Walking in another world – Chapter 521 – Fors dungeon – Part two (Skills)

“Master, I want to try something!”

Says Hikari before we go into the second floor.

“Shizu, you can’t use magic!”

Hikari continues, and Shizune turns to me.

I think she knows how strong Hikari is, but she’s worried about her age.

“It’s all right, we’ll fight too.”

“Yes, we need to look cool in front of Elsa and Alto.”

Hikari won’t fight alone, Sera and Rurika will join her.

They both laugh when they say that.

One of the characteristics of the Fors dungeon is that from the first to the seventieth floor, the floors are divided in blocks of ten, in that the same monsters appear in them.

From the first to the tenth floors, we have wolves and their superior species. From the first to the fifth there are fifty wolves and a superior species, and for the remaining five floors, there will still be fifty wolves, but three superior species.

The big difference is how many show up at the same time, and how fast the next wave spawns.

From the first floor to the fifth, five monsters spawn at the same time, but that number is doubled from the sixth floor. And it won’t take long for the next batch to attack.

It’s like the difficulty slowly ramps up. It makes it feel less like a dungeon and more like a training area.

And just as they said, the three girls take an active role on the second floor.

The rest of us are supposed to take care of the wolves that slip through, but we end up doing nothing.

The moment the first five wolves spawn, Hikari starts swinging her dagger. Something that looks like a Wind Cutter is released from it, and wolves instantly disappear.

She does this four times, and then the three of them move forward.

Hikari does a good job finishing them as usual, but Rurika and Sera are moving really well.

First, Rurika. She’s always fast anyway, but she gets close to them and slashes them with her twin swords with a speed that’s on a whole other level.

It’s like she’s using my short range Transfer. She’s here, and then the next moment, she’s right in front of a wolf far away.

With a swing of a sword, a wolf is cut cleanly in two.

As for Sera, it’s like she leveled up across the board.

Her moves are fast, and even though each attack is heavy, it’s hard to tell how much stronger she’s become, because her attacks already cut wolves like paper anyway.

“I-isn’t that incredible?”

Shizune is surprised, but so am I.

Hikari and Rurika in particular make me think they might have learned new skills.

Wait… Like what happens when people beat a dungeon for the first time? There’s also the chance that they learned new skills from leveling up, but…

I peek over at Mia and Chris.

“Do you two know anything?”

I ask, and Chris nods with an apologetic expression, while Mia speaks with an amused tone.

“They talked to us about it, but asked us to keep it a secret until they actually used them.”

“They wanted to surprise you. Fufu, it looks like it worked.”

After the battle is over, they tell me about their skills before we continue.

“It’s cool like magic.”

Hikari’s skill is Projectile Slash. She can send a slash flying by swinging a blade, but that’s not all. It’s possible to use the skill to increase the power of attacks too, and increase the length of a blade as an invisible blade.

Hikari says that it’s possible to catch opponents off guard by getting close with a dagger that’s actually a sword.

…So we really can’t make Hikari angry.

Rurika’s skill is Gale. I can tell from the previous battle that it makes her faster, but that’s not all. Her attack power is multiplied in accordance with her speed.

The issue is that it’s harder to time her attacks, so she’s been training a lot to get a feel for it.

“The most reliable way would be to hold a spear and charge.”

She says with an awkward smile.

“Does it also work with throwing weapons?”

I ask, but she says no. It works with weapons she’s holding, but it stops working when they leave her hands.

Lastly, Sera’s skill is Magic Energy Control. This is one I learned through Walking too, so I think it’s kind of plain compared to the other two, but Sera’s really happy about it.

She’s been training to use magic energy to strengthen herself physically, but it was never usable in battle. And even if it was, it would last for a short time, and she could end up running out of MP.

But with Magic Energy Control, she can do that safely. Also, now she has good enough control to envelop her weapon with it too.

After hearing that, it makes me feel like it might actually be a good skill.

But I feel a little jealous as I hear about them getting skills that are so suited for them.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
5 days ago

Thanks for the treat.