About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 108 – Is Melt jealous?

“Ongyah…! I’m falling! I’m falling!!”

“B-b-b-big brother!?”

Meanwhile, Yuugo was screaming while falling straight to the ground.

How did this happen? The answer had to be that it was caused by his right arm.

Yuugo had Blaster on, and on his right arm, he had equipment that could be called a rocket arm, made using the fire magic crystal gifted by Skull. And he was in the middle of using it for a test flight.

The magic crystal was great in both purity and size, so it could easily generate enough propulsive power to lift someone off the ground, but… The problem was that controlling it was more difficult than expected.

Yuugo then remembered that being swung around by rockets was something that also happened to heroes the first time they used something like this, but quickly told himself that was not the time to think back to those things, just before he hit the ground hard and bounced high.

“Hongeh!? Oooh…! This really is hard…”

It was a function he convinced Angel to add, but at this point, he understood her reluctance.

It would be useful if he could use it well, but as he laid on the ground facing up and groaned, he knew it would take a lot of effort to master.

“Yuugo, one moment?”

“Hna? Uooh!? M-M-M-Melt!? What are you doing here!?”

Yuugo heard a voice that was familiar to him, and pink underwear entered his field of vision.

He was lying down facing up, and Melt was standing in a way that was like she was showing what was under her skirt to him. But after he sat up with surprise, Melt asked him something with a sullen expression.

“Do you know what’s displeasing me, Yuugo?”

“E-eh…? D-displeasing…!? I do not…!”

Yuugo inadvertently responded in an overly polite way, and tried to think of a reason why Melt would say that.

He did not feel a bit scared by her. If anything, her sullen expression looked cute.

But he could not come up with any reason why she was displeased with him.

Did he do something…? He racked his brain, but Melt sighed and told him the answer with a sad tone.

“…I know you’ve been hard at work improving Blaster lately, and I know you have a lot to do with An, but don’t you think you haven’t been treating me well lately?”


He never thought about it, but she might have a point.

Lately, he had been thinking of nothing except how to pack Blaster with the features he wanted, meaning he spent a lot of time with An.

It was not his intention to treat Melt coldly, but… He thought it made sense for her to feel that way when he only spent time with his new friend.

He thought about how he made her feel lonely due to only thinking about Blaster, and felt bad about it, but Melt also felt guilty about this.

“…I know you didn’t mean anything bad, and saying this just troubles you, but still, I am pretty lonely. We kissed and everything, and you even saw me naked…”


It was not as though he had forgotten, but he wanted to forget about it as just an accident, so he groaned when he was reminded.

Melt was right, they kissed, and he did see her naked. And now that he was made aware of this again, his brain started working at full capacity to figure out what he should do.

(Not good not good not good…!! Is there no other path but to take responsibility as a man at this point!?)

Not taking any responsibility after all that was bad for someone striving to be a hero… Or rather, for a man.

Before he was reincarnated, this Yuugo was a slovenly scum towards girls, so if he continued to ignore Melt, he would become scum just like him.

And… He was very thankful to Melt.

She supported him with Phi, when he reincarnated and knew nothing about this world, and she was his first friend here.

Yuugo made up his mind, simply, purely, because he did not want her to be sad, and grabbed her shoulders and looked straight at her before speaking.


“Eh!? Ah, yes!!”

Yuugo himself was surprised by the loudness of his voice, because he spoke too suddenly.

At the same time, Melt was also surprised about him grabbing her shoulders without warning and looking at him with a serious expression.

Neither realized that Phi had just gotten there, because he went after his brother after he crashed, and Yuugo continued speaking despite his stutters.

“Let’s… Go on… A date this weekend!”

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7 months ago


7 months ago

Rocket drill combo doesnt work as well if one arm is the rocket and the other the drill, unless both are in the same arm, which would still be pretty stupid.

Shouldve used the fire crystal like an elemental upgrade like agito/wizard

7 months ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

IDK, let Bro cook first.

7 months ago

Reference Time!

Yuugo is attempting to the “Rocket Drill Rider Kick” by Fourze, which is one of the most unique finishers in Kamen Rider.

7 months ago

reference time!!!

Yeap, Yuugo is doing the the famous Rocket Drill Rider Kick by Fourze, one of the most unique finishers in Kamen Rider

P.S At least Yuugo isnt a dense mofo unlike other japanese protags. Must be due to Tokusatsu.

Diana Kurosawa
Diana Kurosawa
7 months ago

He got guts, I like it~

I know he’s not getting laid but at least make them a couple~

6 months ago

I don’t know, shaming him into dating her is not a good look for Melt. Especially because she kissed him, not the other way around.

6 months ago

Rocket punch would certainly be cool but to me using the fire magic stone to create a long range blast that’d replace the mana bullet so he would be disadvantaged in a long distance fight seems more rational