About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 52 – The hero doesn’t waver

Yuugo looked at the unsightly, miserable, pathetic Rush who pleaded with him to spare his life.

He showed the stumps where his arms were, and yelled while crying.

“Look at these arms! I can’t fight anymore! I can’t attack people! Please! Aren’t we colleagues in the same academy!? You don’t need to kill me if I can’t fight anymore, right? I won’t resist, so please…!”


Yuugo kept looking at Rush, whose heart seemed thoroughly broken, and said nothing.

He just lowered the tip of his sword a little… And Rush, who was facing down and seemingly waiting for that moment, thrust his arm and screamed.

“You idiot! You got careless!! Die! Yuugo Clay!”

The right arm that was cut off regenerated with an unpleasant sound.

Just like a crab, Rush had the ability to regenerate a lost limb. And he refrained from using that ability right away to put on a little show for Yuugo, and get him to lower his guard.

The tip of the newly regenerated arm was shining black and sharp, and it was headed right to Yuugo’s face.

But as Rush squinted with a nasty smile on his face, confident in his victory… He saw that reality was not going as he imagined.


There was a cracking sound. At first Rush misunderstood it for the sound of Yuugo’s helmet breaking, but something felt wrong.

He slowly pulled his right arm back… And saw the claw completely crushed.

“…You’re beyond help. I wasn’t going to give you mercy anyway, but if you’ve fallen off this much, it actually makes me feel refreshed.”

“Ah, ah, ahh…!?”

It might seem obvious, but the newly regenerated arm was not fully formed. Its toughness was also nowhere near the toughness of the shell when it was at peak condition.

There was no way that attack was going to work, when his attacks with the claws in peak condition failed. Yuugo did not get careless, he simply took Rush’s attack because he was aware of that.

“If it’s cut, it can regenerate, but it can’t when it’s just crushed, right? What are you going to do? Cut it yourself? I’ll wait until it regenerates, as a thank you for giving me a break during the duel.”

“U-uu… Uaaaaaaah!!”

He had to get desperate. With no moves left, all that was left for Rush was pointless resistance.

Ironically, he was in the same position as Marcos when he mocked him… But Yuugo grabbed the sword with both hands, and yelled louder than Rush as he thrust it at him.



The straightforward thrust pierced the shell on Rush’s torso, and his body.

His whole body stiffened, and he trembled as he groaned and looked at Yuugo with his eyes open wide.

“Why…? I’m… Stronger… Than you…!!”

“…You are. You’re stronger than me, Rush… But you can’t beat us.”

Rush gained strength by using many lives as a foothold, and Yuugo by taking in people’s feelings. There was an unfillable gap between them.

Yuugo, the hero, never fought alone. Whoever he faced fought against many people’s unseen feelings. Rush never realized this, right until the end.

“I’m strong…! I’m the strongest…! Power is justice, and anything is forgiven if you’re strong! So I…!!”

“It’s over, Rush. I’m ending your rampage here.”

Yuugo infused the sword in his hands with magic energy, as it was still pierced in Rush.

The sword shining violet pumped magic energy into Rush’s body through the blade, and the shell continuously broke and exploded from within.

“Calamity Crush!! Uoooooh!!”

“Gah! Agagah! Gu, gaaaah!!”

Yuugo thrust the sword deeper as he fired himself up with a yell, before pulling it out and turning around.

Behind him, Rush spread fireworks through the wound, and writhed as he moved his arms in the air, but eventually stopped and fell flat on the ground, with a last scream.

“I got strong. I was supposed to be strong… This can’t beeeeeeeee!!”

He exploded, exploded, and then exploded.

After the small explosions, came a big one that enveloped his body in violet light.

And as Phi watched Yuugo’s heroic pose with that bright light behind him, he knew the battle was over… And smiled while hearing the children’s cheers.

“You really are great, big brother…! You’re my… Everyone’s hero!”

Yuugo heard the highest praise he could get from his little brother, after turning a desperate situation around and protecting everything important to him, and gave him a thumbs up.

Phi responded with a thumbs up of his own, and welcomed his brother back after the battle, with a bright smile that shook off all fear.

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Blade king form
Blade king form
11 months ago

Bravo, yuugo, Bravo!!! I was worried since this is a LN, he would get affect of being a naive mc that would never kill or way too Pragmatic all because of revenge for something, This here is what I want in MC, not too idealist or way to realist, a somewhat balance between the path. A MC that knows when a villain is already too far off for redemption and must be put down like a mad dog they are, it fine to see the good in someone but then it would be hypocrite for letting evil live while the good get snuff out.
Yuugo use calamity Crush and did the thumb up signature. alexa play Aozora ni Naru. I hope this news break into the academy as Yuugo slay the monster and not get downplayed by either the masses or someone take the credit, if so help me, I will beat my sandbag to rid some stress.

Blade king form
Blade king form
11 months ago

and as traditional for all toku fan, a exploding finish, kuuga style.
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Last edited 11 months ago by Blade king form
11 months ago

As someone who read ahead the WN, this is not like your cliche LN. Yugo only forgive people who doesn’t resort to killing innocents. Anyone who crossed the line gets his finishers without mercy.

At one point, he gained a partner who is a walking reference to Ryu Terui(KR Accel) and just like Terui, he’s obsessed with revenge. At key point in the future story he was forced to make a choice between stopping a rampaging monster who held one of his friend hostage(who was related to the murder of his father in the past) or killing the perpetrator of said incident and let said friend suffer. Yugo set him on a straight path, not by rebuking that revenge is bad or how to be a hero of justice but because he doesn’t want the guy to base his entire life on that and self destruct when he could be a kind and strong person.

11 months ago

Yuugo using RX moves XD. i can hear the theme song while reading this XD.

11 months ago

Reference time!

Yugo’s final attack is a shoutout to Kamen Rider RX Revolcane attack whete he thrust the sword on the enemy’s torso that explodes later.

The attack was so brutal for that time when it was exported as the “Mask Rider” in U.S, they changed the attack where the Revolcane spit fireballs instead.

6 months ago
Reply to  Zeronos

Do you have all this trivia in your head or do you have to research it?