About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 123 – Sweet talk of running away

“A-are you all right, Ehn…?”

“See? These people only look at your past, and make their own assumptions… I told you.”

“Cross, Delta…!!”

“W-where did you people come from!?”

Rommelo shouted, as he was thrown off by how Cross and Delta pushed his subordinates aside and suddenly appeared in front of him.

But the two boys ignored him, and continued speaking to Ehn.

“Now do you get it? It doesn’t matter what you do. We’re always going to be black sheep as far as society is concerned. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, people don’t look at how you are now.”

“Come back, Ehn. Let’s all be together again. Let’s run to a different town and live like we used to.”

“What are you talking about!? Ehn, don’t listen to them!”

“Then what should she do? If Ehn is innocent, why should she let herself be taken away by these people? She’s just letting her name be stained by muggings she didn’t commit. If testimony from someone they don’t even know they can trust and some lame magic item that can barely be called evidence is enough to make you a criminal, you might as well run, right!?”


“No Ehn! If you run now…!!”

Both Melt and the owner of the cafe, two people who believed in Ehn, yelled with anguish.

If Ehn let Cross and Delta sweet talk her into running away, it would become an implicit admission of guilt.

The guards would also try their best not to let her escape, and even if they failed, she would once again become a criminal, as a fugitive.

But… Delta had a point. If Ehn was innocent, just the fact that the guards were arresting her would derail her life.

The guards paying a visit the previous day was enough to drive customers away from the cafe. If people knew one of this place’s employees was arrested, it could very well lead to it shutting down.

Ehn would lose her place here, and be left out in the cold.

“Let’s run together. Like always. We’ll get away while Delta goes wild, and meet up later. That way, you can escape this trouble.”

“You really think we’ll let you!? On my honor as a guard, I am taking you with me!”

“He! Funny guy, go on and try it…! What’s a pig that only has authority and nothing else going to do about me!?”

Rommelo and Delta provoked each other, glaring at each other as the air in the cafe grew more and more tense.

In the middle of this, Ehn was finding herself unable to keep up with the twists and turns of this situation, when Melt desperately yelled to her.

“Ehn, no! You can’t run away! If you run away here…!!”


Ehn raised her head and whispered Melt’s name, who yelled towards her despite being unable to run to her due to the guards surrounding her.

Ehn was on the verge of tears, but gulped as she looked at the hands of Melt and the owner stretching towards her, when Cross pulled hers.

“Let’s go. Leave this to Delta. You didn’t do anything wrong, so come with us!”

“…Yes, it’s not my fault. I did nothing…”

“That’s right! You don’t need to let them take you if you did nothing wrong! Only an idiot would! So come with us and…”

“…No, that’s not it. If I did nothing wrong… I can’t run away.”


Ehn’s whisper carried a strong will, and she brushed Cross’ hand away.

She walked in front of Rommelo, who was facing Delta, and spoke clearly while everyone was taken aback.

“Rommelo… I’ll go with you. I won’t resist, so investigate all you like… But I’m not going to admit to a crime I didn’t do!”

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6 months ago

Sorry if im complaining too much, but this arc blows; unlikeable characters, boring plot, slow as heck and no MC.

6 months ago
Reply to  OhHellYes

Have patience, things will start to get more interesting in the next chapter.

6 months ago

Can’t believe I already caught up thanks for the translations.