About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 17 – Start the battle!

“What an ugly monster. Is this what a monster armor beast is like?”


Those scornful words echoed in the dark cave, and after hearing them, the arachlaw groaned and raised its head in their direction.

Marcos stood boldly in front of the monster, while clicking the Giga Scissors covering his left arm and pointing them at the monster armor beast.

“I am Marcos Bolg, the eldest son of the Bolg family. Unsightly monster, I have come for your head!”

“Wai!? What is he doing!?”

Yuugo said, as he turned pale at the sight of Marcos introducing himself to the arachlaw and snorting proudly.

Yuugo was panicked by Marcos’ foolish actions of exposing himself when he did not know how many enemies they were facing or where they were, and quickly turned to Melt.

“Melt, let’s go rescue the passengers right away! If the enemies that are hiding use them as hostages, we’ll be in trouble!”

“G-got it!”

They were going to think about it a bit longer, and move in a way that prioritized the safety of the captives.

As Yuugo told himself that resenting Marcos for ruining that was futile, he figured they could at least use his distraction to save the passengers. And so, he jumped out with Melt, and headed towards the captives.

“Are you all right!? We’re here to save you! Hold on, please don’t move!”

Yuugo desperately tried to save the people, as he cut the thread with a knife provided to him by Melt and her Seward Ring.

But it was hard for just two people to release dozens of passengers from the tough arachlaw thread, and it would take time.

Melt had the rescued people who still had the energy help them with additional knives created by her, but it would still take time.

As Yuugo continued his rescue efforts, hurried by the thought that the monster armor beasts could attack at any moment, he held onto the hope that Marcos would at least take out that one arachlaw.

But when he turned his way…

“D-dammit! Cheating monsters!”


Unfortunately, what he saw was Marcos spewing abuse in the middle of a tough fight.

Marcos was fighting the arachlaw, but once two more emerged from the shadows, he found himself in a disadvantageous three-on-one fight.

Furthermore, the scissors of his Giga Scissors were bound with thread, meaning he could not open them.

The scissors were powerful when they closed, but they had to open first.

Once that power was taken away from it, his magic item only served the purpose of being armor that protected his left arm and shoulder. It was close to being nothing more than decoration.

“They learn! They saw Marcos fight with the other arachlaw, and realized the weakness of his magic item!”

Arachlaw were scary because they inherited spider abilities from giant spiders… Is what Yuugo thought as he saw their thread and claws, but as he watched Marcos struggle with them, he realized there was something even more threatening.

Intelligence. The cunning from goblins to use the weapons in their bodies to their full ability, find weak points in their opponents, and find the right way to exploit them.

And as Yuugo understood how scary it was that the monster armor beasts combined abilities of two kinds of monsters, he looked around at the darkness.

(There are three arachlaw over there! There are still enemies lurking, and they’re definitely looking our way!!)

There were at least five enemies. If Marcos was facing three, that left at least two monster armor beasts.

Yuugo figured that now that the monsters established a way to deal with Marcos, they would definitely turn their attention to the people rescuing the captives. And right there, a white sticky thread flew straight towards his right hand, that was holding the knife.


“Yuugo!? Kyah!!”

Yuugo dropped the violet shining knife after the sudden attack, and his right hand was stuck to the wall. And at the same time, arachlaw swung on threads like Tarzan and jumped towards Melt.

Surely they saw her create knives from her ring. They held her hand down, and screamed with joy while drooling.


“Gi, gi, giiih!”

“You…! Let go of me!”

Melt was pressed down on the bare rock, and desperately tried to resist, but the arachlaw putting its body weight on her did not budge.

The magic armor beasts looked from Melt’s beautiful face to her chest with filthy eyes, and exposed their fangs as they laughed, and the other one readied its sharp claws to rip her clothes.

“Gujujuju! Guhohoho!!”

“Don’t screw with me you perverts! You really think I’m going to show you my underwear!?”

Melt put up a barrier using magic energy to stop her clothes from being ripped, but once her magic energy was exhausted, the barrier would be broken.

The passengers were too scared of the arachlaw to move in to help, and just screamed.

Meanwhile, Yuugo infused the bracelet on his left arm with magic energy, and yelled loudly while clenching his fist.

“Hen… Shin!!”


There was an explosion of crimson light, and as the arachlaw felt the flow of magic energy and screamed, their bodies were sent flying.

Yuugo ripped the thread binding his right hand as he unleashed Blaster, followed by him kicking one monster pressing on Melt, and throwing the other.

“Magic energy supply complete!! Let’s go!!”

Yuugo isolated the monsters both from the captives and the other monsters, and infused Blaster with magic energy.

He sent magic energy to the crystals in his ankles to strengthen his jump, and leapt towards the arachlaw. And at the same time, he infused his right hand with magic energy and held it above his head.

The arachlaw saw a dark armored knight striking from above, and shot thread from the mouth, but Yuugo’s chop cut it in two and exploded on its head.

“Seyah! Tah!!”


One arachlaw saw the other being struck in the head, and a red light running from the top of its head to its crotch. And the next moment, the arachlaw that was struck by Yuugo’s chop split in two and collapsed.

The other arachlaw then received a sweeping attack as Yuugo turned around, and was bisected without even being given the time to be surprised by the death of its friend.

“Blaster Dynamic Slash…! Powerful to the point of tears, uh?”

He said it afterwards… Thought the people watching the fight, as Yuugo ran over to Melt, who had sat up and was also watching.

She snapped out of it and got up while smacking the dirt off her clothes, as Yuugo smiled and nodded from underneath the helmet.

“It looks like you’re all right. Sorry Melt, but can you look after them?”

“I can… But what about you?”

“At this point, we have to take them all out. I have to help Marcos too or he’ll be in danger, so I’m going to take them down!”

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Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

First fight with Kaiju, let’s GOOOO!!!

8 months ago

They are really using all the cliches and playing em for comedy. Even the “dumb young master” cliché

6 months ago

Yelling out attack names is corny until you see the explosion behind his back and the defeated enemies