About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 122 – Rommelo being rash

“I’m coming in! Is Ehn here!?”

“Hn…? You again?”

A shrill voice echoed after the door opened, and the owner’s response to seeing Rommelo come in showed clear displeasure.

Rommelo ignored it, and instead approached Ehn, who looked at him with a nervous expression, and spoke to her with an intimidating air to him.

“I finally caught you! It’s time to admit your crimes!”

“Eh…?” W-what do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb! You mugged someone else last night! We have not just the victim’s testimony, but other witnesses who saw it happen! They described your features perfectly! And they say you slashed at the victim with a blade!”

“I-I don’t know anything about that! I didn’t even go out last night!”

“That’s right! I stayed in her house all night! I can testify that Ehn didn’t do anything!”

“What…? Hmph! And who can trust the testimony of an acquaintance!? You could’ve just planned this to protect her! It happened late at night anyway! Did you watch her all night without a second of sleep? Can you be sure that she didn’t leave while you slept?”

Rommelo was a hundred percent sure she did it, as he used the testimony from the previous night as a weapon to corner Ehn.

He ignored the testimony of someone who was with her the previous night, and continued to press her, but Jinba thought he was overdoing it, and stepped in.

“You’re being too aggressive, Rommelo. You have testimony, but you also have someone asserting that the suspect is innocent. If you have conflicting testimony, you need to conduct an investigation to clear that. You can’t ignore one side and focus on the other to suspect her.”

“Quiet! I’m in charge of this case! Even if you’re a fellow guard, you’re an outsider who should butt out of this case!”

Jinba tried to calmly talk Rommelo down, but even he could not make him listen, as he rebuked him and the ones who agreed with him and turned to Ehn again with a sharp stare.

Also, guards who seemed to work under Rommelo were suddenly inside the cafe, preparing to take Ehn into custody.

Melt and the others felt nervous about Rommelo’s rash actions in this tense atmosphere, when one of the guards placed something on a table.

“Hn…? This is…!?”

“What? Do you know what this is? This is one of the things that was left at the scene. We haven’t investigated it properly yet, but you could save us the trouble.”

“That’s Yuugo’s…? Why do you have it?”

What one of the guards showed was the compact shaped communications device Yuugo left in this cafe.

Why was it in the crime scene…? They all thought, when Jinba offered Rommelo some information.

“Rommelo, that belongs to Yuugo, the young man who was here yesterday. Apparently he lost it yesterday and has been running around looking for it. Maybe we’ll figure something out if we call him and hear from him.”

“No need. I can see the whole picture! It really was you, Ehn!”


Rommelo snorted while pointing at Ehn, as he somehow created a scenario in which one of Yuugo’s belongings being on the scene meant Ehn was the culprit.

Melt and the others were surprised, but Rommelo raised his head, and explained proudly.

“This boy called Yuugo didn’t drop this, it was stolen. Ehn had her eye on it when he visited the cafe. She couldn’t contain her thieving urges, and sneakily stole it.

But if this girl found the compact that belonged to someone she knows, Ehn’s crime would come to light, so she had to keep it on her the whole time the girl was staying with her… But that became a fatal mistake when she was committing another crime, as she accidentally dropped it. How’s that!?”

“T-that’s… Wrong! I didn’t steal, and I didn’t mug anyone!!”

“I’ve had enough of your excuses! I have testimony and evidence, this is enough to drag you away! You can say all you want in the interrogation room! You’ll definitely confess…!!”

“That’s crazy! This is all just in your head! You have no evidence to back it! How can you arrest Ehn!?”

“Quiet! The investigation will bring me decisive evidence! I’m detaining her to make sure she doesn’t tamper with it!”

Rommelo ignored Melt’s protests and gave his subordinates instructions to detain the small Ehn.

They were about to comply, but… Two shadows slipped past them to stand in front of Ehn.

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6 months ago

“I’m coming in! Is En here!?”

En -> Ehn

Also this arc is such a drag

6 months ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

Not enough transformations