Level Gacha ~ It turns out the dump stat 『Luck』 is the most important – Roll 86 – Reaction of Luck

“Ahh, that was tough…”

I sit back on the ground, and watch after starting the timer.

My experience thus far tells me it should take at least ten minutes… Does Aira know?

“Good job master.”

“You too Aira. Do you know how long it takes for it to disappear?”

“Yes. About twelve minutes.”

Maybe the growth of the time it takes for them to disappear slows down after level thirty.

“Then we have until then… Should I roll it in the meantime?”

It’s not like I have to roll the gacha. There’s no real reason why I thought of it either.

But in the time it will take to go from here to a safe area, I’m going to have to fight more, and that will be a waste of experience. The experience these monsters give is a lot different for a level fifty-eight and a level eighteen.

That means it’s good to go down in level. I don’t really know why I’m so impatient, but I’ll leave it at that.

“Aira, I’m going to check my skills. Can you deal with any monster that spawns?”


“Then should I bring out the skill orbs dropped during this hunt?”

“Yes, over here.”

Aira lines up skill orbs.

Four Great Strength.

Four Fast Run.

One Archery Lv1

One Healing Magic Lv1

One Fire Magic Lv1

Three Iron Wall

Zero Command

The drop rate of Great Strength, Fast Run, and Iron Wall are pretty good, even compared to hill wolves, considering I didn’t take down that many.

Could it be that this dungeon has a high drop rate in general? Maybe it’s because they’re not only high level, but also attack in large groups, and the rewards match that.

On the other hand, the skills with Lv and Command don’t have a great drop rate. Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to improve one’s abilities with these.

First, I compress Great Strength into Great Strength II. And then I do the same to Fast Run. Two more Fast Run II, and I can get it to III.

I use Archery Lv1, Healing Magic Lv1, and Fire Magic Lv1, but since I have Elemental Magic, Fire Magic Lv1 doesn’t appear.

Then I use three Iron Wall, making it Iron Wall (2/3).

I want to check all the skills, but I don’t have time now.

I entrust my surroundings to Aira, and activate Level Gacha.

Clank claaaaaank!

I get one green, two purples, five reds, and two blues.

『R Physical Strength +12』

『R Intelligence +12』

『SR Physical Strength +25』 x2

『SR Dexterity +25』

『SR Magic Power +16 – Intelligence +16』

『SR Skill: Throw Lv1』

『SSR Skill: Foresight』

『SSR Item: Stun resistance ring』

『UR Skill: Elemental Magic Lv1』


Name:Shouta Amachi



Physical Strength:642 (+562) (+59)

Dexterity:533 (+463) (+49)

Constitution:579 (+505) (+53)

Agility:580 (+506) (+53)

Magic Power:543 (+474) (+50)

Intelligence:530 (+462) (+49)


Skills:Level Gacha, True Appraisal Lv1, Appraisal Camouflage Lv1, Automatic Mapping II, Hawk Eye, Adamantine Armor II, Physical Super Strengthening Lv2, Great Strength II, Super Strength III, Adamantine Strength II, Fast Run II, Swift II, Iron Wall (2/3), Adamantine Wall II, Command, Foresight II, Dual Wielding, Martial Arts Lv2, Swordsmanship Lv3, Archery Lv1, Assassination Lv1, Throw Lv5, Elemental Magic Lv2, Healing Magic Lv1, Magic Energy Recovery Lv2, Magic Energy Transfer, Skill Compression

Combat Arts Skill: Crimson Sword

Trophy: Hobgoblin, Golden Worm


I didn’t get Fire Magic Lv1, but I did get Elemental Magic Lv1 from the gacha. It was too weak to be used at level one, so I’m thankful for that.

I picture magic in my head, and see that I can make walls of various elements.

Fire wall, ice wall, wind wall, earth wall… I guess I could use it to divide groups of goblins? Maybe I’ll try it on the next one.

Next, Foresight is now II. This is big, because this skill was helpful even in its base form. How did II improve it? I can’t wait to see.

And lastly, I finally got an item.

I’ve been waiting for it, and it’s actually equipment. And is its effect based on what that monster did to me?

It’s a little late, but suffering that once makes me understand its value. Although I still need to check how far this resistance goes. I’ll just put it on my index finger.

The ring has a lion relief. It looks cool.

Ah, that’s right…

“Aira, can you see this ring?”

“…I can. Did you always have that ornament?”

“No… But it’s a secret, so I’ll explain some other time.”


So the items I get from gacha have proper substance.

Well then, it’s been ten minutes…

I get up, look around, and see Aira is still mopping up the weaker monsters and securing the safety of this settlement. I’m always on edge when this time comes, wondering if the next one will spawn, but I really have a bad feeling right now.

Is this my Intuition talking? I had trouble with the first rare monster, so I feel like I don’t want the next one…

And as if laughing at me for thinking that, the smoke starts gathering again in front of me.

It looks like it won’t let us leave so soon.

“Aira, the next one’s coming.”

I unsheathe my sword, and wait.

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