About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 128 – Rocket punch! (The arm doesn’t actually fly)

With that call, Yuugo was clad in a black armor, and ran straight towards Cross.

Melt sent out a magic energy sword to support him, and they began to attack with great coordination.

“Fuah, ha!”


Yuugo got closer, and swung with a right straight.

Cross dodged the attack that used the momentum of Yuugo’s run forward, but Yuugo saw it coming, and stepped forward to unleash a left uppercut.

The fist hit Cross in the stomach, and Yuugo caught and swung the magic energy sword. But despite landing two clean hits, they did not feel right to him.

“…Are you done? It’s my turn then!”


Yuugo’s instincts were correct, as despite being attacked, Cross showed no signs of being hurt.

He remembered what Jinba said about magic swords giving their users incredible power, and assumed the odd feeling he got must have been from some sort of magic energy barrier from the magic sword, while Cross counterattacked.

“Die! Die! Die! Everyone who gets in the way of my future with Ehn must die!”

He swung the magic sword widely, with movements so telegraphed, that they did not seem to be the swings of a swordsman.

Normally, an attack from an untrained civilian would have nothing to it, but… This young man was not normal. The weapon he used was something beyond a layman’s comprehension.

(He’s fast! Is this the power of the magic sword!?)

For Yuugo, who actually faced Cross, this was an unusual situation.

Everything from Cross’ movements to the trajectory of the swords’ swings felt obvious, but he moved incredibly fast. It was like they were not polished moves, but were very difficult to dodge due to their speed alone.

If Yuugo did not train, and did not read these moves before they happened, he would have probably been hit a few times at this point.

That was how fast he was, so Yuugo was thankful from the bottom of his heart that Cross never learned how to use a sword.

(A regular person who’s not used to fighting changed this much!? How dangerous is this magic sword!?)

It made sense how Cross was beating those guards by himself.

This made Yuugo realize that there really would be a lot of damage done if Cross was left to run wild, so he thought he had to stop him here.

But as Yuugo dodged, Melt felt she had to help him, and attacked Cross with a rain of magic energy swords.

“Yuugo, get back!! Teyaah!!”

“Kuh…! You annoying…!”

He stopped attacking Yuugo, and instead swung at the swords of light that rained on him.

Yuugo managed to get away in the meantime, and thanked Melt before they talked strategy.

“Thanks Melt. You really helped me there.”

“What now? He’s using a weapon, so should we counter with a violet armor?”

“…No, that sword is bad news. I should avoid getting hit at all.”

Yuugo saw the attacks of the magic sword up close, and felt something different about the slashes that passed right in front of him.

He felt danger even while wearing Blaster, so he did not want them to touch him. That meant that blocking attacks with the violet armor and counterattacking was not a good choice.

Melt understood he wanted to avoid a close quarters battle, and came up with what she thought was a good plan.

“Then how about we focus on attacking from a distance? Like, hit and run?”

“…That’s for the best. And that new feature is perfect for this.”

“Stop babbling! You’re in the way, so die!!”

Just as Yuugo responded to Melt, Cross recovered and swung his magic sword.

The same kind of dark red magic energy slash they saw inside the cafe flew towards them, so each dodged into a different direction as they called out to each other.

“Melt! Follow my lead!”

“Got it! Let him have it!!”

Yuugo rolled on the ground before getting into position, and glared at Cross, who was exposed after unleashing that big move.

He concentrated magic energy on his right arm to change the shape of Blaster into a cone, and clenched his fist while looking straight at his opponent.

“It’s not flying too well yet, but it shouldn’t be too hard to shoot it in a straight line!”

His position was like a crouching start before a sprint, and he held his right arm almost parallel to the ground, but a bit raised.

There was a loud sound, as magic energy transformed into fire exploded from his right elbow, and Yuugo flew from his low stance directly towards Cross.

“Blaster Rocket Puuuunch!!”

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6 months ago

“Die! Die! Die! Everyone who gets in the way of my future with Melt must die!”

Melt > Ehn

Wrong waifu