About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 178 – Let’s discuss the direction of the training!

“I think the lack of power in your finishing blows comes from a lack of magic energy, but isn’t the biggest problem that you disperse it and don’t replenish it enough?”

“Disperse and don’t replenish…?”

“Yes, well… Basically…”

After Mizari decided to change up her fighting style, Yuugo explained it in front of her and the others.

He wanted to help his pupil, who took a good look at herself and realized what was most important to her, and put out both of his arms to explain.

“When you fight, you keep your opponents in check with your left arm, and deliver the finishing blow with your right, and I think you infuse the same magic energy in both. It’s like fifty-fifty.”

“Yes, I guess that’s the impression I have…?”

To Mizari, who mainly used combos like a boxer, each arm had different but important roles.

She used her right arm for strong attacks, but she needed her left to throw jabs to create an opening.

Yuugo, who was primarily a fighter, understood this in theory, but thought the reason for her lack of power in the end lied there.

Phi also knew what he was thinking, and nodded lightly.

“I see… If you disperse magic energy to the left and right, you can’t display enough power…”

“Yes, that’s what I think. If Mizari focuses her magic energy only on her right arm, she can attack with as much strength as that Verber, right?”

“Yes, I can if I focus on one arm. But throwing out blows like that is different than attacking in a combo, so that’s how I’ve been practicing.”

What Mizari said to Verber before was not a lie. She could pierce a log with one hit if she wanted to, but since there was little chance she would do that in an actual battle, she did not practice it.

Also, the reason why she could not focus magic energy on her right arm in the middle of battle, was her inability to replenish it.

“Let’s say you throw off your opponent’s balance during a battle using jabs. You have to infuse your right arm with magic energy to strike with it, but since you punch at high speed with both arms, when you suddenly take advantage of an opening, you don’t have time to infuse your right arm with magic energy, when it’s split evenly between the two.

Your one-two punch rhythm is too fast.”

“Come to think of it big brother, when you throw your opponent off their balance and set up a big move, you charge your magic energy from there.”

“Also, his magic energy is on another level. Even if you split the magic energy evenly in both arms, there’s a big difference in the amount of magic energy Mizari and Yuugo have. That’s going to make a difference in the power too.”

“…I think that’s the difference between me and my father. I think the difference in magic energy is a bigger wall than the difference in body type and strength that comes with being a different gender…”

Even if she tried to focus her magic energy in one arm, she wouldn’t be able to, because of her high speed in battle.

Because of this, her magic energy that was not abundant to begin with was not all focused in her right arm, leading to weak attacks. That was Yuugo’s idea.

Mizari heard a member of the technical department agree, and felt down as she once again realized how different she was from her father. But Yuugo encouraged her.

“I guess your father would be very different from you, but I think you have a weapon that wouldn’t lose to him.”

“Eh…? What are you…?”

“The speed of your jabs. I was having a really hard time watching them. I don’t think I caught them all.”

When Yuugo faced Mizari, he was not only looking for her weak points, but also at what weapons she had.

Mizari’s greatest weapon was the looseness and speed of her left jabs.

Her small stature meant her reach was short, and she could not keep her opponents too far away, but… Her speed was among the best.

Yuugo thought her pure speed might be on par with Isaac’s when he used the magic swords, when she turned to him with a question.

“But master, no matter how fast my jabs are, it doesn’t matter if I can’t land a decisive blow. The problem is the power in my right blows…”

“No no, do you see the big picture here? The problems are that you disperse your magic energy into both arms, and that it’s hard to focus it in one.

But if we look at this another way… Don’t you think this can be solved if you don’t use both arms? So basically…”

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2 months ago

“When you fight, you keep your opponents in check with your left arm, and deliver the finishing blow with your left, and I think you infuse the same magic energy in both. It’s like fifty-fifty.”

One of this should be a right hand otherwise it wouldnt be 50/50