About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 190 – The president of the cooking club, Precia Rice


The vice-president, who was acting on behalf of the other club members and pressing Yuugo, turned pale as he heard a soft female voice chastising them.

The others quickly walked away from Yuugo to form a path for the female student who walked towards him, and spoke to him with a light smile.

“I’m sorry Yuugo. They’re all normally really nice kids.”

“Ah, no… I’m the bad one here, so this reaction is understandable.”

“That’s right president! We don’t have any reason to apologize to… Muguh!?”

“Yes yes, when you’re angry, eat something sweet and calm down. Everyone relax, relax~…!”

The vice-president sounded a little calmer, but still angry, and the president took out a marshmallow from somewhere to stuff it in his mouth.

That finally turned the home economics room quiet, and allowed the girl to introduce herself to Yuugo.

“You lost your memory, right…? Then let me introduce myself. I am the president of this cooking club, Precia Rice. This is the vice-president, Hao Chi. He’s a first year just like you, so try to get along.”

“I don’t intend to get along with him one bit! Absolutely not!”

Hao angrily let air out of his nose while looking at Yuugo with an annoyed expression.

Yuugo thought that reaction was normal from Hao’s point of view, and Precia asked him a question.

“So what brings you here?”

“Ah, hum… Actually, blah blah, yada yada, blah blah…”

As he shrunk back from the stares of the cooking club, Yuugo told Precia about going there to ask for boxed lunches.

She listened quietly, and nodded deeply with a big smile on her face.

“Yes, got it! The cooking club accepts!”

“Eh!? A-are you sure? I mean, I…!!”

“That’s right president! You didn’t forget what he did! I don’t want to cook for this guy!! Mugh!?”

It was likely (or probably certain) that no one present expected the president’s response, and she kept a smile on her face as she stuffed another marshmallow in Hao’s mouth when he tried to protest.

And then, as he opened his eyes widely, she began to speak with a chiding tone.

“I understand how you all feel~. But being at each other’s throats forever won’t do anyone any good. He lost his memory and apologized, so isn’t that enough? Let’s meet him halfway and try to be friends too. Okay?”

“Guh…! If you say so, we can’t argue anymore. All right, we’ll accept.”

“Thank you Hao. And everyone! So… The cooking club is now responsible for your request. We will put all our skill into making the boxed lunches, so look forward to them!”

“Oo, o, ooooh…!?”

Yuugo was beyond surprised by the extremely tolerant bright smile on Precia’s face.

Not only did she forgive his past violent behavior, but was willing to go this far… From the point of view of his emotional eyes, Precia seemed like a goddess.

“Thank you very much, president…! I will never forget this…!”

“Now now, don’t exaggerate~. It’s not a big deal~!”

Yuugo knelt and put his hands together as if he was praying to god, which combined with his villainous face, painted the perfect picture of a criminal repenting to god.

His adoration of Precia hit extreme levels because he was shown such warm feelings after being called scum. And as Marcos thought this, Precia continued speaking.

“But Yuugo, we are not forgiving you just like that~. You’re going to have to work for us, both as an apology, and payment for the boxed lunches~!”

“Yes! Tell me anything! I’ll work myself hard and do it!”

“Wah~! How reliable~! But don’t worry, it won’t be that tough. Also, if you’re going out with your little brother and your friends, this might work out perfectly~.”

“President, you’re not…! You want him to take that!?”

“Oh? I’m sorry, but can you tell me what ‘that’ is?”

Marcos realized that the way things were going, there was a good chance he was going to be made to work too, so he interjected with a question. Precia’s smile never left her face, as she answered.

“Actually, we are supposed to go to a nearby forest in a few days to collect ingredients. It’s a little trip where we stay in an inn in a nearby village, and collect fresh ingredients~. We want you all to come along~.”

“Sleep there and collect ingredients…! Sounds fun!”

“It is~! We will have fun harvesting in the forest, and cook and eat what spoils sooner. Then we come back, and use the ingredients to have a party! It really is fun!”

Yuugo imagined it as Precia explained it with a smile on her face, which brought a smile to his.

After having a little change of pace having fun gathering ingredients in a forest, they would get to enjoy a delicious feast. Yuugo pictured Phi doing it, and faced Precia before speaking with an energetic tone.

“Please let us accompany you! I’ll do anything to help!”

“Wah~! All right then~! I will contact you later with more concrete plans!”

“Wai!? President!!”

His plans had changed a little, but Yuugo was happy that Precia would make his idea to take Phi out somewhere a reality.

She also looked happy, with a soft smile on her face, but Hao’s reaction was the complete opposite.

“President, you know it, right!? This is that Yuugo Clay! What if something happens when you take this womanizer somewhere and spend the night with him!?”

“Hao, you’re being too distrustful~! That won’t happen, right~? It’s okay, it’s okay!”

“It’s okay… You have no way of knowing that…!!”

In this case, Hao had a point. Considering Yuugo’s bad personality and his tendency to put his hands on girls, going away from the school and spending the night with him was considerably dangerous.

If he actually put his hands on Precia… Hao could not stay quiet with that thought in mind, but the president was like an avatar of the idea that people were basically good, so there was little chance he would get her to take this danger seriously.

At this point, he had to take action to protect her.

Hao thought he had to get people to stop Yuugo if it came to that, so he spoke to a hero prospect who had visited the cooking club before, Egos. He asked him to guard Precia, and Egos then accepted the request with Shian.

And thus, when the day arrived, the group that consisted of the cooking club, Yuugo and friends, and Shian and Egos, was larger than anyone expected, and it made its way to the village.

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1 month ago

So which cooking episode will this arc homage? Cant wait

1 month ago

Judging that previously Mizari taking inspiration from Precure, I’m gonna guess Precia Rice is based on Cure Precious/Nagomi Yui from Delicious Party Precure.
Precia derived from Precious, and Rice is referencing both Yui’ favorite food and also her motive is onigiri, and her fairy partner Kome-Kome whose name just translate to “Rice-Rice”. I wonder if she would be quoting her grandmother…

Meanwhile the vice president, Hao Chi is just Mandarin word for delicious (好吃).