My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 417 – Girl and Rezzed – Part eleven

We’ve been preparing to receive the people from Rezzed, making a space where they’ll live a little away from the village, like Phyto’s people.

The Kingdom of Rezzed has lots of people, so it’d cause a lot of confusion if they started living in the village all of a sudden.

We’re going to help them, but I think they’re going to build their own houses. If I, the miko, see them as friends, they’ll receive a good influence too despite the distance. I explained that to Mister Shuongalve.

I’ve also told him I can use holy magic. I said I was sorry for not using it to heal him, but I was relieved when he didn’t mind it.

Preparations are moving along nicely. Where are all these people going? How are we going to be involved? These are some of the important points.

But the people from Rezzed who are already here are surprised about this.

Apparently it’s strange to them that a special being like the miko is helping along with everyone else.

I’m the miko, but before that, I’m Lerunda, who lives here. I don’t really understand why I shouldn’t help like the others because I’m different.

“But I do imagine someone in a special position more like the one giving instructions.”

“I want to be like the others as much as I can.”

“But still, in other people’s heads, a miko doesn’t do chores like this, right?”

Gaius and I talk while scraping a tree.

Thinking about it that way, in the Kingdom of Migha, when people saw Gaius transform into a wolf because he’s a knight of the miko, people said he was like a god. I’m sure people think he’s special… But he’s always so natural.

I think both Gaius and I could act that way just for being special. Like how Alice caused problems in Fairytrof when she was taken as the miko.

Alice was sure she was special, and in the end… There was a lot of trouble.

For example, if I got overconfident in myself as the miko and acted like that, I could end up in the same situation.

…In any case, I don’t want to be treated like that. I want to act with others and do what I can.

“It’s not the same as doing everything anyone says, but I want to do what I can.

I’m sure the people of Rezzed will be confused about lots of things, coming here after living in the Kingdom of Rezzed all this time. And they’ll be troubled by lots of things too. We had trouble at first too.”

We’re living peacefully here now, but that’s because we all worked hard to come this far, and it took time.

When the people of Rezzed come here, I want them to take it easy and build their own place.

…I can’t tell everyone smaller things like stuff about the power of the miko, but Mister Shuongalve said that’s fine.

The miko’s power is valuable from the point of view of other people. The more I reveal it to other people, the more complicated things might get, said Mister Shuongalve.

He says people might cause trouble for me even if they don’t have bad intentions.

“Yes. And this is faster if we do it.”

Says Gaius.

“Yes. They’re going to be camping at first, and they’ll make their houses, but I want the place to be ready for them.”

We’re not going to do everything. We’re just helping, but they’re the ones who are going to work to live here.

We live in this forest like it’s normal, but it’s actually a dangerous place with lots of monsters. We don’t encounter many of them because I’m here, but we still need to deal with that.

We’ve made sure to tell that to Mister Shuongalve too.

We’ve decided to accept them and help, but we’re going to have to talk about just how much to interfere.

This place is going to change a lot again. I wonder what changes this will bring.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part eleven

(The miko makes preparations to accept people with the beast boy.)

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