An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 55 – Tetra Island

After swaying on the boat for about an hour, we reach our destination.

We get off the boat, and look around the island. The roads are paved, and there are a lot of facilities for tourists. I can see a black lighthouse on a hill outside of town too.

There are a lot of tourists calmly talking in the harbor, and I see a lot of tour guides leading families around.

“Let’s confirm our plans again. If there is anything you don’t understand, please feel free to ask me.”

Till opens a notebook, and reads out our schedule until it’s time for bed.

Her expression seems milder than usual. She might be on off day mode today. I hope she is.

“First, we check in at the hotel.”

We sent a gardo beforehand, so we’re not going to get there and be told they’re fully booked.

And so, we head to the hotel. It’s on a resort, so its interior is really nice.

An employee gives us a key with a number, and we head to the third floor.

The corridor on the third floor is decorated with stuff like paintings, and there’s a vase with an exotic looking white flower.

We keep walking down the corridor while checking the numbers on the doors, and see our room is the second one from the back. We all let out gratified sounds when we go in.

The wallpaper is mostly white, there’s a black carpet on the floor, and three beautifully made single beds. This room is just right, not too big and not too small.

There are two more divisions. The bathing room is a bit further away from the toilet and has a spacious shower, and the fact that it’s separated from the toilet gives it a plain yet rich feel.

The mood here is overall very good. Iris likes it too, and she dives onto a bed. And sure enough, Till scolds her for it, but it’s cute.

Also, Mars and I have a room next to theirs. It’s also for three people, but I splurged a little because I wanted to be next to the others. It’s not good to be stingy here.

We all leave our luggage, and take with us only what we’ll need as we leave.

◆ ◆ ◆

We head to the beach outside the hotel, and Mars points to the lighthouse I saw when we got off the boat.

“Sensei, do you want to go there after we leave the beach?”

It’s not often that Mars proposes something.

“Hahan. I take it you’re after the blessings of the legend of the lighthouse?”

Says Lela with a grin.


Asks Iris.

“Yes. This Tetra Island is home to a few legends, the most famous of which being the legend of the Kaleid mermaid, but Mars is talking about the legend of the lighthouse. It’s said that couples formed there stay together forever.”

“Eh… That sounds so magical. Are you going to confess to Mister Loyd, Mars?”

“No no, the idea is for all of us to go. I’ve never even heard of that legend.”

Says Mars, as if to brush off what Iris just said.

Iris doesn’t have a love brain, but her eyes still shine when she hears of this legend.

“Mister Mars, that would overlap with dinner time in the hotel. Can we stop by there tomorrow morning?”

“I see. Then let’s go tomorrow.”

Mars says to Till.

“Can’t we go after dinner?”

Asks Iris.

“Loyd’s cheat abilities have numbed us to it, but walking around at night is dangerous. That’s when monsters become active, and stuff like shadow cats appears.”

Says Lela.

I don’t really know how my presence is numbing anyone, but I mostly agree with her.

Shadow cats are shadow monsters that only appear at night. I’m not too good with them personally. They’re agile and taking them down is kind of a pain.

Iris understands, so we decide to go to the lighthouse early tomorrow.

And after ten minutes of walking, we reach the long-awaited Kaleid beach.

There are tents set up on the beach, where we change into our swimsuits.

Mars and I wear shorts, but the girls look wonderful.

Iris is wearing a mostly white bikini, Lela one with a flower pattern, and Till a mostly blue one.

“Oh? No one’s wearing a one piece. I thought for sure Iris would wear a modest one.”

“That’s a lot of knowledge about swimsuits coming from someone who’s never been to the beach.”

Says Mars with an awkward smile. Lela’s never been to the beach before, but her love brain means she’s an expert on swimwear.

Incidentally, I’m good with anything that accentuates the chest!

“You’re too simple, Loyd.”

Lela is staring at me with an exasperated expression, even though I didn’t say anything.

“So hot. The sun is seriously scorching. Like super bad.”

“Like seriously, the sweat is gonna mess up my makeup.”

Say tanned gals who are walking on the sand while checking their faces in a mirror.

I know I’m changing the subject, but I love tanned gals. But that’s something I’m keeping to myself.

A girl like Iris that’s always nice is good, but a gal that’s always messing around suddenly acting like a maiden is the stuff that makes my heart miss a beat.

Should I try the urban legend that is hitting on girls? No, that’s way too out there when I’m with female friends.

“I think you shouldn’t do it.”

“Stop reading my mind.”

“My studies tell me that these gals that are nice to otaku may exist, but not gals that are conveniently only nice to otaku.”

Says Lela with a smile.

That’s so harsh on otaku… But I’m sure they’re out there!

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