About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 120 – The next day, going to work

“Hey, did you hear? They say the waitress here is the one behind the recent muggings.”

“I did! Yesterday there were guards here to ask her about it! She has a prior record, right?”

“I get that feeling from the owner too, so I guess it’s a repeat offender.”

“Scary! I hope the guards arrest the criminals soon…”

Ehn was headed to the cafe where she worked in the morning, when Melt, who was accompanying her, heard two women having this conversation and frowned.

This was regular gossip between two housewives, but Melt worried about Ehn, and thought they did not need to be having that conversation in front of the cafe and disturbing its business a little.

Melt looked at her, and saw Ehn did seem affected by the conversation.

Her face was a little stiff, and she stopped.

Melt was about to say something, thinking Ehn was upset because the owner was also getting a bad reputation, but Ehn silently shook her head, and spoke with a strong look in her eyes.

“It’s okay, Melt. Even if they suspect me… I can proudly say I’m innocent.”

These two women believed Ehn was behind these muggings because she had a prior record, just like Rommelo.

But Ehn had strong determination, due to Melt’s words that made her feel like she had people by her side who believed in her efforts to be a better person. A little criticism was not going to shake that.

As they walked into the cafe together, Melt wished for this case to be solved quickly, and for the suspicions falling on Ehn to be cleared.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. Are you okay?”

“Yes. I have no reason to feel down when I haven’t done anything wrong.”

The owner looked worried about what happened the previous day, but Ehn answered with a smile.

It seemed a little forced, but he nodded, thinking she was at least feeling optimistic.

And as he watched her head to the changing room, he spoke to Melt.

“Thank you for cheering Ehn up, Melt.”

“You don’t have to thank me, we’re friends!”

“I think having someone who says that will help support her strong heart. I’m not her age, and I’m a man, so I can offer her some guidance as an adult, but not really support her as a friend… Thank you very much.”

The owner said to Melt while bowing, with kindness seeping through his gruff face.

Melt smiled, thinking he was also someone who cared about Ehn, when Ehn came back.

“I’m ready. What should I start with?”

“Already? Well, we don’t have any customers, so I guess you can just wait. You can talk to Melt while I go get her coffee.”

Maybe it was because the guards’ visit became a topic of discussion, but the place was empty despite it being lunch time.

The owner spoke with a bright tone to not let it get to Ehn, and went to the kitchen to get the coffee.

Melt also put on a cheerful mood around her as she sat down and talked to Ehn.

“So the incidents really are having an effect. I hope this gets solved quickly so the customers come back.”


Ehn’s expression showed she felt it was her fault.

Melt wondered how to cheer her up, when the owner broke up the dark mood with a cheerful voice and two cups of coffee.

“Thanks for waiting. There’s milk and sugar on the table.”

“Ah, thank you!”

“You brought one for me too… Thanks.”

“It’s fine. It’s not like anyone else is around.”

Ehn bowed when the owner brought coffee not just for Melt, a customer, but for her too.

After responding to her with a cheerful voice, the owner took a deep breath to calm himself, and then spoke about something he had in mind.

“Ehn… Just one thing.”

“Y-yes, what is it?”

Ehn straightened her back, as his now serious voice made her nervous.

He already had a tough look on his face, but the serious mood around him increased the pressure around him by thirty percent.

And he looked directly at her while asking a question.

“Those friends of yours that came by yesterday… Do you think they might be involved with these muggings in some way?”

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6 months ago

“I get that feeling from the owner too, so I guess it’s a repeated offender.”

Guess it’s a repeat* offender

*My suggestion due to tense issues