About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 24 – I feel like it’s pretty unreasonable that I became a sentai bad guy

“Yuugo Clay! I will beat you to a pulp! With all my power!!”

“Owah, not good…!”

One ring shined, then another. Every time a ring shined, another Rush looked at Yuugo.

Six in total. The number of rings on his fingers, plus the real Rush. They all pointed their blades at Yuugo, and unleashed wind blades one after the other.

“Dowaah!? Dammit! Isn’t fighting six-on-one way too unfair!? Uooh! That was close!”

“Hahaha! How is that? How does it feel to be trampled by the abilities of my magic items!? But it’s not the power of my magic items that gives me the victory! It’s the difference in our raw power!”

“You don’t sound convincing when you’re attacking as a mob! Damn it! What am I, a sentai monster!?”

The heroes on the TV shows Yuugo loved fought their enemies in that manner, but now that Yuugo was in the role of the monster, he felt it was unreasonable.

And most importantly, Yuugo could not accept that this meant Rush was fulfilling the role of the heroes.

Actually, the battles always started with an overwhelming disadvantage on the heroes’ side, with them fighting dozens of minions before fighting the bad guy as a team.

Complaining about the heroes who managed to break through that situation to finally get a shot at the boss was not so good… Yuugo thought about completely unnecessary things, and told himself this was not the time for that, as he managed to take advantage of an opportunity to get close to Rush (copy A), but…

“How naive, scum Yuugo!”

“Ogyaah!? Yes, of course!!”

While he attacked one, the other Rushes also attacked, and sent him flying the other way.

The students watching cheered, as they saw Yuugo get blown back with a pathetic scream. Phi and Melt put their hands over their mouths, and their expressions turned to worry.

Thankfully, there was not much damage. But as Yuugo got up, thinking that this back and forth definitely resulted in him receiving more damage than he dealt, Rush spoke to him with a daring smile and a provoking tone.

“What, are you out of breath? Do you want some time to rest?”

“Seriously? That’d be nice. I need some time to come up with a plan too, so I appreciate it.”

Yuugo thought not of pride, and gladly accepted his opponent’s pity, as the audience mocked him.

But despite being the one who was ridiculed, those voices did not reach Yuugo’s ears, as he was focused on coming up with a solution to break through his predicament.

(If I try super hard, I can get close, and land an attack. The problem is that all the others will attack me all at once… So, now what?)

That last attack definitely connected with Rush (copy A).

But the damage he received far outweighed the damage he dealt, so that would not turn the tides of this battle.

If he tried to up the power of a single attack, he would have to load it with magic energy to perform a powerful move, and Rush would not let him do that without attacking in the meantime.

A long range attack like Dragon Fang Blaster would take even more time, not to mention that Yuugo could not fight on his opponents terms by attacking from a distance.

(It really is a tyranny of the majority here. I think I could win if it was one-on-one, but fighting so many is just not fair.)

At this rate, he really would be pummeled by the numbers difference like a sentai villain.

He needed a powerful and sharp special move to finish it in one blow, but had no idea how to go about doing it.

“Fufufu…! I think it’s time to end the break. I’ll crush you, Yuugo Clay…!”

(Ah, dammit…! If only I had quick long range attacks like Melt…)

If he had tricks to break the opponent’s posture from a distance, he might have a chance to break through.

Yuugo wished he had a technique like the one Melt used, when she created multiple violet blades and rained them on the monster armor beasts… And then, a spark ran through his brain.

(Hn…? Violet? I feel like I’m on to something…)

For some reason, the color ‘violet’ stuck out to him. And so did the word ‘sentai’, that popped up as a result of the six-on-one fight.

And when Yuugo recalled that what he needed was ‘a powerful and sharp attack’, a bell rang in his head.

“Yes… I’ll try that.”

If he fought like him, he could break through this situation.

Yuugo decided to bet on this ray of hope, and shifted to a completely different stance.

“Hn…? What’s that stance? A bluff? An empty threat?”

Yuugo raised his fist parallel to his eyes, and tightened his flank.

He then raised his right leg that was put out in front a little, and shifted the center of gravity to his left leg. And as Rush saw this strange stance, he mockingly said exactly what he thought.

“What are you, a cat!? You’re like a cat hiding its face and getting ready to run away at a moment’s notice!”

“Cat… I was going for a wolf, but whatever. Thanks for the break, I’ll start moving again now.”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’ll break whatever stupid idea it is! I’m finishing this duel right now, Yuugo Clay!”

“…Let’s see how that goes.”

Yuugo stayed in his mysterious stance, and smiled under his helmet.

He infused just a little magic energy in his ankles to increase his mobility, and whispered while looking at Rush, who was about to swing his sword.

“Careful, I’m getting really excited and ‘geki’ now.”

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1 year ago

Reference time:

the Violet and the Wolf + the strange pose with “geki”?

Thats a shout out to Gekiranger’s Gekiviolet.

8 months ago
Reply to  Zeronos

The sheer amont of sentai rangers over the years never cease to amaze me. Even more so how you sentai nuts can figure em all out like that

6 months ago
Reply to  Zeronos

This kinda reminds me of the muay thai kick block

11 months ago

nice, geki violet reference