About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 169 – The birth of master Yuugo!

“Hum… Can you just introduce yourself first?”

“Yes, understood.”

Some time after the girl approached Yuugo, they were in the corner of the school’s yard Yuugo called home, and Yuugo along with his friends listened to her.

Yuugo was still taken aback by this whole thing, as the girl introduced herself.

“My name is Mizari Pym, and I am in the first year of high school like Yuugo. I am asking you to accept me as your pupil.”

“Hum… Pym? Why would you want that? I’m not that kind of person…”

“Call me Mizari. I can explain everything, including that, so will you listen to what I have to say?”

She was very polite, but it seemed cold because her expression never changed.

But since she was asking to become Yuugo’s pupil, they assumed she did not hold negative feelings towards him. They all just accepted this was what she was like.

And so, she began to explain why she wanted to be Yuugo’s pupil.

“It is very simple. I specialize in close quarters combat, so in that sense, we are very much alike. However, my actual power can only be called unfortunate… And I am not improving a lot.”

“But do you really need to be my pupil? Classes are about to start again, so if you get a teacher to take a look at…”

“No. I want to escape this situation right away. I want to become stronger before classes start, even if a little bit.”


Mizari faced down a little, as Yuugo wondered why she wanted to become strong so badly.

“I’m sorry for not giving a clear answer, but I need to become stronger, even if not a lot. And I want to do what I can to achieve that now… Can you please guide me?”

“Hm… I guess it’s fine, but why me? You know people in school call me scum, right? And they say I have a bad habit of going after girls too, so aren’t you scared about being the pupil of someone like me?”

“No, I do not feel strongly about that. Like Melt, I joined this school this year. And…”


“…Claire introduced you to me, and I trust her.”

Everyone was surprised to hear that name, but Mizari continued to explain quietly.

“I spoke to Claire not long ago about my worries with my development. She is a kind person, who treated even me well, and she said you would definitely help me. And I trust her…”

“I see… So it was Claire.”

Yuugo was confused about how Mizari got the idea to go to him, but if Claire suggested it, it made sense.

He felt the distance between her and the other students might have been reduced when he entrusted her with returning materials he took from Isaac, and sighed before turning back to Mizari.

“All right! I don’t know what I can do, but I’ll try to help. Welcome aboard, Mizari.”

“No, thank you, master… Ah, I have nothing to repay you for your kindness, but… Although my body is very poor compared to the other two, I believe it could be at least a change of taste, so feel free to do with it as you like…”

“Hey, hold it right there. Don’t say weird things in front of my little brother! It’s not like that. I’m not expecting you to repay me!”

Yuugo responded, getting worked up due to being unable to understand if Mizari was joking or serious, due to her expressionless face.

The other two girls smiled awkwardly, and as he felt the pressure that came from them watching, Yuugo pulled himself together and asked a question.

“So… What kind of magic item do you use? I want to know about its performance and abilities, so can you tell me?”

“I want to know too! I’m not too good at brawling, but I think I can help with handling a magic item!”

“And I’m a technician, so I might be able to give you advice. I want to hear if I can.”

“Thank you. My magic item, is this…”

Mizari said while rolling up the sleeve of her extended right arm.

They looked at it, and saw a yellow and black armor, like a gauntlet that extended from her arm to the back of her hand. And there was a silver needle coming out of the wrist.

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3 months ago

Assassin’s creed, any one?

3 months ago

Zectors engage, Kamen Rider THE BEE! It’s all fun and games until the bee needle shows up XD

3 months ago
Reply to  Jojo

The bee users are always weak regardless of universe, even here. Such a shame

3 months ago

Her name is Pym? The author is referencing Western superheroes now huh? I want to say she is the Wasp but I don’t remember if Wasp ever used needles.

2 months ago
Reply to  Laisy96

THE BEE Zecter from Kabuto is actually a wasp, not a bee. The cast-off announcement even said so, ‘Change Wasp’ so this actually made it a double reference of Marvel and Kabuto XD