About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 131 – The threat of the magic sword isn’t over

“Yuugo, do you have a moment?”

“Hn? What do you need?”

“I just need to talk to you about something.”

As the party wore on and everyone had fun eating and talking, Jinba suddenly called out to Yuugo with something off about his tone.

Jinba was smiling, but a serious nervousness seeped behind it. Yuugo sensed that smile was not a sincere one, and left everyone behind to speak alone to Jinba, after leaving through the back door.

“What is it all of a sudden? Is it something you can’t say in front of the others?”

“…That’s right. Yuugo, I have a high estimation of you. You’ve done a lot to solve both the incident with the Bull Golems and this one, and stopped the damage from escalating even more. That’s why I’m going to tell you this. It’s top secret, and only a few people among the guards know it, so listen carefully.”

He abandoned the smile he showed in the cafe, and prefaced what he was about to say with a serious expression.

Jinba looked around, checking if they were alone, and declared something surprising to Yuugo.

“…The magic sword was stolen. The magic sword Cross used is missing.”


Yuugo was shocked. He somehow stifled a yell, and threw questions rapidly at Jinba.

“W-who stole it? Where? Are there any clues?”

“I’m sorry, we don’t know anything. It was definitely retrieved by a team of specialists, but it disappeared suddenly before it could be transported. There are no clues either, so we are desperately searching for it..

“No way…! What are the guards doing!?”

“…I’m really sorry. You risked your life fighting it, so the magic sword being stolen is a colossal blunder. All I can do is apologize.”

Yuugo watched Jinba lower his head deeply, and shook his head with frustration.

Jinba was not a part of the retrieval and guard of the magic sword, so there was no point in blaming him, and Yuugo held his tongue.

“I don’t mean this as an excuse, but I don’t believe this was a slip up on the part of Rommelo, who was instructing the guards and transportation. He’s too quick to conclusions and stubborn, but he’s devoted to his job, and he wanted to make up for his failures with Ehn. But…”

“It was still stolen. Are you saying that’s just how skilled the person who did it really is?”

Jinba nodded.

They did not know who did it, but if someone who knew the value and danger of the magic sword, and was powerful enough to steal from under the guards took it… Both had this in mind as they continued.

“How is the search going? How many people are on it?”

“Quite a lot, but we have no leads. Rommelo has taken command, but he’s going to be held responsible for this case.”

“Is he going to be demoted, or transferred?”

“It would be great for him if that was all. But it could very well be…”

Jinba drew a line on his neck with his finger.

Yuugo felt sorry for Rommelo, but was more focused on the danger that was a person holding that magic sword walking around the city. He turned away from Jinba, and whispered to himself.

“But who? What are they planning? Was it that black hooded person that gave the magic sword to Cross in the first place…?”

It made sense to think the string puller behind this case was the one retrieving their magic sword.

But the reality was different. Yuugo had no idea it was actually a selfish boy who was getting too close to being the absolute worst.

The magic sword… Was a lot closer than he thought.

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Kuze Hibiki
Kuze Hibiki
6 months ago

Question : Do you have any plan to translate the character introduction?