About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 1 – A hero died once, and was reborn in another world

Kurei Yuugo was just an average high schooler. If we really had to name one thing about him that was different, was that he really liked heroes.

From masked knights riding steel horses to warriors of various colors joining forces, to pretty and curing magical girls, he liked it all. Because of their influence, he grew up honest, bright, friendly, and just overall, a good young man.

He was athletic and had a strong body, and his parents, teachers, and friends often said he could very well take up a job where he could others, such as a policeman or a firefighter. He kept on living this life, without any particular complaints about it.

…But on a sunny day, Yuugo’s life would abruptly come to an end.

He went out to buy a magazine about tokusatsu, and decided to walk around a nearby shopping mall while he was at it. There, he unfortunately came across a man attacking passerby with a knife.

As people rushed to get away and panic spread in the mall, Yuugo saw the slasher about to attack a mother and child, and used himself as a shield without any time to even think.

The knife pierced his chest, but as his face twisted from the unimaginable pain, he used the physical abilities he was so proud of and the adrenaline rush to somehow KO the slasher… But the price he paid, was his life.

As he saw the mother and child crying for him, his thoughts were optimistic to the end, as he thought this was not a bad way to go. He smiled, closed his eyes, and ended his life feeling satisfied. However…

“You’re disowned Yuugo! You’re a shame to my family!”


When he regained his consciousness, he was being berated.

A middle-aged man with a distinctive red beard, and a red face to match, was yelling at him.

“Losing a duel to some ordinary nobody, while using the treasured sword Garandil that has been passed through my family for generations… You are the lowest, worst embarrassment! I was willing to overlook some violence and disorder because you were strong, but after shaming my honored family this much, we don’t need you here anymore! You’re disowned! Disowned!”

“H-hum, sorry, but what are you talking about… Actually, who are you?”

“Stop it with the jokes! I don’t want to hear from you anymore! I’m taking Garandil, and I’m having you thrown out of your dorm! Be grateful I’m even paying your tuition! Ah, and even Lady Claire was taken away because you lost to that random guy! My carefully thought out plans are ruined! I don’t want to see your face again! Never use the Clay name again, Yuugo!”

“Ah, wai…!!”

After spewing everything he had to say, the middle-aged man left the room with indignation.

That was when Yuugo finally noticed he was laying on a bed in the infirmary, and he tried to sort the situation in his mind, as a question mark popped up above his head.

Judging by how the man that angrily yelled at him and left spoke to him, he could assume he was his father.

However, he could not look less like the father he knew. That man did not even look Japanese.

Didn’t I get stabbed in the chest? He thought. As his thoughts raced in confusion, he casually raised his head and looked at his reflection in the window, and gasped and screamed at the same time.

“W-w-w-what!? Who? Who are you!?”

What he saw was not the seventeen year old face he was used to seeing, but a red-headed young man with a mean look.

He was surprised to see that face, that looked villainous even as it was supposed to convey surprise, but then thought to himself that it looked quite handsome.

He quickly told himself that it was not the time to display his innate optimism, and tried to calm himself.

But then, the door to the infirmary was swung open, and a boy ran inside while calling for him.

“Big brother! Big brother Yuugo! Thank goodness you’re awake!”


A young boy that seemed to be in grade school was calling him big brother.

The black-haired boy, that had an air of introversion about him, looked at Yuugo like he was relieved from the bottom of his heart.

As Yuugo’s eyes wandered and he thought to himself that unless his memory was playing tricks on him, he had no brothers, the young boy felt something was off, and turned to Yuugo with a quizzical expression.

“What’s wrong big brother? Are you feeling unwell?”

“Ah… I’m really sorry if this makes you feel bad, but… Who are you?”

“Eh…? B-big brother, is your memory…!? Did that blow make you lose your memory!?”

“P-probably something like that. Sorry, but can you tell me who I am, who you are, and why I’m in this situation?”

The boy’s face turned pale, as he was shocked that Yuugo did not remember himself.

Yuugo felt bad, but decided to play along with the memory loss theory, and the boy began to explain various things carefully.

“Your name is Yuugo Clay, the eldest son of the noted chivalric family Clay, and the inheritor of the treasured sword Garandil that has been passed down through our family for generations. And I’m your little brother, Phi Clay. I say little brother, but we have different mothers, and since my body is weak, I can’t be a knight…

You were dueling a classmate before you lost consciousness. And, hum… You lost. And since you bet your fiancee Claire, she was taken from you, and our father was furious saying that defeat shamed our noted family. And…”

“Ah, I think I get it…”

There was actually a lot he still did not understand, but he felt like that was what he should say at that point.

At the very least, he did understand one thing, and he spoke it as though it was not about him.

“This is that otherworldly reincarnation. And not only that, I’m in the role of a villain that gets his comeuppance…! I’ve never experienced something like this.”

Index Next Chapter>>

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1 year ago

Sounds interesting, think I’ll stick around for a while.
Thanks for the translation.

1 year ago

What’s the update schedule looking like for this translation?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hidamarisou

Hi, can i suggest something? instead of “Transform” or “change” can you just translate it as “HENSHIN!” so it will still that romantic feeling of Tokusatsu?

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeronos

Hombre de cultura

1 year ago

The names are shout out from Kamen Rider:

Yuugo = Yuuske Godai = Kuuga
Phi = Faiz

Gonna wait for dis!

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeronos

Actually, the author says that Phi it’s a reference to Phillip from Kamen Rider W.

1 year ago
Reply to  dark

Ohhhh. make sense since Philip is a non action guy (usually).

thanks for that. I just might read the raw MTL then reread this.

Goodthing author is also a KR Fan.

1 year ago

Just saw the manga and wanted to see if this ahd novel, glad to see theres a group translating this

Keep up the awesome work!

1 year ago

Pretty interesting first chapter
I’m looking forward to the next one.

1 year ago

Now i noticed it the Volume 1 title is basically a double reference:

Crossing thru the worlds: Decade
I have arrived=Ore Sanjou: DenO

Rein Mihoto
Rein Mihoto
1 month ago

Vim do manga e gostei bastante, então decidi ler a novel para ver se é tão boa quanto manga.