Walking in another world – Chapter 534 – Just today…

“Want a drink?”

After dinner, I take a bath, go back to the dining hall, and see Argo and the others are still here.

Everyone from Argo’s party is here, and so is everyone from Goblin’s Grief except for Yuno. And Naoto and a knight.

It looks like everyone except Argo and Geitz are drinking.

“She said it’s fine to have at it, just today.”

Says a red faced Siphon, before he downs his mug.

I don’t even know how to drink, but it’s clear to me that this can’t be healthy.

But I’m guessing this is natural in this world, because almost everyone is doing it. I guess their bodies are tough too.

“Did you get roped… Did they invite you too, Naoto?”

“I really like drinking, and I get to enjoy drinks I didn’t have back then. And sometimes Argo and the others join me, because drinking alone feels sad.”

Although he also points at Siphon and the others and says he doesn’t drink like them.

He’s not sitting too close, because he wouldn’t be able to handle it if he got roped into drinking like them.

“Oh, Sora? Make something to go along with the drinks.”

Says Siphon after finding me.

What ‘something’? I’ve never even drank before.

But Naoto sees I’m confused, and tells me about things he ate in Elesya and while traveling, and what kind of flavorings they used.

There’s some stuff there I don’t know… So I take ingredients out of the Item Box.

Should I bill them for it? Well, I’m guessing Yuno allowed this because they’re consoling Siphon for his loss. Let’s say nothing of the fact that the guy who beat him is here too.

By the way, they bought the drinks in town, but have nothing to eat along with it because the cooks all went home already.

At first I think they could’ve bought stuff at stalls, but those were empty too.

“And they spent so much on drinks, that they don’t have the budget for snacks.”

Says Naoto.

While I cook, I spot Hikari and the others, fresh out of their bath.

Shizune drags Elsa and Alto away the moment she sees drunk people, but Hikari sits down next to Naoto.

And she’s looking at me with expectant eyes. Yep, she wants food.

Is this because she’s still growing? She ate so much during the matches.

“Do you need help?”

“Ah, can you carry it there? And give this to Hikari.”

I say to Mia.

And after everyone has their food, I head to where Hikari is sitting with the other girls.

Naoto isn’t here anymore, he’s with Guilford. The girls took over this spot, or maybe he felt awkward and left… It’s hard to tell.

“Sora, don’t you have food ready to serve in the Item Box?”

Once I approach them, Mia taps the seat next to her, and Hikari even stops eating. I feel like she’s also prompting me to sit, so I do.

The usual party is here, along with Kaede, Miharu, and Kotori.

“We want something to eat too. Do you have something nice?”

Says Rurika as she sits down. This is an important point. The others aren’t saying what they want to eat either.

Hikari is about to say something, but Kotori stops her.

Is this a test…? I should buy time first with cold drinks.

I take out cups from the Item Box, and pour fruit juice for them. And then I use magic to make ice.

By using Parallel Thinking, and even Space-Time Magic, I get even more time to think. What a wasteful way to use that skill.

But I realize something. They know what’s in my Item Box.

And yet, today they’re having trouble suggesting things? I think it might have been naive of me to assume that.

I’ve heard that eating it before bed isn’t good, but… Let’s go with something sweet.

But wait, is it a trap?

No, I’m not going to find any more answers no matter how much I think, and surely it will be fine with people who are so physically active.

In fact, I’ve never heard in this world that you shouldn’t eat sweets at night, and since they’re precious, they should like it.

And so, I give them sweets that should go along nicely with the fruit juice.

And the result… Is a disaster.

The girls are happy. No one’s angry. But the drunkards see how much the girls like it, and start demanding it too. I can’t say no, so it’s all gone.

I’m going to have to restock…

Come to think of it, most sweets shops I’ve seen were geared towards guys.

Maybe they’re popular with everyone in this world.

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