About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 189 – Oh right, he was scum

“Hello! Excuse me!”

“Hn? You…”

Yuugo arrived at the home economics room with Marcos, and cheerfully called out to the students there.

One student wearing glasses walked towards them, and he started talking after bowing and saying hello.

“Yuugo Clay? What do you need here?”

“I’m sorry for showing up all of a sudden. I need to ask you guys of the cooking club a favor…”

Yuugo explained that his little brother was working too hard, and he wanted to go out somewhere so he could relax, so he wanted the cooking club to help with the boxed lunches.

The boy with the glasses quietly listened and nodded.

“I see, I would like to help, if it’s for your little brother…”

“Yes! Of course, I’m not asking you to do it for free, so will you accept?”

“Hm… Sorry to tell you this at this point, but I’m the vice-president, I can’t make decisions without the president. But the president should be here soon, so can you explain that again?”

“Got it! Thanks!”

Yuugo smiled warmly at the vice-president who took the time to talk to him, and thanked him. And as he waited for the president, who was the one who could make decisions, he looked around the home economics room, that he was seeing for the first time.

“This is pretty nice. The equipment all looks brand new. The students must be handling it with care…!”

“Hahaha, thank you for the compliment, but that’s not it. The home economics room was remodeled recently, so we really did get new equipment.”

“Remodeled? I see… So you got new stuff with the new school term?”

“Hm, that’s not quite it either… It was because of that incident a while back.”


Yuugo asked as he tilted his head, and the vice-president smiled and talked about the new home economics room.

“A while back, when there was the middle school graduation, the president decided to cook for us, myself included, to celebrate our advancement to high school. It was a fun party, but then a bad student joined it.”

“Eh? That happened? And then what?”

“No one invited him, but he jumped right in and started eating the food the president prepared, and immediately started saying it was trash and perfect dull food for the lower classes. In the end, he talked about punishment for making him eat bad food, and destroyed some of the equipment… We had to suspend our activities for a while.”

“What!? How could he do something so awful!?”

“True. Some people really are that awful…”

Yuugo listened to the vice-president, and was angry at this student who caused damage to the home economics room and caused so much grief to the cooking club.

The president wanted to do something nice for the juniors in the club, so the idea of a student stepping all over it really angered Yuugo, but then he noticed something was off.

“Hn? Uh…?”

The members of the cooking club that were all making noise and having fun at the start, were now dead silent.

All of them were glaring in Yuugo’s direction… And some held utensils like knives and frying pans with a silent pressure to them. Yuugo thought of something, and turned to Marcos with a question.

“M-Marcos, could it be that the student that destroyed the home economics room…”

“…It was you, Yuugo.”

“I-I knew it… Wai, hey, why didn’t you tell me!?”

“I tried to, but you stepped in here before I could. What was I supposed to do?”

Marcos responded calmly to the question Yuugo asked after realizing his bad conjecture was correct.

Yuugo expressed gratitude to Marcos for withstanding those cold gazes along with him. But when he turned away from Marcos and faced forward with the awkward movements of an unoiled tin doll, he saw that the gentle smile on the vice-president’s face had turned into an angry expression, and his face was twitching.

“You have some nerve…! After everything you did, how dare you come to us with a request like that…!!?”

“I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I’m sorry! I really am! I-I lost my memory, so I had no idea that happened. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for everything I did before!!”

“You really think it’s that easy!? We’re not going to listen to any request from you! How about we mince you to make hamburger steak and feed that to your little brother!?”

The vice-president said something very violent, and he did not appear to be joking.

Yuugo was scared, thinking if he played his cards wrong, he really might turn him into ground meat. Then he realized the other students had surrounded them before he knew it, and as he continued to apologize, what seemed like a goddess appeared to save him.

“Hey! Stop that, everyone. Don’t you feel bad for grilling someone that’s apologizing?”

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1 month ago

Man they really need to tell him what past him did at the school.
I wonder if we ever gonna meet him again.

1 month ago

Man! The puns are serving this chapter. Precia Rice (Pressurize, like a pressure cooker). Hao Chi (“Delicious” in Mandarin).