About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 33 – A hero should be liked by kids!

“…So, what’s the meaning of this!?”

A few hours later, Marcos stood in a room where bright and lively voices echoed.

Kyakya, wahwah, ogyaogya, were the noises heard in the room that in a way, was as busy and noisy as a battlefield. And in it stood Yuugo, who was surrounded by children and responded with a smile.

“Eh? This is what the quest is about. Let’s do our best, watching over the kids here in the kindergarten!”

“How did this happen!? After what you said, we should be hunting monster armor beasts or exploring a dangerous area!!”

“Don’t be silly! You really thought I’d take Phi on a dangerous job like that!? Mister scatterbrain…!”

“Don’t play with me! Why was a quest like this even offered to the academy…?”

“Because apparently it’s important for the school to be involved with the locals. Come on, stop talking about that and play with the kids! When this is over, we’ll decide who won by asking the kids who they like more!”

“…But how did it come to this? Why is a proud noble like myself doing a job like…?”

Marcos groaned half crying and with his shoulders drooping, lamenting his current situation.

He thought he had been given a chance to redeem himself, but was instead made to play the part of a childcare worker in a children’s home…

He was dejected by the job that was not fitting for a noble such as himself, but he went into a coughing fit when his back was smacked hard.

“Eho! Goho! W-what are you doing!?”

“Stop slacking off! You accepted this quest, so do it!”

Marcos was about to protest that sudden violence, when he was instead rebuked by Melt, who accepted the same quest, and said nothing in return.

There were smiling girls around Melt, and it was clear that she was also taking responsibility and doing that job to the best of her ability.

Phi was also happy to be in the position of big brother for once, and played with the children despite feeling bashful.

And Yuugo…?

“Okay? Look closely! You move your arm like this! And then stop here! And then, Henshin! Tou!”

“Uwah! Cool!!”

“How did you do that!? Show that again!!”

…He did strange poses and equipped Blaster, as he put on a weird show for the children.

His strangely nimble movements that transitioned into a cool looking armor magic item equipping scene tickled the hearts of the kids, as they gathered around him in large numbers.

Both boys and girls watched Yuugo’s henshin show with a sparkle in their eyes, and as Marcos watched it with a dumbfounded look on his face, Melt giggled and spoke to him.

“Come on, if you don’t do your best too, Yuugo will win. You need to get along with the kids!”

“Nu, gu…!!”

Marcos groaned at what sounded like Melt making fun of him, but she was right in that it was a competition between himself and Yuugo.

And he also had a duty to fulfill his responsibility, since he did take the quest.

He was Marcos Bolg, the eldest son of the proud Bolg family, and he would perform any job perfectly, no matter what it was… Is what he was thinking when Yuugo called him.

“Hey, Marcos! Come here for a second!”

“Don’t call me so casually! And don’t give me orders!”

Marcos responded with indignant anger, but did as he was told. And as he approached Yuugo, who was surrounded by children, Yuugo gave him a thumbs up and spoke with a smile.

“The kids want to see your magic item. Come on, show them.”

“How did that come up!? My Giga Scissors isn’t a children’s toy!”

“I know, but look at the kids…! Don’t they look nice, with those expectant faces?”


Marcos turned to the children, and saw they really were all looking at him with sparkling eyes.

He did feel pressure from those eyes, but fired himself up, thinking he could not falter because of something like that, and after taking a deep breath, he yelled towards the children with his usual arrogant attitude.

“Hmph, fine…! I will unleash the Giga Scissors passed down through the Bold family, so pay close attention to its golden brilliance!”

He yelled, raised his left hand, infused it with magic energy, and activated his magic item.

Marcus posed, showing off the golden shining armor covering his left arm, and the scissors in the tip, as a wave of cheers rushed from the children.

“Awesome! It’s all golden and bright!”

“It’s so cool how it’s shining!!”

“Fuhahahaha! You have quite the discerning eye, if you can see how sublime my Giga Scissors is! Ah, don’t touch the scissors! You’ll get hurt!!”

“Let’s cut paper with the scissors!”

“What are you making!? I’ll go get golden origami!”

“…He’s popular. Surprisingly…”

“Really? I think he’s pretty good at it.”

Yuugo and Melt sounded amused, as they watched Marcus surrounded by a choir of urging children.

Melt whispered about how surprising it was to see that Marcos being loved by children, but as Yuugo looked on, with a somewhat proud smile, he continued.

“Unlike Rush, his followers ran straight to him when he lost the duel. It’s clear that they really do like him, and aren’t just a self-interested mob.

His good qualities probably don’t show because of his antagonism towards me, but I think that’s what he really is like.”


Melt only saw a haughty noble when she looked at Marcos, but she thought Yuugo did have a point, in that unlike Rush, he had good qualities that were becoming distinct.

As she thought about how Yuugo had dueled both and found differences between the two, and nodded to herself, Yuugo continued speaking with an amused laugh.

“He’s like a new ranger. He’s not a good guy when he first appears, but as time goes on, he starts participating in gags too, and becomes popular.”

“…What do you mean?”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m just talking to myself.”

Melt did not understand. In fact, there were times when she had no idea what Yuugo was talking about.

But she was simply relieved that the job was progressing more smoothly than she thought, and continued playing house with the girls around her.

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1 year ago

aww, i love this episode, and tsundere frenemy is amazing.

this novel is a mix of wholesome nostalgia for me. I think it perfectly captures the spirit of those sentai/hero shows from when I grew up and like the MC worships

1 year ago

Enemies become allies!

1 year ago

Not a good ranger but participates in gags.

Totally not Go-on Black and Go-On Gold.

(those guys are portrayed as cool and calm but becomes the best parts of the show for being the clowns)

1 year ago

It must be Black RX

8 months ago

He is a gullible pushover but has a nice streak too

8 months ago

and so blue was born.
or gold.

Last edited 8 months ago by murmur