An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 61 – Returning to Minerva

The next morning, Queen Undine sees me off as I leave Escalone.

I received a lot of gifts too, filling about fifty slots in the item box.

This had me worried at first, but it ended up being fun. Queen Undine was nice the whole way through, and I never committed any blunders that angered her.

Vermeer also said that their ‘Queen Undine’s good mood plan’ went perfectly.

As we ride a king turtle on the way back, she thanks me multiple times.

“Queen Undine’s mood has improved a lot thanks to you. Thank you so much.”

“That’s good to hear. That way I don’t have to worry about the Kingdom of Merzelia being washed away.”

I say with a joking tone.

“Hahaha… We really did bother you a lot. If you ever need anything from us, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Then she gives me something too, a harp. It’s something I associate with mermaids.

It’s blue except for the strings, which are a shining white. With an intricate crest at the base.

“This used to be my favorite harp. The strings have been kneaded with my magic energy, so sound travels perfectly even underwater.”

“Can I really take such a wonderful instrument?”

“Of course. I have also signed it, so please use it when you want to borrow my strength. I believe someone I know will sense it and help.”

Eh… I didn’t know signatures could be used like that.

Come to think of it, the fairy bow I got from Lela and the champion belt I got from the dwarf wrestling champion also have some sort of signature.

Incidentally, I got the fairy bow after that target shooting mini game, and the champion belt after the match in the Kokkoro mine.

Two hours later, I’m safely back on land, and I say goodbye to Vermeer.

“Thank you for today, Vermeer. Please look after me again if I am ever in Atlanta again.”

“No, thank you. You were my trump card in dealing with Queen Undine. I believe this won’t be the last time I call upon you.”

“Please don’t.”

I say with an awkward smile, and she says she’s joking, with a smile of her own.

I thank her again for the harp, and this time we really say goodbye.

It’s been half a year since I moved to Minerva, and I really feel my connections expanding.

Including Lela, who is an elf, I’ve built relationships with people of the forest, mountain, and sea. Fairy bow, champion belt, and mermaid harp.

I’m going to use these three things to decorate my room when I buy a house. It’s not like I can use them now.

With these three items combined… The door to the legendary temple will open. Is something that feels like it would be a dream, but would never actually happen.

This is what I think about as I leave the harbor.

◆ ◆ ◆

It’s past ten in the morning, so I should probably arrive in Minerva at noon. Or I could get there faster with my dear Artemis.

I want to get there as fast as I can to thank Iris and the others for their help.

I check my item box before leaving.

Gift for Iris, check. Mars’ sweets, check. Lela’s gift, check. Till’s gift, check. Isolte’s gift, check. Sephilia’s gift, check. Al’s gift, check.


Suddenly I think back to the schedule of the holy war, and fearfully open my notepad.

Original schedule

Third day: Iris and Til

Fourth day: Loyd

【Fifth day: Loyd】

Today: Sephilia

Revised schedule

Third day: Sephilia

Fourth day: Iris and Til

【Fifth day: Loyd】

Today: Sephilia

Oh dear.

I changed this with her so I could go to the beach. I took a note, but didn’t put it on the schedule.

That’s totally my fault. Regardless of the reason, I broke a promise with her.

I need to apologize as soon as I get back to Minerva, so I head there in a hurry with Artemis.

I find her as soon as I arrive, because she’s walking towards the station. Good timing. It’s a good thing we didn’t miss each other.


I yell while waving from horseback.

Sephilia notices me, stops, and gracefully bows.

“Friend, it’s been a while. I’m glad to see you are well.”

“I’m glad I found you. I know this is sudden, but let me say something.”

I get down from the horse, and hand her the gift I got for her.

“I’m sorry!”

I kneel, and Sephilia looks a bit surprised. She’s the one who has to ask me what is going on.

When I tell her about the holy war, she smiles gently.

“I should be the one apologizing.”

“Eh? How come?”

“The head maid explained the whole thing with Undine two days ago.”

Apparently Till noticed the problem with the schedule after getting back, and Iris, Till, and Sephilia talked it out.


“Yes. And since I have time, I accepted it.”

“But you keep helping me. Thank you so much.”

I thank her again, and I have to do the same to Till and Iris.

People really just keep helping me out. I can’t find other words to say but thank you.

“Sephilia, are you headed to the holy war?”

“Yes, it’s my turn today.”

I feel bad, because she has to do it again today because I screwed up.

It doesn’t look like she minds it, but I feel responsible as a friend.

I want to take over today, but Sephilia’s strong sense of responsibility means that’s not an option. I need to word this carefully.

“Hum, I won’t bother you, so can I tag along?”

“I don’t mind that at all, but aren’t you tired after the long trip?”

“I got to rest a lot in Atlanta, so I have plenty of energy actually.”

“Then let us go together. By the way friend, have you said hello to Miss Iris after coming back?”

“Ah, no, not yet.”

“We still have time, so how about we go to the mansion first? She was very worried about you.”


I accept, so we head to the mansion.

Isolte, Iris, Till, Mars, and Lela are here. It’s not common to see Mars and Lela in Isolte’s mansion. Are they here because of a quest?

Everyone’s happy to see me, and the conversation naturally shifts to Atlanta.

What kind of place it is, what kind of person Undine is… Those are the two main topics. Iris is just as surprised as I expected when I tell her the girl we met the other day is actually Undine.

We keep talking about Atlanta for about an hour.

“It’s time, Miss Iris. We need to head to the banquet where your presence was requested.”

“Yes. Come on Mars.”

“Yes, we can’t be late.”

Why is Mars tagging along?

I think it’s strange, but Lela explains.

“Mars is related in some way to the person who requested it.”

“Eh… How?”

“I only heard that it’s someone from the Albaba Great Trading Company. But I’m not attending, so you’re not going to get details from me.”

There’s a merchant guild, much like how there’s an adventurer guild.

I don’t know a lot about that field, but the Albaba Great Trading Company is a big organization even in the merchant guild. Even I know it.

Mars’ family is kind of a mystery, but could it be a family of merchants?

“Lela, do you know Mars’ origins?”

I ask her, but she shakes her head.

“I’m sorry, but Mars doesn’t talk about himself a lot… Even this turned into a secret before I knew it. Surely this involves a †shadowy influential person who rules over society’s underworld†.”

Lela sounds a little unamused.

So there are things even she doesn’t know, despite being with him all the time.

Iris and Till go with Mars to this banquet held by someone he knows, Lela leaves to practice using her bow, and Isolte returns to her office. Everyone’s busy.

We stop by Nero’s shop, and then Sephilia and I leave on a wagon.

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