About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 27 – Encounter, the villain and the main character

Rush laid flat on the ground, fainted.

And as he lost consciousness completely, the students watching saw Yuugo with his back turned to him and his left fist held high, and were at a complete loss for words.

Yuugo twisted his shoulders a little and turned his head, to where what were basically Rush’s assistants were seated, and asked them a question with a normal tone of voice.

“So, now what? Does anyone want to challenge me?”

That was not a provocation or ridicule, it was a genuine question.

If someone wanted to avenge Rush, there was a chance that they would start something with him again. And since Yuugo could still go, he wanted to get it over with and fight them all.

But the response he received from Rush’s followers was far from what he expected.

“Eh!? No, hum…”

The boys and girls shivered, and after looking at each other, seemed flustered and looked down.

They seemed so timid, that it was crazy to think that they were jeering and mocking him just before. Yuugo looked troubled by their reactions, and asked again while undoing the Blaster transformation.

“No one else wants to challenge me? If so, you’re not going to pick any more weird fights with me again like we promised, right?”


No one responded. There was not even a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. They simply silently looked down.

As Yuugo wondered what was up with them, and thought that their reactions made him look like he did something wrong, he felt a little guilty, despite the fact that he simply won. And as if to erase that feeling, he pointed to the downed Rush and spoke to his followers.

“Hey, someone look after him. I’ll feel bad if you just leave him there.”

He did not like him, but he was still a student of the same school. Furthermore, Yuugo did not want to leave someone he traded fists with lying flat on the ground in front of a large audience, and he wanted someone to tend to him.

That was what he thought when he spoke to them, but after seeing them once again flinch at his words, and fearfully move forward to help Rush, he began to feel some pity.

(They were cheering for him so much before the duel started, and turned like that the moment he lost. It’s not worth it…)

How many of the people cheering him and telling him to beat Yuugo were worried about Rush now?

Even the people who tormented Yuugo along with Rush seemed so distant as they retrieved him. And as Yuugo thought to himself that it was a gathering of unfeeling people and sighed, Phi and Melt ran to him.

“Big brother! You really are so strong!”

“Thank goodness! And what was that move!? It went all shpan! And then your knee went gan! And at the end it was all like dokandokahn! It was incredible!”

“Thank you, it’s all because you two were with me. I got a kind of bad aftertaste because I overdid it a little though.”

Yuugo thanked the two people who cheered him the whole way through, and smiled.

It was an ending that did not leave him fully satisfied, but as he thought that at least the problem was solved, sharp words stuck to his back.

“Wait! Yuugo Clay!”


Yuugo heard someone yell for him and turned around, to see a young man walking towards him.

His gray hair and golden eyes stood out, but as he stood in front of Yuugo with an expression of clear anger and hatred, he yelled again.

“Coward! You cheated, didn’t you!? You’re such scum, to go through such evil methods just to steal a victory!”

He continued berating Yuugo loudly enough that the other students could all hear him, with his face bright red and his breathing rushed.

Yuugo wondered if he was there to pick a fight like Rush, and thought his promo was very flashy. But as he thought and frowned, his attitude just irritated the young man more.

“There’s no way you’re this strong. That scum Yuugo isn’t supposed to do things like this…!”

“…Hum, you can yell at me all you want, but you haven’t even given me your name. I don’t think we can hold a conversation if you don’t.”

“You…! Did you forget who I am!? The one who defeated you in a duel and humiliated you!?”

Yuugo felt that the young man got more angry the more he talked.

And as Yuugo felt calmer the more the young man’s voltage increased, the furious young man yelled with his loudest voice yet.

“My name is Zenon! Zenon Ash! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten, scum!”

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Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

Guess you are not worth to be remembered with that attitude. keep up the good work dude~!

7 months ago

Sigh, I knew this would happen? Why most jp main characters are so kind like this? I wish this was a Chinese novel, those rude bastards would definitely feel the stinging pain from face slap

6 months ago
Reply to  Ray

Lmao yeah korean and chinese mc are gonna methodically disassemble him till his sense of self worth reaches zero. But the charming part about this mc is his altruistic personality which is brighter than the sun him being kind despite the environment is what makes him great.