My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 412 – Girl and Rezzed – Part six

Mister Delaigal and the people of Rezzed are working very hard while Mister Shuongalve recovers.

They left Mister Shuongalve to us, but they haven’t asked for anything else… It feels like they’re trying to solve things on their own. That just makes me feel like an urge to help them is naturally growing inside me.

Miss Lan said something about it too at the start of this. That Mister Delaigal has a way of speaking and an atmosphere around him that makes people naturally want to be his friend. It’s possible that this sort of charisma makes people rally around him.

I think both him and his brother have this.

But now that we’re more involved with them, I feel like we can be more optimistic and say that it’s fine.

It doesn’t feel like they want to cause any trouble. I think they really just want to live in peace.

And if that’s what they want, I doubt the people who respect them will go against it. The people of Rezzed would really hate it if the brothers didn’t like them.

They’re ready to lose their lives for them. That’s just how special they are to the people of Rezzed.

In this village, beast people see the gryphons as important beings, and Gaius too, since he can turn into a wolf. The elves see the spirits as special. Phyto’s people see her as special, and the winged people worship Mister Douroean and Doanea.

I think that’s how the people of Rezzed feel about Mister Shuongalve and Mister Delaigal.

But even if we think it’s all right, the situation is still developing. Maybe it will go in a way we don’t like.

Still… I want to help if I can.

“Thank you Lerunda. For giving us permission to make a grave.”

After Mister Shuongalve wakes up, he asks to make a grave for a knight that lost his life protecting him. He couldn’t bring the body, but he brought hair and an ornament he wore.

This ornament was given to him when he became Mister Shuongalve’s guard, and he always treasured it.

Mister Shuongalve doesn’t cry, but he doesn’t say a lot either.

…It just feels like he has a lot on his mind.

Losing someone is always very sad. When someone you want to talk to a lot more loses their life, just thinking about it makes your chest hurt.

I felt really lost when Mister Athos and Mister Roma died before their time. I’m sure Mister Shuongalve feels the same way.

It’s very sad to lose important people. You can’t hear them laugh or their voices ever again.

I’m that since Mister Shuongalve is the most important person in his country, he probably has a lot more experience than me in saying goodbye like that.

…He has all that sadness and pain inside, but still lives as his country’s ruler, and doesn’t run away.

I think that’s great.

I tell him I’m going to pray for the knight too.

I’ve never met him, and I don’t know how much we can help Mister Shuongalve and the others, but I tell him in my prayer that we’ll do what we can. And that thanks to him, Mister Shuongalve is here.

I’m sure everyone is thankful for him. It’s sad that they can’t see him again, and I’m sure there’s going to be more trouble, but we’ll help so… He can rest in peace.

It’s hard to know what to say to someone I’ve never met, but things flow smoothly from my heart.

There’s a good chance that without this knight, Mister Shuongalve would’ve died. He really protected him.

I hear the knight’s name, and make sure to remember it.

Other people, including all the people from Rezzed, visit the grave. A lot cry, and thank us for making the grave. They say this would’ve been hard to do in Rezzed as things stand…

This just makes me more worried about Mister Delaigal, since he went back to all that trouble.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part six

(The miko and the king visit a grave.)

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