About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 139 – Side: Zenon & Claire (The idiot boy who fell for stupid provocations)

“What? You can’t even make a decision after having everything set up for you like this? No wonder you fell off so hard.”


Isaac had a mocking smile on his face as he stirred up Zenon even more.

He opened his eyes wide, and looked straight at Isaac from very close to him, as Isaac continued.

“Well, I should have known you still wouldn’t make a move even after I offered you so much. It’s just like losers to stay hesitant until they die.”


“Oh, are you mad? But it’s the truth. You’re a loser, and a tiny little bug who can’t even make a decision. Don’t get all mad because I hit the nail on the head.”

“I’m a loser…!? You…!?”

Zenon clenched his fists and trembled, which reached his tone of voice as well as his body.

It was working, thought Zenon with a chuckle.

He thought it was cute in a way, how easy it was to get Zenon worked up, as he continued to provoke him.

“Your destiny is already set in stone. You’re going to keep falling, and your beloved Claire will be taken from you. You’re just going to suck on your thumb while you see me become a hero. You’ll regret it your whole life, and wonder how things would have turned out if you had just accepted that one duel… And how even if you lost, all that would have happened would be that you would have lost Claire a little sooner.”

“Shut up… Be quiet…! I’m not a loser…!!”

“Yes, maybe. I guess you can’t lose if you don’t step up to a challenge. Then you’re a cowardly little bug, that’s going to evolve into a loser. I can’t wait, little bug Zenon. I wonder when another guy will take your dear Claire? If I become her next owner, I’ll have her right in front of you. I’ve always wanted to be the guy that NTR’s…!!”

“You, you, you…!!”

“When it happens, tell me how it feels to have your favorite character and your last remaining hope become someone else’s. I really can’t wait… Little NTR’d Seto!”

“U-uuuuuuuuuuuah! Damn you!!”

“M-Mister Zenon!!”

The provocations continued, making the already unstable Zenon reach his psychological limit.

He howled madly and pushed Isaac, before driving his clenched fist hard into Isaac’s face.

And then… He let his anger take the wheel, as he said what he should not be saying.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!! I’m not a bug or a loser! I’m not gonna lose to you!! And I’m gonna prove it!! I accept your challenge!!”


“…Nice. That settles it then. You said it. We have a duel. Just don’t think you can take it back now.”

Zenon let his extreme emotions lead him towards being influenced by Isaac’s provocations, and Claire watched him with despair on her face.

After coming this far, and even hitting Isaac no less, there was no going back. Even if he cooled down, there was no way he could take it back.

Claire did not hear what Zenon and Isaac were saying, but… She thought she should have separated them by force the moment he started acting strangely.

Zenon had no shot against Isaac as things stood. Once he lost the duel and his last hope, his mental state would be completely done.

Claire thought she had to at least prevent that… And she racked her brain looking for any sort of hope.

“W-wait, Mister Isaac! As you can see, Mister Zenon is in no state to fight. If you do duel, the outcome is very clear.”

“Yes, I do feel that is the case. But we’re not just going to pretend this didn’t happen. He hit me and everything, and he said he’d kill me. What reason do I have to back down?”

In reality, that punch did next to nothing, but Isaac spoke to Claire as if it caused damage.

Claire faced him, and spoke as if grasping her last remaining hope.

“You are correct, but… He really can’t fight. Would you please accept a substitution?”

“Substitution? Someone to face me instead of him?”

“…Yes, please. Allow someone to take his place in the duel…!!”

Claire bowed deeply as she pleaded.

And after staring at her… Isaac suddenly smiled broadly.

“…Fine, I’ll accept it. I’ll listen to you because I’m such a nice guy, and you’re going to be my girl. But… Don’t think things will work out the way you want.”


Isaac said as he raised his hand to her face.

He placed it on her chin, and looked at her beautiful features up close, without even trying to hide his lust.

“The duel will be tomorrow at noon. And once it’s over… You’ll be mine. Look forward to our days from tomorrow onward, Claire…!”

A chill ran down Claire’s spine, and Zenon, twisted with anger, grabbed Isaac.

She saw the fight happening in front of her, and realized just how dangerous Isaac was. She was certain Zenon could not protect her from him, and moved out.

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