About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 109 – A few days later, it’s time for the date with Melt

A few days later, Yuugo waited in front of the entrance to the Luminous Academy.

He was wearing his school uniform like always, but his nervous expression was a new addition to his look.

He invited Melt in the spur of the moment, but going out alone with her and calling it a date made him feel embarrassed. Or rather, a sense of pressure.

The idea of going on a date with Melt was certainly not bad, but… For someone whose history of not having a girlfriend matched his age, he felt this whole thing was harder than being a member of an evil organization and having to fight five rangers plus an additional ranger all by himself.

He had never ‘gone out’ in this world anyway, and had no idea what spots a girl would like.

Well, it was the same in his original world, so he retorted to himself that this excuse would not work, and it really was just a matter of his character. He let his thoughts run wild like this, almost as if escaping reality.

(A date means a movie, like a summer movie… The two detectives in one was a masterpiece…! I like the kamen driver movie too, and the first movie of the Reiwa era came out great too… And on the sentai side of things, the one with the battle between the phantom thief and detective was so packed, that it didn’t even feel like thirty minutes…)

Let us not say that him only thinking about his dear nichiasa shows at a time like this was exactly why he didn’t have a girlfriend. Even he knew to a certain extent.

But as Yuugo continued escaping reality, or at this point, indulging in his fantasies, the other player in this outing arrived.

“Sorry for being late!”

“A-ah, no, it’s fine. I just got here…”

Yuugo felt weird saying the kind of line a main character of a manga or anime would use, but felt it was the right response, and spoke with Melt while trying to hide his anxiety.

He looked at Melt, who was also wearing her school uniform, and she giggled.

“Hahaha, I knew you’d wear your school uniform. I was right to wear mine too.”

“S-sorry. It was the only proper outfit I had…”

Yuugo was thrown out of his dormitory on the first day of his post reincarnation life, but he still had some clothing he could call casual.

But, how to put this… They were all fancy, or had gaudy designs that did not match Yuugo’s style. They were all things that if someone else wore normally, he would probably not want to be their friend.

In the end, he picked the best outfit he had, his usual school uniform. It made sense from that point of view, but he also worried about what Melt might think, considering he was wearing something completely normal for their date.

“Now now, I know what’s going on, so let’s go buy some clothes for you! Then we’ll have lunch and take it easy, okay?”

“A-ah, okay.”

“Yes yes! That settles our schedule! Let’s get going then. Please escort me, Yuugo!”


Yuugo felt bad about leaving everything to Melt, but fired himself up to at least escort her.

At the same time, he saw her in her uniform, and felt bad. He turned to her and spoke while scratching his cheek.

“…Sorry about that. You had to come dressed in your school uniform to match me.”

“Hn…? Hahaha, oh well! But see, we’re going to buy clothes you like today, so you can wear them next time. And look forward to seeing my casual clothes too!”

Said Melt with a smile, and Yuugo gulped, feeling a little better.

The way she said it, made it seem like going out with him would become a regular thing… He thought, but was unable to bear the embarrassment, so he focused on the date in front of him.

(L-let’s focus on today! And on making sure Melt has a good time! That’s what’s important! Holy wing!)

…Let us not say that from a normal person’s point of view, his nichiasa otakuness was still there. Even he knew.

In any case, despite everything, the date was off to a good start, and Yuugo walked towards the town with Melt.

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7 months ago

ah i cant wait to see how flustered he gets itll be so fun

7 months ago

Movies referenced:

Kamen rider W forever: A to Z
Kamen rider drive: surprise future
Kamen rider zero-one: real x time
Kaitou sentai lupinranger vs keisatsu sentai patranger en film

Theyre good, the zero one is the best of the bunch

7 months ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

Yeah Zero one movie is awesome, too much action packed lmao

7 months ago

God I love these two hahahah

7 months ago

(Someone already did the reference so normie comment for now)

See guys:

Virgin Anime Watcher

Oh no, she is showing some affection! What do I do!? She also kissed me and i saw her undies, I gonna have a nosebleed!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH

Chad Toku Enthusiast:

Oh no, she is showing affection! She also kissed and I saw her in undies. Well I need to go on a date with her to take responsibility.

Tokusatsu makes you a real chad, go watch one .

7 months ago
Reply to  Zeronos

Gridman fans: >:(

7 months ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

Nah, its just like the case of W and Fuuto Pi, still counted.

Sequel in a different medium.

Also Gridman Universe already tied Gridman and Dynazenon.