About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 175 – Verber Rota

“Give it back! Give me back my Wasp Needle!”

“Hehehe, don’t be like that. I’m just giving you some advice with a practical demonstration.”

In the training area, there was Mizari, and the boy with her magic item on his left arm, who showed it off to her and spoke with an odious tone.

Mizari tried to get it back, but the other two guys held her back, meaning she could barely even move.

Yuugo and the others ran to them, and the moment they saw what was going on, yelled at the boys tormenting Mizari.

“What do you think you’re doing!!?”

“Ah…? If it isn’t that scum Yuugo. A weakling and scum together, how interesting.”

“Aren’t you ashamed of ganging up on a girl like this? Who are you to call others scum?”


One of the other students was angry at Yuugo’s words.

The situation was volatile, when Phi approached from behind and asked Hercus about the others.

“Hercus, who is that…?”

“Verber Rota, basically the representative of the students who got upset because the hero prospects never talked to them. His friends are like him, messing with people they don’t like in this way.”

Hercus explained to Phi that Verber was basically the poster boy for what himself and the others were talking about just now. Someone who vented his frustrations by taking them out on others.

This boy with a nasty personality refused to listen to Yuugo.

“That’s Mizari’s magic item. Give it back.”

“Ah! Hold on. I’m just giving her a demonstration and advice because she’s not improving…. Like this!”

Verber focused magic energy on his right arm, and extended the needle.

With a grin on his face, he attacked the log that was there in place of a sandbag, and the magic energy needle pierced it deeply, displaying enough power to carve it to the base.

“How’s that? This is how you really use it! Mizari, you can’t do this, can you?”

“Don’t make fun of me! I can do that much!”

“Ah! Liar. Your attack broke when it hit the log just now. Stop putting on airs, you weakling.”

“That was…!!”

“That’s enough, Mizari. There’s no point in talking to him. I know what you’re trying to say, so don’t worry.”

Verber was not listening to her anyway, so trying to talk to him was a waste of time.

When Yuugo stated his conclusion, he put out his hand towards Verber, and spoke with a glare.

“Are you happy now? Then give the magic item back and get out of here.”

“Ah…? No. Giving it back to Mizari is a waste.”


Verber grinned as he provoked Yuugo.

He then looked at Mizari, and continued in a mocking tone.

“Isn’t it a waste for you to have a magic item you can’t use? You don’t have talent or power, you’re just a weakling chasing after her father. Poor magic item, having to be used by someone like you. It would be better off with someone like me, don’t you think?”


Mizari gasped as she heard this terrible verbal abuse, and faced down, speechless.

Her shoulders trembled out of frustration, but just as Yuugo was at his limit, unable to hold back as Verber hurt her for his own amusement, and was about to blast him with his anger…

“…Calm down, Yuugo. It’s not your place.”

Marcos put his hand on Yuugo’s shoulder, and stopped him.

Yuugo raised his head with surprise, and Marcos continued.

“You can’t just jump into your pupil’s personal fights. That would shame both of you. No matter how angry you’re feeling, stay back, I’ll handle it.”

“Ah? Now’s the guy that the scum took out in one hit! Are you sure you want to brag like that? Didn’t you just get back after you got hurt? You’re gonna be sent home again!”

“Ahh… It’s frightening just how much some people don’t know their place. Very well, I will shut your mouth soon enough.”

Marcos walked slowly in front of Yuugo, as he activated his Giga scissors in front of Verber.

He faced the person glaring at him, and looked back with a sort of pity.

“Three minutes. That is how long it will take for you to understand your foolishness. Come at me when you’re ready.”

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1 month ago

Thinking about it, isn’t it kind of concerning there are quite a lot of bullies in a school where nobles attend? You would think they have a higher level of standards when it come to discipline.

1 month ago

f**k him up marcos!!!