My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 422 – Girl and Rezzed – Part sixteen

As construction of the castle progresses, more people of Rezzed keep arriving.

Mister Delaigal is still there, making preparations for people to come here.

If people of Rezzed were suddenly all gone, the other small countries of the Confederation of Saff would know. That’s why they have to do all sorts of preparations. I’m sure that’s not easy, but Mister Shuongalve says his brother is doing that without any problems.

It’s a bad situation, so I’m sure they can’t really send letters either… I think it’s incredible how the two brothers are still somehow on the same page.

Alice and I… Exchange letters, and are understanding each other more, but slowly. What would it be like if we were close since we were little? Then again, I’m sure there are also siblings that grew up together but don’t like each other.

I want Iris to visit the castle when it’s done. She might be surprised by how different this place is compared to last time.

To build the castle, we are destroying or moving places that were already here. For example, the place where I pray that people call Lerunda’s altar is being moved to the castle, because we’ve agreed that it would fit nicely there.

It’s where I pray to the sky god once in a while.

It really feels like this castle is for us. It has to meet our requests, like us being able to live in it easily. I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.

It feels weird to think about such a big incredible building. I’ve seen the drawings, but it really feels like it will be big.

It will be a place with lots of places in it with lots of roles. Apparently my room is going to be above that, because it’d be bad if something happened to the miko. But I’d be lonely if my room was too far away from the others, so I want Gaius’ to be near mine!

Apparently the knights of the miko will have rooms around mine.

Miss Lan’s will be further down, and apparently only people with some sort of role in the castle will live there.

…I wish everyone could live together, but this way is better if we want this place to get bigger like a country.

Every time we get more people, we get together to discuss things like rules and laws. We already had things like that, but we’re putting them together more properly.

I feel like… We were advancing slowly, and then all of a sudden things are changing fast. Did receiving people from Rezzed change things that much?

It will take some time for the castle to be done, but it’s fun watching it every day as it slowly takes shape.

After putting the castle together, we’re going to start building around it too. I’ve heard people talking about a chivalric order.

The idea of knights defending this place sounds cool.

“I want to be a knight too!”

“No, you can’t, Lerunda.”

“Eh? Why?”

“I’m not opposed to you fighting if that is what you want, but I don’t think people will like the idea of the miko being a part of a chivalric order.”

“I see… But we’re going to get more people from Rezzed, and everyone working on these things has a role, right? What should I do?”

Miss Lan says I can’t be a knight. Most people of Rezzed, the ones who adore Mister Shuongalve, have decided to move here, so that’s a big number.

If they all come, I’m sure people’s roles will be split even more, not just to something like a chivalric order.

But what should I do…?

People might be okay with me doing nothing, but I’m not. I want to do something like everyone else. Doing nothing would be boring.

“Let’s all decide that together. I’m also surprised by how this place is changing. My role will probably change too, as we accept more people and build a castle. But I’m looking forward to seeing the changes.

“Yes, me too. I can’t wait to see how things are different.”

I agree with Miss Lan.

What will my life be like with the castle finished, and all sorts of things changing?

—Girl and Rezzed – Part sixteen

(The miko watches the construction of the castle and talks about the future.)

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