My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 418 – Girl and Rezzed – Part twelve

The preparations to receive the people of Rezzed are advancing steadily, and people are starting to come.

Suffice to say, a lot of them are seeing this place for the first time. And they’re coming to this new place just because Mister Shuongalve said so.

That’s just how much they trust him.

We’re helping them get here too, because they could get attacked by monsters and die on the way here.

There are so many people I don’t know. They all idolize Mister Shuongalve as the most important person in their country.

…Mister Shuongalve said it’s unavoidable for people to die before they’re all here, but I think that’s just because it’s the right thing to say as the one on top. There’s no way he isn’t sad about his people dying. Miss Lan also told me that’s the right way to be when you’re a politician.

Me, Gaius, and everyone else vowed to not let anyone else die when we decided to live here.

This is a place where people can smile and not be attacked. Where our friends aren’t hurt. That’s what we’re building, but the more I grow, the harder that feels to me.

I really feel like that’s just an ideal, and reality is much harder.

The people of Rezzed know I’m the miko, but don’t really treat me too differently. I think that’s good. And I think it’s because Mister Shuongalve is higher than the miko in their eyes. In fact, Mister Delaigal comes right after Mister Shuongalve. Maybe in their eyes, they’re like their gods.

I’ve never felt like I was a part of a country, or lived in a city. Stuff like kings don’t feel familiar to me, so I don’t really get the idea of seeing someone’s opinions as absolute. But I know that’s proof that they adore him.

“I’m glad the miko harbors no ill feelings towards King Shuongalve. He is a wonderful person, but it would still be awful if a being with powers beyond human understanding didn’t like him.”

Says a person from Rezzed, who seems really relieved. I think if I saw Mister Shuongalve as an enemy, these people wouldn’t hesitate to come after me.

It’s not like I intend to do that at all, but these people really would stand against anyone, if it was for Mister Shuongalve.

Mister Shuongalve told them I’m a friend and that they don’t have to be afraid of me, and they’ve accepted me. I think they would be more wary if he didn’t.

For better or worse, the miko is different from others.

I think the more people know I’m the miko, the more I will be targeted. A lot of people will think having the miko with them would be something they can use for their own gain.

I can tell by the way they treat me that the people of Rezzed aren’t thinking that. And if Mister Shuongalve didn’t want to come here, and didn’t want to interact with me, they probably wouldn’t want to get involved with me even if they knew where I am.

“Mister Shuongalve really is adored.”

Once I say that, people of Rezzed start to proudly talk about him.

They really never get tired of it. I guess I can talk a lot about things I like too. I want people to know how great the people I love are too.

And so, as they talk about Mister Shuongalve, I talk about people like Gaius and Miss Lan too. I don’t say things I shouldn’t, but I can still say how great they are.

It’s really nice to chat about people that are important to us.

But in particular, there are people like knights, civil officials, and people who work undercover… The last ones do work I don’t really understand, but isn’t public… But all these people are very loyal to Mister Shuongalve.

I think that’s partially because the brother of the king, Mister Delaigal, keeps telling them about how great his big brother is. I think he’d eliminate anyone with ill feelings towards his brother too.

…Mister Delaigal seems like a really nice person too, but he’s a little extreme.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part twelve

(The miko talks with the people of Rezzed who are arriving.)

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