About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 51 – Super henshin!!

The change in the air was clear. The malice that filled the air was cleared by Yuugo’s yell.

The violet light that cut the darkness gradually concentrated in Yuugo’s body, and once it cleared, he stood with a new power in his hands.

His armor was thicker and bigger. The base black color was strengthened with a violet layer of protection and a golden hem on the upper body. It looked clearly imposing.

The broken armor pieces, magic energy, and weapons fused to give birth to a new form of Blaster. Phi looked at it, and his brother who had brought about a literal miracle, and whispered with a trembling voice.

“Blaster transformed… No, it evolved…!! It responded to everyone’s feelings…!!”

Phi was moved to tears, as he looked at his brother’s back, and the strength that seemed right to carry everyone’s hopes.

Meanwhile, Yuugo faced Rush, who shook his head, yelled in anger, and charged forward.

“It’s a bluff…! Don’t think you can do anything just because you changed the shape of the armor I already broke!!”

He yelled to rouse himself and brush off all the anxiety he felt over this situation he could not understand.

He trusted his strength and let out a war cry as he tried to attack Yuugo with his vicious claws like before, but…


Yuugo took that attack, and did not budge.

Rush was shocked by how not only did he fail to hurt him, but the armor was tough enough that he feared his claw would break. And then, Yuugo clenched his right fist, and swung.


“Guaah!? Gahah…!?”

Both the power behind the attack and the toughness of the fist were on another level.

Rush took that attack in the chest, the sturdiest part of his body, but it was not enough to completely kill the impact, and it made him stagger. He fell to his knee, as he gasped and shook his head several times in disbelief.

“It can’t be…! No way no way no way!! Zenon beat you, and I beat him! I’m the strongest!! I’m not gonna… Lose to someone like you!!”

This time, his yell was a shriek.

Yuugo saw Rush ominously make the magic energy lying within him explode, but did not budge. He simply looked straight at him.

And as Melt watched from the back and healed Marcos, he turned to her and spoke.

“Melt, that’s enough. I’m sure you know how you should use the magic energy you have left.”


It was enough for first aid. His life was not in danger.

And so, she agreed with Marcos that her magic energy should be used for the hero fighting to protect them, not on treating him. She stood up, put all her feelings into her Seward Ring, and yelled.

“Yuugo! Use this!!”

She used her remaining magic energy to create a violet straight sword, and threw it at Yuugo.

He caught it with his left hand, and turned slightly her way to nod.

“…Thanks, Melt. Now everything’s in place for that guy to go down.”

Yuugo took Melt’s feelings, and it boosted his power.

He held the big double-edged sword with both hands, that was violet, covered in iron black, and had a golden blade, and tilted his chin down while glaring at Rush and speaking to the ones behind him.

“Phi, Melt, Marcos… Here I go!”

Every step Yuugo took seemed to make the ground roar.

He walked slowly but steadily towards Rush, who fell into a state of panic as he watched him, and desperately hit him with his claws.

“Screw this! This shouldn’t be happening! I surpassed you! This… I’m not gonna let you turn things around with that nonsense!!”

Sweep, hit, thrust, kick. Rush attacked in any way he thought of, but nothing worked. Yuugo simply walked forward, seemingly not paying attention to Rush’s counterattack.

“Aaaah…! Uaaaaaah!!”

Rush’s mind was not all there anymore.

He completely lost his earlier composure, and screamed with madness, as he hit Yuugo with both arms like a child.

The shell cracked on his claws, but he paid no attention to how they were beginning to break, and continued to struggle while not accepting that their positions had been reversed, before a violet flash of light passed before him.

“Uah, ah, aaah….! My arms! My aaaaarms!!”

Right after he saw that light, he noticed the arms he was swinging were gone from the elbow down, and shrieked.

Blue blood that looked like mucus gushed from the arms, as Rush sat flat on the ground with weak breaths, and opened his mouth while looking up at Yuugo.

“S-sorry…! I lost. Don’t kill me…!”

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1 year ago

Blud is now LARPing as Rising Titan Kuuga. Now every mobs and weaker MOTW are now Go Jaraji Da to him. Jokes aside, I wonder just how bulky is his new armor?

Cause in later chapter even until the latest raw, its pure defensive strength is still unmatched and Yugo’s go to defensive form even after unlocking his Super Form of Purple Flame Armor since using the latter literally burns him alive

Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago
Reply to  Ryuuga

Purple Flame Armor? is that like burning form agito? if so, I almost feel sorry for any SOB try fighting that, keyword ALMOST.

1 year ago

It’s even better, actually. In a few arc after this, he’ll unlock a speed form called Flame Armor that basically turns him into Boost MkII but can only be used for 5 minutes due to overheating issue. Later on, he was driven into a corner where all of his friends are almost dead and he’s heavily injured and forced to combine Purple Armor(High Def & Attack but very slow like Rising Titan) and Flame Armor(High Speed, Attack & Imbue his attack & defense with fire element) to create the super form. Downside is due to the bulk of the armor and how metal reacts to heat, it’s burning him alive way more severe than Flame Armor.

Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

Now this is the turning point, rush has kill many of his followers and probably other unrelated victims to make himself stronger and with no sense of remorse, if givin a chance, he would kill more just to satisfied his broken ego, might as well kill him and give him a reminder, where his victims also beg for mercy, did he listen.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting this is tokusatsu as they rarely spare their enemies unlike their western counterpart (stupid idea to let villains alive, only for them to escape and cause more death and destruction), never mind Yuugo, stab the bastard!! Do your predecessor proud and stab him, Calamity Titan!!!

wow that was a fast update, I was just reading it a day or 2 ago, but thanking for the update dude.

1 year ago

Wait isn’t this new form Kuuga Titan god I love this story so much

1 year ago

Reference time!!!:

For people who dont watch Kamen Rider, “forms” are one indicator of the protag’s growth (and Bandai making that sweet kaching on the toys.)

Yuugo’s form here is basically a shoutout to Kuuga’s Titan form. Yeah even the sword (Kuuga can transform any stick into a sword when he is in this mode.)

1 year ago

The ‘Strength’ Type power up. a must have for any toku warrior.

Passing trough reader
Passing trough reader
2 days ago

I feel if they ever made a anime of this webnovel this would be the end of season 1 with Yuugo new form