About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 34 – The words of a certain great violinist

“It really is nice to spend some time with kids! Their energy is infectious!”

“…How do you have so much stamina? I’m already tired…!”

A few hours later, Yuugo and Marcos took a break in the rear garden.

It was the children’s nap time, and Melt and Phi stayed with them.

Yuugo and Marcos were in charge of transporting things that were about to be delivered, and decided to go outside ahead of time and rest there.

Marcos’ tired face contrasted with the lively Yuugo, but there was still something refreshing about his expression.

Yuugo smiled as he looked at him through the corner of his eye, and spoke to him, also as a way to pass the time.

“It doesn’t feel bad, does it? To be surrounded by smiling children like that.”

“Hmph, it’s not like I want to play childcare worker again! Well, I guess it’s not bad to show the children the power of the Bolg family.”

Yuugo cackled, thinking but not saying that Marcos was totally into it, and looked at him with a teasing expression. And after a bitter expression formed in Marcos’ face, he gulped down all the water in a bottle, and turned away.

Yuugo also drank water, and continued.

“You might say it’s gross or something, but I’ve come to like you. Even if you were pretty bad at first, and I still haven’t forgiven you for what you did to Phi.”

“…What brought that on? Are you making fun of me?”

“That’s not it. When you picked a fight with me, you said you were going to beat me because I lost Garandil, right? Thinking back, that was stupidly honest. The other one I fought recently used Melt as a pretext to challenge me, and started spreading false rumors when he lost. He’s a real nuisance.

But you didn’t do that, so you look better by comparison.”

“Looking better for that reason isn’t going to make me happier. I wouldn’t feel happy about you liking me anyway.”

“Don’t be like that. Being that tense is no good, right? The tighter a string is pulled, the quicker it snaps. Have more peace of mind and playfulness. If you do, I’m sure your good qualities will come out.

Yuugo added that he was parroting what someone else said, and Marcos groaned a little before turning away.

A tightly pulled string… Marcos thought that maybe that was true about him.

(I guess so. I was so familiar with my power because of my pride, and ever since I lost a duel to this guy, it’s like I can see myself less and less…)

The day he was beaten by a Yuugo who had lost his Garandil, he felt like the ground beneath him was cracking and breaking.

He wondered if he really was that weak, and refused to accept the shame of losing flatly to someone he thought he could beat. And because the fire of antagonism towards Yuugo kept burning in him, he felt his behavior kept getting worse and more shameful.

It was like that in the tunnel. The way he treated the girl, the fight with the arachlaw… He let ambition get ahead of him, and acted very crudely.

As a magic knight who protected the people, as a proud member of the Bolg family, he thought, a little too late, that his behavior was improper.

“Peace of mind and playfulness…”

“Yes, yes! That’s important! People without peace don’t draw other people. Hero condition number eight – be a being that is loved by children! That’s important, so take note!”

“…What’s with that? If I’m a tight string, you’re way too loose.”

A smile naturally formed in Marcos’ mouth, as he responded to the ever optimistic Yuugo.

As Marcos felt happy about facing himself and regaining some of his peace of mind, and felt gratitude towards Yuugo he did not put into words, he heard noise coming from the front entrance.

“Hn…? What? Did something happen?”

“It’s probably the delivery. Let’s go check.”

Both heard what sounded like people talking, and figured the delivery might have gotten there ahead of schedule. And so, they ended their break, and headed to the entrance.

But what they found there was not a worker. It was a man that was a little dirty, and clearly suspicious.

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1 year ago

Reference time:

The title and the quote is from Otoya Kurenai (the best guy and the first Ixa/2nd Dark Kiva)from Kamem Rider Kiva. Quite a ladies man.

Oh and years later he played the robotic idol fanboy with skeevy intentions Kazumi Sawatari aka Kamen Rider Grease

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeronos

At first, I thought it was Kabuto, but I can’t remember Kabuto ever saying anything about Violin.
And then I remembered Tsukasa come to World of Kiva and became a Violinist, it must be someone in the world of Kiva

1 year ago

I’m calling it now, Yuugo’s gonna follow the path of the protagonist in the in story game, while the original reincarnators are gonna become the antagonists

7 months ago
Reply to  Mikazuki

now not like on the first chapter but now ?
i think you are a bit late on noticing that lol