About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 163 – Encounter! The villain and the mastermind!

“Ah, ua, uu…”

After the flames were gone, Neid was shown to be back in his human form.

He let out pained groans as he lost consciousness, and it was clear the fight was over.

The hammer that made the magic swords got caught in the blast and was destroyed.

Yuugo looked down at Neid, who was surely not going to make any more of those dangerous weapons, and sighed before looking up and speaking quietly.

“…I know you’re there. Come out.”

“Ooh, not bad! Do you have sharp senses or…”

A droll voice that did not match this atmosphere responded to Yuugo.

Yuugo turned around slowly, and after his eyes caught the person wearing a black hood, they stared at each other for a while.

“When did you realize I was here?”

“It’s not a matter of when. You were the one who turned Rush into a monster armor beast too, weren’t you? You took him somewhere after I beat him and killed him. I figured you’d do the same with Neid.”

“I see…! Is that why you took him down in such an over the top way with a big blast? To stop me from approaching him…? I shouldn’t have turned him into a cyclops. I should have gone with a weaker monster armor beast.”

Kukuku, heard Yuugo as the black hooded person let out a throaty laugh, and Yuugo squinted and glared.

He faced the one behind Rush’s serial kidnappings and killings, and this incident with Neid, and was on high alert. But the black hooded person clapped and spoke.

“You’re really amazing, actually trying to save him! There’s good and bad things to be said about that, but I like you! You’ve got yourself a fan!”

“Hearing a villain praise me isn’t going to make me happy. Who are you anyway? Why are you doing this?”

“Don’t be in such a hurry, Yuugo Clay… Or rather, Yuugo Kurei. If I suddenly explained everything, what would we have to look forward to?”


Yuugo’s eyes were wide open when he heard the black hooded person call him by his old name.

This opening did not go unnoticed by the black hooded person, who snapped their fingers with a grin.

“Agah!? Agagagagagaga!”

“Neid!? What did you do!?”

With that snapping sound, Neid’s body started spasming, and he appeared to be in pain.

Yuugo ran to him while worried for his safety, while the black hooded person responded with a faint smile.

“When I scouted him, I did some trickery, so I just activated it. It’s okay, it won’t kill him or make him mentally unwell! It will just… Remove all his memories from birth until now. Don’t worry!”


The black hooded person spoke lightly about a heavy blow being dealt to Neid, prompting Yuugo to stand up, clearly angry.

He looked at the black hooded person while clenching his fists tightly, who responded with a somewhat joking tone.

“Wawawah! Time out, time out! I’m not here to fight you. And I’m honestly really weak. If we fought, you’d beat me up for sure.”

“Even if you don’t want to fight, I do. I need to beat you before you make a mess of this world!”

“Hahahahaha! All the more reason for you to stop! Beating me won’t make a difference! Someone else will take my place!”

Said the black hooded person before another finger snap, and Garuda stopped fighting Skull, to put the black hooded person on its back and fly high.

They flew where Yuugo could not reach them, and the black hooded person looked down at him and spoke.

“Let’s leave it here for today. You’ve taken a lot of damage from using the flaming armor, right? By stopping Neid from escaping, you stopped more magic swords from being made, and I at least kept him from talking.

Sounds like we both got what we wanted, so I’d say it’s seventy-three… No eighty-two percent your victory. I will tell you two things, as a way to reward you for your victory.”

The black hooded person slowly raised their index finger and smiled, before continuing with an amused tone.

“First, there is an evil lurking in this world that I can’t possibly deal with. If you want to save this world, you need to get stronger. You’ll need it one day. Make sure to train at least enough that you won’t have any regrets when the day comes.

Also, I’ll tell you my name. Well, codename. I mean, you can’t refer to me by my black hood forever, right? That’s all sorts of inconvenient.”

They flew higher and higher, and the black hooded person spoke with a teasing tone, without even showing their face.

With a voice that made it unclear if they were male or female, the black hooded person who caused these incidents introduced themselves to who was supposedly a villain.

“…Lost, that’s my name. Remember it, my hero… I’ll look forward to seeing another splendid performance the next time we meet. Until next time…!!”

Was all the black hooded… Lost, said before leaving.

Garuda looked smaller and smaller in the sky, as Yuugo whispered with a displeased tone.

“Lost… They know who I really am. Did Lost reincarnate here too…?”

Yuugo still did not understand anything, but like Lost said, there was an evil lurking in this world that was worse than he could imagine.

He felt as though he had touched the tip of that iceberg, as he continued to silently stare in the direction where Lost flew away.

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3 months ago

damn! classic toku s**t right here

3 months ago

Of course the mastermind reveals their self, and in typical toku fashion we’re left with a bundle of questions.

1 month ago

The possibility that this “Lost” might be the reason why Yuugo Kurei is in the body of Yuugo Clay did not escape me

Hell he might possibly even be the original Yuugo Clay!??!?