By the way, I’m now living in the mountains – Chapter 34 – Don’t send your pets back to nature! Absolutely not!

Pochi then returns with another tiger keelback it got from somewhere. And pops gets so happy and compliments it so much, that I have to hold it when it tries to run out again.

And of course, it pecks at me fiercely again. And it does it again when I tell it its beak smells. So awful.

“We’re having a meeting tonight, so I’ll show it then and we’ll decide what to do. Thanks Pochi.”

He says, looking really happy while holding the tiger keelback. Stop complimenting it so much, or it’ll get carried away and run off again.

“Pochi, we’re leaving!”

It clucks and tries to get in the mini truck, but it’s too dirty, so I give it a quick wash outside.

Then I dry it with a bath towel, and it gets in the truck.

It never ends.

“…Pochi, your beak really does smell…”

I should’ve rinsed its mouth too.

It knows better than to peck at me while I’m driving, but it remembers when we get off in front of the house. Why?

Everywhere feels humid because of the rain, and I spend the rest of the day going around the house checking it.

And late next morning, I get a call from pops.

“Lend me two chickens starting tomorrow. Sorry, but I want to get into more detail with it, so can you drop by?”

“All right, I will.”

It’s not like there’s much I can do in this time of the year.

“Yuma, go get Pochi and Tama. I’m going to pops’ again.”

Yuma understands, and brings them right away.

I tell them that starting tomorrow, they’re going on a business trip to the village. I also tell them we’re going to hear more about it when we get there, and everyone decides to come along. Pretty reliable.

That said, I can’t fit my three chickens on the passenger seat, so I lay a blue sheet on the load-carrying tray, and Pochi and Tama get up on it.

“Neither of you is going on the passenger seat?”

I ask, and Tama pecks at me. Why?

Today I’m bringing misuzu sweets, because I felt like changing things up a little.

“Oh, everyone’s here. Thanks. Come on. You don’t have to go hunting today, Pochi, but I’ll be counting on you from tomorrow forward.”

Pochi scratches the stone under it like it’s going to take off at any moment, but stops when it hears pops.

“Can you wait in the backyard?”

I ask, and Pochi pecks at me. Again, why?

You’re going to punch a hole in my work clothes if you keep doing that.

“You said too much, Shouhei.”

Pops then laughs. Maybe, but I don’t think it’s a peckable offense.

“I showed the tiger keelback Pochi caught to people of the village.”


He starts explaining, and I straighten my back. The chickens sit on the dirt floor, and meekly listen. What a strange sight.

“You caught two in a short amount of time yesterday, so there’s a good chance there’s a lot of them.”

“…Did he keep that many?”

“No, they say they let them loose spring last year. And the snakes lay eggs in the summer, so they’re probably breeding somewhere we don’t know about.”

“That’s… Scary.”

“Isn’t it? Tiger keelback usually hibernate and mate in the summer. Sometimes they do it right after hibernation though.”

“So it’s almost time to lay eggs?”

“Yes… A few is fine, but if there’s a lot of them, that’s trouble. So I was wondering if you can lend the village two chickens for a month. We’ll pay you, of course.”

He then bows, which surprises me.

“Eh? Pay…”



“That’s non-negotiable. I’m sure your chickens work a lot around your mountain. Not having two is definitely going to be bad, so we want you to accept it as nuisance money too.”


I guess not having two chickens for a month is tough. We can have them stay here in shifts, but I can’t bring them and come get them every day, so they’ll be staying here. And then I’ll come by every few days.

“But then you should be compensated too.”

“Don’t worry about that, just them eating bugs around the field is enough. I feel like I should be paying you.”

“No way…”

I scratch my head, as I hear about how much my chickens are valued.

“They can rest on the weekends, but please let me have them starting tomorrow.”

Pochi clucks full of energy. Sounds like they have a deal.

I can’t stay here until dinner time, so after having tea and snacks, I go home. Apparently the snacks I had were ones Aikawa brought yesterday, that he bought at a popular western confectionery. Popular guys really are different. (No prejudice)

Miss Yumoto gives me a side dish in a tupperware for me to have for dinner. Thank you.

They show me a pretty hefty amount for lending two of my chickens for a month. It really is a lot… But pops doesn’t let me say no. I doubt this will happen again, but it will be a rough estimate for when it does.

I guess it’ll be easier to reduce a high amount than to increase a small amount.

“Shouhei, it’s not just your problem either. Take it.”

“Yes, all right.”

I guess I can’t argue with that.

Now that I’ve gotten some incidental income, I really have to start thinking about vaccinating my chickens.

And tomorrow, Pochi and Tama are going to start working.

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