About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 114 – About the mugging incidents

“Jinba, right? Why are you here if you were the captain that time? Did you get demoted…?”

“Don’t be silly. Being transferred from being responsible for a unit in the outskirts to the city with the Luminous Academy is a promotion. A proper promotion.”

A while after the argument with the guards, the owner put up a sign saying the cafe was temporarily closed, and they went inside.

Yuugo was relieved when Jinba answered his question with a bright tone.

He was worried that maybe he was demoted for letting Skull get away, but he said his transfer was akin to a promotion.

Jinba then continued.

“I’m sure you know, since you live here, but a lot of strange incidents have been happening… Strange monster armor beasts, the mass hypnosis in the Yum Yum Mountain, the Bull Golems banding together to attack people and animals… Everything seems to center around this city.

The higher ups can’t ignore this either, so a special investigative department is being put together. And since the incident with the Bull Golems was solved without issues, I was picked to be responsible for it.”

“Eh…!? So it really is a promotion! Nice going, Jinba!”

Said Melt.

“Thanks. It’s thanks to you that damage was kept to a minimum there. I should thank you.”

“Then can you tell us about the mugging incidents that man named Rommelo is investigating? I want to clear a friend’s name, but I can’t do anything when I have no idea what’s going on.”

“Sure. You not only helped me, but I have a strange feeling you’ll help solve this.”

He seemed more frank than before, or maybe more flexible… But in any case, they were thankful for Jinba’s friendly attitude, and Yuugo listened as he went into more detail about the muggings.

“…Apparently there have been a lot of muggings at night around here. The culprit has no relation to the victims, and takes things from anyone they see. And this is a nasty criminal that mercilessly attacks anyone who tries to fight back.

And the victims’ testimony is leading to the prime suspect being…”


Jinba nodded deeply.

Ehn herself was still in shock, not just over being suspected, but also over the trouble she brought to the cafe, but Jinba tried to encourage her.

“But there’s still no conclusive evidence that you did it. A lot of people say it was someone who looks like you, but it was late at night. When you add that to the confusion over being attacked, it’s not very convincing.

That’s why that Rommelo was flustered.”

“You say flustered, but this is Ehn’s life we’re talking about here! I don’t know what investigation they did, but they shouldn’t assume someone did it right from the start!”

They had an idea of who did it, but no decisive evidence. That was why Rommelo pressed the suspect, to try to get that evidence.

Melt was indignant over what Jinba said.

She was right, if this was a false accusation, it could throw Ehn’s life completely off the tracks.

This would damage the cafe’s reputation as well, and Yuugo agreed that it was way too early to settle on Ehn being the culprit.

But Ehn, who was still facing down, shook her head and spoke.

“It makes sense to suspect me. I… Have a history of mugging.”


Ehn’s confession made Melt open her eyes wide with surprise.

Yuugo was less surprised, simply understanding that this was what the owner meant before during the argument, and continued listening to her.

“Just before I started working here, I was stealing with some friends. We went around nearby towns pickpocketing and mugging to make a living, so that’s why the guards here suspect me…”

“…Did the owner know about this?”

“Yes. You can probably tell by looking at me, but I did something similar in the past. That’s why I understand so much that she’s trying to set her life straight. And that she’s trying to lead an honest life.”

Ehn’s fists on the table clenched when she heard the stern-faced owner.

Her face was filled with regret and resolve, as she mustered up the courage to speak to Yuugo and Melt.

“He took me in and I started working here, and I decided to fix my life. I decided to live in a way that I can be proud of, and not steal anymore.

I didn’t mug anyone or do anything wrong, so why…?”

She knew it made sense for her to be a suspect, but her criminal past was being thrust at her right when she decided to give up that life and start a new honest one.

It was as though the past she was trying to bury was creeping up behind her to block her path once again.

But as Yuugo and Melt struggled with what to say, a new voice suddenly echoed.

“Isn’t it obvious, Ehn? You’re just a common rat like us. And rats should live like rats, in the filth.”

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6 months ago

Target acquired, exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!

Simon Glitch
Simon Glitch
6 months ago

I really love this ark of the story. It is super interesting!