About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 142 – Yuugo and Zenon, before the duel

The next morning, Yuugo and the others walked down an empty hallway, headed to where the duel would be taking place.

When Yuugo dueled Marcos and Rush, it happened in the courtyard, almost put on display, with many spectators gathered. But this duel will be held in secret.

This was most likely arranged by Claire, to preserve Zenon’s dignity.

It made sense to assume it was so the students did not see Zenon being saved by the person he called scum this whole time.

This situation with such a heavy information control made them a little nervous, when they faced Claire, who was waiting for them in the anteroom with… Someone who appeared to have followed her there, Zenon.

“…It’s been a while.”

Was the first thing Yuugo said.

Normally he would then ask if he was doing well, or how he was doing, but looking at him made Yuugo hesitate.

The golden eyes that once housed lively vitality were completely dead, and his silver hair that shined under the sunlight was an unsightly mess.

Zenon once gave off the lively image of a prince of a fairy-tale, or a hero in a game, but that was nowhere to be seen.

Yuugo had no idea what happened with him after the incident in the Yum-Yum Mountain, but… He was immediately concerned when he saw just how much he changed in the space of a month.

“Mister Yuugo, thank you very much for listening to our rude request today. Firstly, I would like to fulfill the first promise… Mister Zenon.”

“Uh, u-uu…”

Zenon groaned while standing up, after being prompted by Claire.

The frustration was seeping from his expression, but just as Melt was about to grab Yuugo and take him away, Angel and Hercus managed to somehow stop her.

“Mister Zenon, didn’t you promise yesterday? You are the one asking for help, so do what you must do with Mister Yuugo.”

“…I know, I know.”

Yuugo knew very well how Zenon felt. Bowing to someone he called scum this whole time would greatly hurt his pride.

If they were out in public, there was no way Zenon could apologize. That was why Claire so desperately created this scenario where they would be hidden.

And as Yuugo thought to himself that she really did have to do that, Zenon slowly lowered his head, and apologized while sounding like he was biting his lips with humiliation.

“Yuugo Clay… I humbly apologize for all the rude things I have done…! And I thank you for listening to my request…! I will never forget this debt…!!”

“Don’t worry ’bout it. I don’t.”

Truthfully, the apology seemed to not have much feeling to it. But Yuugo knew that him bowing in front of Claire and Melt had meaning in and of itself, so he responded with as bright a voice as he could.

That took care of the first condition. Melt did not look too happy, but thought that what mattered was that Yuugo accepted it.

Claire also bowed, and then spoke.

“Mister Isaac is already waiting in the arena. Once you are ready, please start the duel…”

“Yes, okay.”

Said Yuugo. He would lose nothing if he lost this duel, but… To Claire, this was a fight for her life.

He thought she could have just refused to be put up as a prize, but figured there must have been things going on behind the curtain related to her being a noble.

He left the room, thinking about how there must be troubling circumstances he could not even imagine going on with her, and as he approached the arena, he saw a grinning Isaac.

“Hey Claire! Did you find a replacement… Scum Yuugo!? Why are you here!? N-no way…!?”

“…Mister Yuugo will be dueling in Mister Zenon’s place. Is that a problem?”

“Eh… I see…! Fufu, That’s pathetic Zenon, having to rely on the guy you kept looking down on as scum. Don’t you think you’d be better with me than with that pitiful man?”

“…I have decided this is my time to support him. Even if I am a caged bird, I will do what I can. No matter what others think, I am with Mister Zenon now, so it is my duty to support him… This time, I will do what I failed to do before. If not…”

…When Claire said before, Yuugo knew she was talking about him.

Yuugo felt responsible for not being a good fiance, but she also felt regret over not being a good partner to him.

Also, he was not the only one who felt something after listening to Melt the previous day. Claire also realized she could not just be nice and go along with her partner’s wishes, and felt embarrassed about her past self.

It was not just Zenon, if she admonished and warned Yuugo when he was her fiance, things might have gone differently.

Even if she could not correct that personality that was said to be the worst of scum, surely there was something she could have done, she thought.

Those feelings that were somewhere within her heart came to the surface after hearing Melt.

That was why she was going to do her best to support Zenon, like she should have done with Yuugo.

Yuugo was not sure if this was correct, but at the very least, he saw her trying her best to move forward.

Then… As a hero, he had only one thing to do.

Win this battle.

“That’s enough talking. If you’re ready, let’s start.”

“Hn? What’s the rush… Well, whatever.”

Yuugo interjected, as if covering for Claire as they talked, and looked straight at Isaac.

Isaac casually ignored that intense stare of someone ready to fight, and smiled without a hint of nervousness.

“Mister Yuugo… I will pray for your success. Please stay safe…!”

“Thanks Claire.”

After one last bow, Claire went to where she would be watching the duel. And after thanking her, Yuugo looked at the others.

Phi, Melt, Angel, Hercus, and Claire. Everyone except Zenon, who was too grief-stricken and waited in the anteroom, were there. And after nodding to them, Yuugo faced Isaac again, and spoke.

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Simon Glitch
Simon Glitch
5 months ago

By the way I would like to add my opinion on this: Yuugo should not genuinely (in his heart) associate with old Yuugo and accept his guilt. I would not feel guilty for things that my consciousness had not done and for memories I did not have and events that I had no personal memory of as evidence. However, I think Yuugo should still be willing to comply with saying that he accepts the blame and acting on it. Regardless of what he says though, he should never genuinely accept a crime he never saw himself do. Basically, I’m saying he should lie about accepting the blame of the old Yuugo.