About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 25 – Gekigeki! My exciting style of battle!!

“Ha! What are you saying when your fists and kicks can’t reach us!? No matter how much you struggle, you can’t escape your loss! Fall to my sword!”

Yelled Rush, as the Rushes sent out six more wind blades.

But Yuugo seemed calm. He watched the attacks with as little movement as possible, and waited for the right timing.

One, two, three, four, five… The Rushes swung their swords, as Yuugo watched and loaded the magic energy for the next attack. And then, he moved before the sixth attack flew his way.


He controlled his magic energy not to increase the power of his attacks, but to help his dash.

The sixth Rush swung his sword at the same time as Yuugo took off running, and as Yuugo rushed through as if passing by the wind blades, he rapidly approached the first Rush, that was preparing for the next attack.

“Pff! That’s all you did, boost your speed a little!? Useless! The rest of me will cut you to pieces!!”

Yelled the Rush that was targeted, full of confidence.

Yuugo figured that meant he was a copy, but that mattered little. He saw the remaining five move to attack him… And took a small, sharp jump.

“Ah…? Gabeh!?”

The Rush copy that was attacked probably had no idea what even happened.

He was ready for a punch or kick, but his consciousness was immediately snuffed out by Yuugo’s attack.

“Wha!? It can’t be!?

It was fast, sharp, and intense.

Yuugo showed no openings to infuse magic energy in his limbs, but in just a moment, he took down one of the Rushes. The others swung their swords to intercept him, but he saw it coming, and dashed beautifully once again to avoid their attacks while taking distance.

A murmur spread through the students who watched this exchange that lasted only a few seconds.

The Rushes seemed shaken, as their numbers went down by one, and Yuugo spoke to them after exhaling lightly.

“Sorry, but like you said, my fists or kicks won’t reach you. That’s why I used the knee.”


Yuugo spoke while slapping his knee, and Rush groaned with frustration.

The strike that was enough to take down one copy was a jumping knee.

The knee that hit Yuugo’s opponent in the face was sharp, quick, and closed the distance quickly with a short jump that did not kill the momentum of the dash.

The knee covered in the steel armor became an attack that went beyond the level they imagined, even if Yuugo still held back a little. He looked at the remaining five Rushes, and spoke apologetically.

“Long ago, I thought the way my favorite heroes fought was cool, and learned a fighting style based on that. Well, just a little, and since I was told to never use it in a brawl, I’ve held it back. I didn’t go around fighting people in the first place.”

“What’s that fighting style…!? I’ve never seen that before! What school of martial arts is that!?”

“Hn? I just added hero elements to what I learned normally. I guess if I had to call it something… It would be my style. Enough talk, let’s keep going!”

“D-dammit! Don’t get carried away!!”

Yuugo put on that same stance again, and the five Rushes sent out wind blades, but… That was totally the wrong move.

Attacking all at once meant that they could not cover for each other like before, because they had to prepare for the next attack.

Yuugo took advantage of this opening, and dashed with explosive force again to quickly close the distance, and attacked one of the Rushes.

“That’s not going to work again. If I just avoid the jumping kn… Gafuh!?”

Rush was ready to defend himself against the quick jumping knee, but Yuugo did not jump. Instead, since Rush’s attention was on protecting his head, he delivered a light kick to the completely exposed stomach.

That made Rush’s posture crumble, which led to a hard elbow blow. This wonderfully executed combo took down the second Rush, and Yuugo quickly continued taking down the others.

“Oraoraoraora! I can still go!!”

“What’s with this guy…? What!?”

Yelled Rush, as he faced the sight that seemed like a nightmare, that was his copies being taken out in no time.

How could he be so agile in that heavy armor? How could he fight so well with his fists and legs when he had used a treasured sword all that time?

Rush turned pale, as he was unable to find an answer. And after Yuugo quickly took out his copies, he threw out the question burning in his chest.

“What are you!? How can you move like that with such a heavy armor!?”

“Don’t ask me… Sorry, but I’ve never thought of it as heavy. Actually, I feel lighter with it on. Is it really that heavy?”

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8 months ago

Maybe it really just suited him