An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 54 – King kraken

It’s been thirty minutes since the ship left port, and we’re halfway there, according to the sailors.

We have nothing to do until then, so I’m in the lounge reading, nibbling on biscuits while turning the pages. It’s not the most well-mannered way to eat something, but I’m relaxing today and not paying too much attention to what’s around me.

Iris and Till are here too, casually making plans for when we arrive.

Lela and Mars are outside enjoying the view, since it’s Lela’s first time seeing the ocean. I’m sure Mars is currently going on and on about what he knows about the ocean. Maybe it’s the opposite.

My throat gets dry from eating biscuits, so I take a canteen out of my item box and pour iced coffee into a mug.

But then, the ship shakes a lot. The iced coffee spills on my magic book, and makes a big stain.

It’s so shocking to me, that I let out a big yell. This book was so expensive…

Now I’ve done it… That’s why reading’s not so good.

“Loyd Loyd! We have trouble! A king kraken appeared!”

Yells Lela as she enters the lounge, with Mars right behind her.

An uproar erupts around us at the sound of the words king kraken.

Some yell, some look pale. And heroic young people grab their swords and head outside.

“Lela, is it really a king kraken?”

Asks Iris.

“Y-yes! Really big too! T-that’s not good! It’s definitely myth tier!”

Myth tier… What an exaggeration.

King krakens are giant monsters that are about a hundred meters tall, and are called the monstrosities of the ocean.

Their size makes for an impactful first impression, but they’re not that strong if you know their clear weakness to lightning magic.

The guild’s monster guide says they’re about on par with highest level monsters, but I can use lightning magic, so they’re not that strong to me.

“S-sensei, we can’t deal with it alone, so please help!”

I nod to Mars, and we leave the lounge.

The king kraken has thrown this place into a panic.

As I walk through the corridor to the deck, I suddenly think back to something that’s been happening.

I’ve been getting invited to parties after the problem with the Luminous farm was solved. They usually say something like ‘you can have this prey ☆’.

That’s probably a compliment, like letting you have prey is an honor.

And since it’s human nature to want to immediately put to use what you learn, I use this opportunity to call out to Lela.

“Lela, can you use the mid level spell Spark?”

“I guess I can. Why?”

“Take it down instead of me.”


“That thing is weak against lightning magic. You can have the king kraken. ☆”

I say with a wink and a thumbs up.

“U-uee!? What’s that all of a sudden!? N-no way! Don’t joke during an emergency!”

She gets mad immediately.

It’s hard to know when it’s too far when it comes to jokes. Even after half a year, I’m still not used to it.

But I feel like lately I’ve been dealing with every monster that pops up, so what would they do if I wasn’t here…

We arrive at the deck, and I see the king kraken wrapped around the mast, looking down at us with its overwhelmingly huge body.

The other adventurers aboard are working together to fight it. I can’t say it looks like it’s going well, and two girls that were apparently fighting it are wrapped in its tentacles.

They’re screaming for someone to help.

“Uooooh! Give Katherine back!”

The king kraken doesn’t budge, as a male swordsman bravely tries to rescue her. But he’s thrown back by a tentacle swipe.

And then, the king kraken starts grabbing male adventurers one after the other.

“Mister Loyd, Mister Loyd. Can you defeat it with something other than lightning magic?”

Asks Iris.

“Eh? I guess highest rank magic could do it. Like your Water Daedalus.”

It should be hard with high rank magic, given its size, but highest rank should be enough to overpower it.

But still, I wouldn’t recommend it. If it has such a clear weakness, we should just take advantage of it…

But Iris is gone when I’m about to tell her that. She’s dashing towards the monster and standing right in front of it.

She beautifully swings her staff, and pulls a strange pose.

“Iris, the saintess of justice has arrived! Fufufu, it’s finally time to put the Water Daedalus taught to me by Mister Loyd to use. Don’t think your size will be enough to beat a highest rank mage such as myself.”

Iris chants right in front of the monster, and instantly gets caught by a tentacle.

H-hum… Iris?

She got caught at the speed of light. What is she doing…

“Hold on. Is Iris a highest rank mage?”

“…Eh? She learned the highest rank spell Water Daedalus about half a year ago. I guess you could call her one, even if it isn’t official?”

That question mark is there at the end because of just how awful her fighting was just now.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she acted like a complete amateur.

“Hum, am I a worse mage than a priest like Iris…? Even though I’m actually a mage…”

Lela lowers her staff with shock, and falls to her knees.

Looks like she took mental damage.

But dealing with the king kraken comes first.

I can see dozens of people have been caught, and there’s a good chance a Lightning Storm would hit them too, so I need to help them first.

I fire the mid rank wind spell Cyclone to cut tentacles one after the other. The king kraken tries to grab me, but I use Enchant on my staff to infuse it with wind magic to cut tentacles with a magic energy blade.

And then I throw the staff like a boomerang to cut the remaining tentacles.

It’s almost done.

I catch the staff when it returns, cast Full Grow before jumping all the way to the king kraken’s head, and stab it with the staff.

“Lightning Blade!”

This time I infuse the staff with electric magic energy, and discharge it all.

The king kraken lets out its final yell before turning to ash and sinking to the bottom of the sea.

After going back to the deck, I check the wounded. It doesn’t look like anyone died.

Since not many people got hurt either, we somehow manage to avoid a big issue.

And as I feel relieved about that, Mars comes running.

“That was great sensei! Very refreshing too! What was that at the end?”

“Enchant? It’s a technique to infuse magic energy into a weapon.”

“That was really cool! Can you teach me some other time?”

“Sure. And you can use it next time something appears.”

Mars is a swordsman, so I think he’d be good with it.

“Y-yes… I’ll try my best…”

He says with an awkward smile.

Then the other passengers gradually make their way to the deck too. Till is one of them, and she goes over to Iris and thanks her for her efforts.

“Are you hurt, lady?”

“No, I’m fine. Let’s heal the others.”

Iris is so nice. We’ll help her too.

I talk to Lela, but her mind hasn’t recovered yet. It looks like it’s going to take a while.

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