“Listen Mizari. Keep your opponent’s attention on your left jabs, and just as he’s forgotten you have a right arm, hit him with it. Even an attack lightly strengthened with magic energy can deal a lot of damage if it catches him by surprise, and it will throw off his posture. And then… Really let him have it. I’ll tell you the most important thing at that time.”
At the last moment, Mizari thought back to what her master taught her.
She followed this, and prepared herself to unleash her strongest attack.
“The most important thing is perfect harmony… My big bro I respect said so. Well, he started saying there’s no such thing as perfect harmony at the end, but let’s ignore that… What’s important is to not get too worked up or strain yourself too much. A martial artist needs heart, technique, and strength, and not one of these qualities should be ahead of the others. They should come together perfectly.
But you can believe in your efforts, and crash them against him. If you do that, I’m sure… Your attack will work!”
The air began to hum.
It was the sound of the tip of Wasp Needle on Mizari’s left arm and the magic energy whirling around it stirring the air.
Hit him with everything she had. Not too worked up, not too strained, just… Trusting her friends who believed in her.
Mizari felt her mind boosted by magic energy, her polished techniques, and her body lunging were all in perfect harmony, as she unleashed a left straight punch at Verber’s chest from a slightly low angle.
A sharp sound echoed, almost as if a bullet hit a body, almost as if something had carved a body. Everyone watched as Verber was blown back by Mizari’s full-powered attack, and he opened his mouth.
“…Fu, fuha, fuhahahaha…! Hi, hihihi! Hihihihihihihi!!”
He laughed like a madman, and looked up at Mizari with a mocking expression.
Mizari still had not moved since executing her attack, and Verber spoke as if declaring his victory.
“Idiot! Idiot! You had your chance, and went for the spot with the hardest defense! I got through it just fine! You missed your chance right when it mattered!”
Verber sneered while proudly showing his unharmed chest.
After withstanding his opponent’s special move, Verber was elated because he thought this would be his turn, but… Mizari did not move at all, and continued looking at him.
“Now it’s my turn, Mizari! And I’m gonna thank you for all that!”
“Crying won’t cut it! You’re really gonna geh ih… Uh…?”
Verber felt his body losing its strength, and had a hard time speaking.
He fell to his knees, as this sudden languid feeling made it so he could not stand. And as he began to panic, a dry sound echoed in his ear.
He looked down, saw a clean hole in the breastplate that was unharmed just now, and let out a sound that showed he could not understand it.
He continued looking at the hole, that opened as if it just now realized it was hit, and his face turned pale as he understood what happened.
(D-did that attack penetrate the magic energy barrier, and had the power to damage the breastplate? But then…!?)
Mizari’s full-powered attack got through the barrier that was meant to protect his body, and had the magic energy to even open a hole in the breastplate that boasted high quality and strength.
He noticed that were it not for that breastplate, that hole would have been in his body instead, and at the same time, understood that the languid feeling that assaulted him was a result of the impact of the attack he did not block.
“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh…! N-no way… !?”
His breathing became faster and faster, and his vision darkened as his consciousness gradually faded.
Lastly, he let out a short breath, and his body collapsed in a seiza position as he completely lost consciousness.
“V-Verber!? No way!?”
“H-hey! Verber!!”
“…The needle with the spiral rotating magic energy was made as hard as it could be. His magic barrier was weak too, but the attack also had more than enough power when Mizari punched it into Verber.”
“I think it’s good for Mizari that he had that breastplate. Without it, she would’ve caused her opponent some serious injuries.”
Yuugo and Marcos calmly gave their analysis of this duel, and discussed the difference in the power being displayed.
Mizari was never in danger, and won after a perfect showcase of her power. And as they turned their eyes back to her, she clenched her fists, and slowly began to feel what just happened.
“I won…? I just won…?”
She really felt that she fought as planned, and exhibited plenty of power.
Mizari made big progress and grasped at victory, and as her chest was filled with this emotion, she came to her senses, and turned around.
“Nice! Good job, Mizari!”
“Master Yuugo…!!”
Her master gave her a thumbs up and praised for her duel and victory.
Others like Marcos and Melt clapped, and before she knew it, there were tears in her eyes.
Still… She knew what she should show the people who helped her were not tears, so she smiled broadly with tears still in her eyes, and gave her master a thumbs up back, responding to the blessings of her friends.
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Super hero reference TIIIIIME:
Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger, the main trio were martial artists with each member representing one part of the perfect harmony; heart, technique and body.
I’m pretty sure this was in reference to Kamen Rider Kabuto’s Kamen Rider TheBee’s first user who touted his Perfect Harmony early in the series