About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 129 – Dragon X Fang = Blaster!

“Wha!? What’s that!? Uwaaaah!?”

Cross yelled with his eyes wide open, as Yuugo did something that was completely out of left field.

How could he not be surprised after Yuugo suddenly changed the shape of his right arm, expelled flames from it, and charged at him at an intense speed?

It was so sudden, that all he could do was stand still, as Yuugo let the explosive momentum of the rocket guide his body into a punch that was close to a tackle.

Yuugo then yelled as Cross was sent flying back.

“Melt, now!!”

“Okay! Dodge it, Yuugo!”

Melt was loading magic energy while Yuugo charged at Cross, and created five magic swords with her Seward Ring.

They stood in a line, and once they were directed towards their target, they turned into one big magic energy sword.

She swung her arm just as Cross was getting back to his feet, and yelled while driving this powerful technique towards him.

“Get him! Sword Straight!!”

“Oooooooh!? Y-you…!!”

Cross put his strength into his four limbs to stop the big magic energy sword flying towards him, and withstood the power of Melt’s technique pushing him.

He was slowly pushed back, but still mustered up his strength and unleashed the power of the magic sword. He yelled like a madman, and swung the magic energy sword into the air.

“G-gu… Guoooooooooh!!”

A dark red electric shock surged, as the magic energy expelled by the magic sword turned into a torrent.

As if responding to his intense emotions, this torrent wrapped around his body while he sent the magic energy sword flying just in the nick of time.

“Nuohh! I… I…!! I’m gonna be with Ehn forever…!!”

Cross got through his enemy’s big move, but he had to put everything he had into defending from it, and his body was reaching its limit.

As the magic sword ate away at his consciousness and he vocalized the attachment towards Ehn that spurred him on, he yelled with all of his emotion towards the enemy standing in front of him, and the cafe in the back.

“If it wasn’t for this place…! If it wasn’t for you people! Ehn would always be with me! Disappear! Begone! Vanish!!”

Cross focused blood red magic energy into his magic sword to create a huge slash.

It had the power to cut down his enemies, and the hated place that took Ehn from him.

With the hatred amplified by the curse, he raised his magic sword to unleash the magic energy, with his eyes looking bloodshot, but…

“…I’m not lettin’ you. I told you I’d stop you…!!”


Cross saw Yuugo with a bright red shine in his right arm.

Yuugo’s right arm was back to its original shape, and looked to be in a similar stance to when he blew Cross away.

He stretched his leg back and forth as if warming up his Achilles tendon, clenched his right fist tightly, pulled it back, and slowly turned his body.

Yuugo focusing magic energy on his right hand like this should seem familiar.

Melt brought up two suggestions that were effective against Cross.

One was hit and run, and the other was attacking from a distance.

Attacking from a distance was not as easy for Yuugo as it was for Melt, but he was not completely out of options either.

He had just one long range attack.

It took time to prepare, and it was not very practical, but… Its power was enough to knockout even an opponent with full confidence in their defense.

It was a technique he used the first time he donned Blaster. A simple technique where he concentrated magic energy in his fist, and shot it.

But this time, it had the added feature of turning the magic energy into flames.

Thanks to Blaster being powered up with the magic crystal gifted to him by the friend from the previous battle, the imagination that was Yuugo’s source of power became even more clear and closer to the special move Yuugo had in his mind.

“…Skull, I’m using your power right away!!”

Yuugo whispered to the friend that gave him this power, and attacked.

He pulled back his left arm, and with a strong step forward, pushed his right arm ahead.

Like a karate thrust, and as if his arms were connected to pulleys, he stuck out his right hand and fired the big flame shell created by the magic energy concentrated in it.

“Special move! Dragon Fang Blasteeeeer!!”

“Wha!? Uwaaaah!?”

The flames shot out of Yuugo’s right arm turned into a dragon that assaulted its target.

Cross immediately fired the magic energy he was concentrating to block it, but the dark red magic energy was engulfed by the flaming dragon, and quickly vanished.

It hit directly, and exploded. The fire dragon’s tackle blew the magic sword cleanly out of Cross’ hands.

Cross himself rolled on the ground, and coughed while still reaching for the magic sword, but Yuugo grabbed his hand.

“It’s over. Stop. Don’t make the friends that are worried about you even sadder.”


Maybe it was too much damage, or maybe recoil from using the magic sword, but Cross fell limp and lost consciousness.

Yuugo felt the battle was over, and as he undid the Blaster transformation, Jinba left the cafe and spoke to Rommelo.

“Rommelo, call a relief squad! And a team to deal with the magic sword!”

“Y-yes. I-I will…”

Rommelo was unable to follow this situation at this point, but called for help like Jinba said, despite being a little overcome with shock.

After seeing Rommelo do what he said, Jinba turned to Yuugo.

“Good job Yuugo. Beating a magic sword user is a great achievement!”

“…I got that from fighting him. This weapon is bad news. If Cross knew how to use a sword, or was swallowed by it even more, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

“You’re right… But don’t worry. Rommelo called a squad to retrieve it.

Cross wasn’t completely corrupted, so he should heal with time. Well, he’s still going to have to answer to his crimes.”

“I see. That settles it then…”

After experiencing the terror of the magic sword, Yuugo was still unable to release the tension in his body.

Still, he responded to Jinba, and exhaled as if telling himself it was all over.

“I’m leaving the rest to the guards. I’m really… Tired…!!”

He felt relief over finishing yet another big incident that came from an unexpected place, and fell back, sitting on the ground while looking at the sky.

Cross and Delta were taken by the relief squad while Ehn looked on with worry, and Yuugo prayed to god that there was light in their futures.

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6 months ago

Finisher straight out of ryuuki

1 month ago

“If Cross knew how to use a sword, or was swallowed by it even more, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

if only there’s a sword user looking for a sword