About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 140 – Melt VS Claire

“I see, so that…”

Yuugo whispered quietly after hearing Claire.

Her eyes seemed to have pain behind them, but as Yuugo thought about how she was desperate to help someone who had supported her before, she continued.

“After Mister Isaac left, I went out looking for someone to duel him in Mister Zenon’s place, but… Everyone I spoke to turned me down. Even friends from before I joined the Luminous Academy.”

“Makes sense. That Isaac is stupidly strong. No one’s going to want a duel with someone who can beat even the ones seen as prospective heroes.”

“I have been by Mister Zenon’s side this whole time, so I completely misjudged just how strong Mister Isaac is. I had no idea he was so feared.”

Said Claire quietly with a melancholic expression, as if it took effort to get those words out.

Her life and Zenon’s were already in jeopardy, but continuing to be rejected by so many friends before coming here was rough on her already worn down spirit. But as she raised her head, faced Yuugo, and was about to speak…?

“…And then you came to see Yuugo because he’s your last hope. And you’re asking him to fight Isaac in Zenon’s place.”


Claire’s body shivered, and she turned her eyes to where that cold voice came from.

She saw Melt with a serious expression, who continued to speak while looking directly at her.

“I feel bad for you. You really are trying hard for Zenon’s sake… But that’s that and this is this. I think what you’re doing is strange.”

“Hey, Melt. Don’t talk like…”

“Be quiet for a second, Yuugo. I know how you feel, but just listen.”

Yuugo tried to stop Melt from speaking to Claire with that harsh tone, but Angel stepped in to stop him.

The girls had something in mind. Angel stopped Yuugo as if backing up Melt, and after Phi stepped back with an awkward expression, Angel also silently listened to Melt and Claire.

“I get that you’re desperate. You’d have to be to come show your face to your former fiancee with whom you have no ties left. But did you forget just what exactly Zenon did to Yuugo as a means of helping you? The duel is one thing, but he’s been calling Yuugo scum all this time, and even accused him of cheating in Rush’s duel. And he kept tormenting him along with other students!”

“…I am sorry about that. I also bear responsibility for not stopping…”

“You’re not the one who should be bowing. Isn’t that Zenon’s duty!?”

Claire gulped a little.

She must have realized it somewhere deep down. Claire said nothing in return, and Melt continued with emotion in her voice.

“I really think Yuugo’s too nice to say no to you when you’re weak. And I think Phi’s going to want his big brother to help too. But… I’m not going to forgive what Zenon did to Yuugo. If you want Yuugo’s help, get Zenon to apologize in person. You shouldn’t be doing that for him, you should be bringing him here and making him apologize.”

“…You’re right, but right now…”

“Now what? He won’t duel, and he won’t apologize to someone to whom he caused so much trouble? And you want Yuugo to agree to put himself in danger for someone like that? He can’t even do that, and he’s leaving everything to you… Do you really think you can be happy with a guy like that?”


Claire faced down silently, completely unable to say anything back to Melt.

Melt’s words were harsh, but Claire also felt concern in them, and that Melt could not stand to see her in that much of a pitiful position. She stayed quiet for a moment, but then spoke.

“Melt Epee? You are correct. I… Was wrong.”

“…So what now? Are you going to bring Zenon?”

“No… Unfortunately, that would be difficult. He is feeling unstable, and I don’t have enough time to get him to accept it even if I tried to convince him. I don’t have the power to bring him here right away.”

Claire bowed deeply, with an expression that showed she felt pathetic.

And then she faced up, and looked at everyone present.

“I’m very sorry. I understand this was too selfish and shameless. Please forget about this. Excuse me. Thank you for your time.”

After a polite bow, Claire turned around.

She acknowledged she was wrong, and was about to leave… When Yuugo spoke to her.

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5 months ago

Thanks for the chapter, damn cant wait to the next chap

5 months ago

“You’re the one who should be bowing. Isn’t that Zenon’s duty!?”

Youre NOT the one…*

5 months ago

Melt really laying it down hard, and yea she is completely correct to be angry about it.

Though knowing Yuugo is too kind for his own good, he will probably find a compromise just to help Claire (I doubt Melt would let him help unconditionally)