An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 103 – Blacksnake’s tears – Part three

The knights soon arrive after White Rose is put down, and they take us to Roland’s castle.

But I’m very lucky, because Sephilia here is this country’s princess, and she arranges for me to be treated not as a criminal, but as a guest.

I’m taken to her bedroom, which is very fancy, like a princess’ bedroom. Well, it actually is one, it’s just that I still can’t believe it…

It really is a nice room. And now, Sephilia is wearing the kind of showy outfit a princess would wear, instead of her usual maid outfit.

It really enhances the fact that she’s royalty.

Beautiful, strong, princess.

Could she actually be the strongest person around? It’s not an exaggeration to say she has it all.

She looks too bright right now, for someone like me who had the upbringing of a commoner.

Now that White Rose is down and I get to talk to Sephilia again, I feel like a main character in an epilogue.

If I confessed to her right now, would it work? For some reason, I feel calm enough to think about stuff like that.

“By the way, where are Mars and Lela?”

“O-oh? I’m sorry, we must have gotten separated along the way. Should we look for them?”

“No, they’re fine. They can look after themselves.”

“If you say so, friend.”

I’ll trust Mars and Lela.

And right after I think that, we receive news.

“Mars and Lela have been imprisoned for the crime of treason!?”

Iris, Mars, and Lela were taken by the military police, accused of treason, and there’s a chance they could be sentenced to death.

Apparently Mars and Lela went to report to Iris while I was with Sephilia. But the military police saw them.

Normally, I would be implicated too, but Sephilia immediately says we don’t know them, so I escape that crime by abandoning them.

We left Iris so she could stay safe, but it backfired.

Also, Sephilia is more shrewd than I thought. She’s used to listening to the rumors floating around in the world of royalty, and dealing with them so responsibility doesn’t fall on her.

Roland’s higher ups don’t think well of Iris, so we need to make sure we rescue her.

“Where is Iris now?”

“She is under house arrest in an annex of the castle. It is within walking distance, so we should go when you are ready.”

“All right.”

I wish I could stay here and talk a bit more, but we need to head there to sort the situation out.

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