view for Mister Shuongalve. We all helped build it when it was decided he was coming here. I was excited about him coming here.

I also want him to be at peace here, after his life was in danger.

We were chased from the village where we lived, and then had a lot of trouble. And it took time until we could feel at peace here.

I’m sure Mister Shuongalve and the others had even more trouble.

Yes, I hope he likes our village. And that we can be friends.

He keeps looking around with interest while we guide him there. I don’t think he’s spent a lot of time in places like this. He’s the most important person in his country, so I assume he lived in a castle or something.

When you live in a place like that, a village must feel pretty curious.

When we get there, he says he’s going right to sleep, probably because he’s tired from getting here.

“I know I just got here, and I’m sorry, but let me take a nap.”

“Yes. Rest easy.”

We’re not going to tell him he can’t rest. And so, after he goes to his bed, we leave, and talk to Mister Delaigal.

“Thank you for accepting my brother. I think things would continue to be bad for him if he stayed in the confederation. I really don’t want to see anything happen to him, and I’m really glad we got to him before…”

It really feels like he means it from the bottom of his heart.

“Yes, I agree. I want Mister Shuongalve to stay alive.”

“My brother’s future seems bright, if the miko feels that way. That’s a really good thing. Thank you for feeling that way.”

He thanks me again. He looks really happy, so that’s good.

…I should ask the others if I should heal Mister Shuongalve with magic. I don’t want word of my powers to spread too much, but if they’re going to be friends… I’m sure it will be a good thing.

We should be able to talk about anything.

“Miko, I’m going back to Rezzed for a while, so please look after my brother. But I’m going to be mad if you do anything to him, even if you are the miko.”

I smile a little at how he never budges, and respond.

“Yes, we’ll do what we can to protect him. We wouldn’t do something that upsets him. I want to get along with Mister Shuongalve.

I say with a smile, and Mister Delaigal smiles back.

“Good then. If the miko says so, I can rest easy.”

“…Mister Delaigal, won’t you be in danger if you go back?”

“Are you worried about me? Don’t worry, it will be worse if I don’t. But I intend to return to my brother. I’m counting on you.”

He says with a smile again, before leaving.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part five

(The miko meets the king for the first time, and speaks with his brother.)

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