My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 414 – Girl and Rezzed – Part eight

I wonder what the village will be like when it’s big.

I know everyone here, but as it turns into a big settlement, there will be lots of people I don’t know. How will I want to be when it becomes a country?

…Right now, I think I want the people who get along to stay that way. I think it’s good if everyone stays friendly.

An action from me could have lots of effects, so… I need to think about things. But I hope I can stay with the same feel as Mister Shuongalve.

Apparently he was like that before becoming king too.

It’s incredible how he didn’t change when we went from son of the king to king.

“And… As this place gets bigger, more and more people are going to think I’m great or special, but I want to stay the same. There’s a lot to think about, but… I don’t want to change the important parts.”

Change always comes, and it makes sense for us to change depending on the situation… But I don’t want to change what’s most important.

Looking at Mister Shuongalve really makes me feel that way.

“That’s true. I think we have a lot to learn from Rezzed. They all rally around Mister Shuongalve’s name, and don’t budge. And he keeps that composed expression even though so many people look up to him.

It’s important to hear people around us, but you should still be yourself.”

“Yes… I don’t think it’s good to only let yourself go along with what others say. Someone who leads others can’t be seen as indecisive.”

I nod to what Miss Lan says.

It’s important to listen to others, but it’s not right to only do what they say either.

I feel like I can learn from Mister Shuongalve. When people are brought together, will I naturally know what to do…

“Wondering about things isn’t bad. Listening to others, but having one person typically decide things is one way to do it, but there’s no need for one person to decide everything.

But still, we are going to have to talk about what to do, after he wakes up… What do you intend to do?”

Asks Miss Lan, with a kind of stern expression.

The people of Rezzed want our help, and we agreed. That’s what brought Mister Shuongalve to our village… But Mister Shuongalve hasn’t asked anything else yet.

I’m sure he’s processing this situation.

Mister Delaigal returned to Rezzed alone, so he’s going to use that information too… And what will he decide?

It’s really difficult. That’s why it takes so long to think about these things.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think they’re hostile to us. I’m sure it will be fine.”

“Yes, I believe so as well”

“Apparently Mister Shuongalve has been thinking all on his own, without talking to anyone else or anything. Is he all right?”

I’m a little worried about him pushing himself too far.

He’s always smiling, and has a calm mood to him, but Rezzed is in a bad situation.

I hope he’s not pushing himself too much. He doesn’t talk about what he should do with the people of Rezzed a lot.

He gets reports from them from time to time, but I don’t know what they’re like.

…Freinet and Wea say they could sneak in and listen, but I don’t think they should.

I can see him laughing it off and forgiving it, but I’d be a little embarrassed if people were listening in on me like that.

“I think it’s all right. If there really seems to be a problem, the people of Rezzed will move out before us.”

“Yes. We should talk to them first. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

I nod to Miss Lan.

I’m getting worried about Mister Shuongalve all on my own, but that might not be needed.

Still, I feel like I want to talk to him if he really is doing too much.

And after a while, he says we need to talk.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part eight

(The miko is asked to talk by the king.)

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