About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 133 – New feature and the role of the technician

“Fui… Like this uh? This is heavier than I thought.”

“…Hey hey, are you serious? It’s an experimental feature. You’re taking it that far? What are you, a monster?”

There were two people in an otherwise empty studio. Yuugo sighed after undoing the blaster transformation, and Angel looked at him with seventy percent surprise and thirty percent delight.

“Did you get good data? Will it help getting the new feature ready for practical use?”

“Yes, perfectly! I got more than I imagined!”

Yuugo asked a question after leaving the testing space with unusually tired looking steps, and she responded with excitement.

He smiled as he saw her more fired up than ever before, but then he was struck by vertigo and almost fell forward.


“Y-Yuugo!? Are you all right!?”

“Sorry, but it’s not that worrying.”

“Don’t overdo it. Hang on for now!”

Angel held Yuugo from the front to stop him from falling, and kept holding him as he tried to get away.

He was embarrassed by her just holding him, but the fact that he felt her chest through her jumpsuit made him feel awkward and made him want to get away. But Angel was not letting him go.

“…Sorry. I made you push yourself too much. I still need to work on that feature more.”

“Well, probably. But I think it’d still work as a trump card.”

“Even that would be too dangerous. I think it would work for ten seconds at most. Your adaptability exceeded my expectations, so that’s why it worked for a long time and I got some nice data, but… If this is the result, it’s still far from practical use.”

An said while gently patting Yuugo’s back, like she was comforting a child.

Yuugo wished she would stop, because she was accelerating his embarrassment, but after seeing her excitement turn into regret, he felt unable to say anything.

“Yuugo… You put your life in my hands, as a technician. I can’t just focus on making Blaster stronger and ignore the strain it puts on you. That way of doing things was blown away from my mind when I saw you go to work.

It’s my fault this happened, sorry.”

“Don’t worry, I just got carried away. This new feature is really awesome. It’s gonna be a big power up once it’s done.”

“Yes, but that’s still far… Well then, I think that’s enough of the apology hug. Did you have your fill of the feeling of my boobs?”

“You don’t need to apologize. And I’m too nervous to feel anything.”

Yuugo had recovered plenty from Angel supporting his body.

He felt Angel’s arms loosen around him as she moved away, and he turned his neck and shoulders in simple stretches.

Angel saw that despite him still being tired, he could move just fine, and after a light smile, she spoke while analyzing the new data she got from this exercise.

“…Performance increase was about two hundred percent of what was expected, and other features worked without issue. The issue is the time limit… The strain it puts on you.”

“Hm… That just means I need to train more. Problems with strain or whatever are all about that!”

“Don’t be stupid, that’s not the problem. I told you, as a technician, your life is in my hands. This is always going to happen to some extent, but I can’t install a feature knowing it will put a strain on your body. But how should I tune this…?”

Angel stared at the data, and started thinking about how to tune the new feature.

Yuugo looked back and forth between her face in profile and data he did not understand, and after being quiet for a bit, he asked a question.

“If I were to use it now, how long could it last?”

“Ah? Why are you asking?”

“Just out of curiosity. We should know its limit, if it didn’t put a strain on my body.”

Angel side-eye glared at Yuugo before sighing, and responding quietly.

“…If you’re going to use it in battle, and considering the strain… Five minutes. I’m warning you not to use it for longer than that.”

“Five minutes… Got it, five.”

“But just so you know, this is hypothetical. It should be obvious, but you shouldn’t use it, so don’t start planning strategies around it! We’re using it a little to gather data, but don’t forget I can remove it if I want.”

“I know. I don’t want to go against my exclusive technician. But I worked up a sweat, so I think I’m gonna take a shower!”

“Ah!? Yuugo! Do you really understand!? Hey!”

“I do I do! It’s fine, I know firsthand that no one’s gonna be happy if I charge forward to sacrifice myself! Don’t worry, I’m not gonna make you cry!”

“Who said anything about crying, you idiot!? Getting carried away, aren’t we!?”

Yuugo left the studio, practically running away, as Angel yelled angrily at his back and sat down in a huff.

And the loud sound was definitely not because of the size of her butt.

She stared at the data with a serious expression, and whispered to herself.

“It’s a dangerous feature… But the performance matches the risk, and the issue is that he can use it…”

It was supposed to be just an activation test, but since Yuugo adapted to it, she figured he would use it.

But this new feature came with a lot of strain to the user and risks, so he should not continue using it.

Blaster’s weakness was the lack of long range attacks, so she drew up a new plan to use the fire magic crystal, but… For better or worse, she got higher results than she anticipated. And now that was troubling her.

“How should I tune this? This is a really difficult issue…”

It was a subject that was worth looking into as a magic item technician, but the life of a person who trusted her being on the line put a lot of pressure on her.

She felt a different kind of pressure than usual, as she checked the data, and focused on the plans to improve Blaster.

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5 days ago

“And the loud sound was definitely not because of the size of her butt.”

Author real sus mentioning this, Im gonna need a detailed sketch of An’s posterior, to verify its veracity ofc

5 days ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

And am going to need a picture of “Blaster Fire!” Or “Blaster Fire or Flame Mode”. If I were to continue trying to figure out the Chou Henshin phrase, we’d be on this comment to long for comfort.