About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 112 – Ehn the waitress

“Nice to meet you! I’m Ehn! I’ve been working here for a month, so I’m leveling up from newbie to apprentice… I guess?”

“You’re doing a pretty good job. I’d say you’re well established already!”

“I still have a long way to go! The owner got mad at me again today!”

“…You two are pretty friendly. You haven’t known each other for long, right?”

Asked Yuugo with a small smile as he watched the two girls having fun talking, and guessed how close they were.

He said exactly what he was thinking, and Ehn turned to him with a smile of her own.

“It was good timing. I started working here just when Melt joined the Luminous Academy, so… We were both worried about our new journeys, and hit it off.”

“I see…! It’s easy to get along when your ages are close and your circumstances are similar. Melt is good at talking to people and a good person too, so I’m guessing she makes friends fast…!”

“You’re right! She’s been coming here often and ordering food… She’s a really nice girl. You think so too, right Yuugo?”

“O-oh? How do you know my name? I haven’t introduced myself yet…”

Yuugo was both surprised and confused about hearing his name said by Ehn.

He wondered if she heard Melt say it before she arrived, and Ehn responded with a giggle.

“Fufufu…! Red hair and a kind of scary face. You’re exactly like Melt said. It’s a little surprising, really.”

“Ah, I see. What does Melt say about me?”

“Hm… She says you’re a reliable partner, and you’re a little off about some things, but you’re a cool guy. I can’t say anymore, the rest you have to hear from her!”

“Hold on Ehn! Don’t say weird stuff!”

Ehn’s expression seemed to imply something, so Melt stepped in with her face turning red.

Ehn giggled more, and whispered in Melt’s ear, quietly enough for Yuugo to not hear.

“His face is scary, but you have a kind, honest boyfriend. I think you go well together.”

“W-we’re not like that…!!”

“Not like that… Yet, right? That’s the plan, isn’t it? Don’t try to hide it, you always look like a woman in love when you talk about him!”


Ehn was half teasing and half cheering her on, making Melt’s face turn red again, this time for a different reason.

Ehn cackled at her anger and embarrassment, but went to the back after the owner called her.

“What were you two talking about?”

“Nothing much! It wasn’t about you, so don’t worry about it! Let’s just eat! We don’t want it getting cold! Yes, let’s do that!”


Yuugo had no idea the two ladies were talking about him, and looked confused at Melt’s flustered reaction.

But she was right, they should eat the tasty meal while it was warm, so he filled his mouth with pasta, and…

“Hn!? This is good!!”

Yuugo opened his eyes wide and yelled his thoughts on it.

Melt was happy about a bigger reaction than she was expecting, and nodded while Yuugo enjoyed the food.

“Right? The owner’s not just good at making coffee, he’s a great cook too! He’s burly and scary like a certain someone, but he’s a nice person!”

“Who’s that someone? It’s going to bug me, c’mon.”

“Who knows? Just eat, eat!”

Melt teased him with a cute laugh, and ate too.

Yuugo smiled awkwardly, thinking he was rolling on the palm of her hand, but didn’t mind it too much. He continued eating, but then…

“What!? No! It wasn’t me!”

He heard a sad voice coming from the backyard of the cafe. Yuugo and Melt looked at each other, both noticing it was Ehn’s, and that something was wrong.

“What happened…?”

“…Sorry Yuugo, I’ll go have a look.”

“Ah!? Melt!”

Melt was worried that something happened to her friend, so she got up and went after her.

Yuugo also rushed to get up and went after Melt, and saw adults wearing a uniform he recognized arguing with Ehn.

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