About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 55 – Side: Comrade in arms (Temporary goodbye, and entrusting a wish)

“Hey Marcos. I’ve come to see you off.”

“Yuugo… Hmph, you’ve got too much free time on your hands. You didn’t need to do that.”

“Just tell him the truth, Marcos. You’re actually happy!”

Yuugo and the others stood in front of the gate of the Luminous Academic City.

He stopped Marcos just as he was leaving with his minions, and they faced each other as they began casually chatting.

“Are your wounds doing all right? You got beaten pretty badly.”

“It’s not a big deal. If anything, the damage to Giga Scissors was more severe. I can’t use it like this. I’m not just going home to recover, I’m coming back once it’s fixed.”

“…Don’t get too lonely. We even got closer after dealing with this incident and everything.”

“Fuh…! You’re so over the top. It’s like I’m saying goodbye forever or something. Didn’t I just say I’ll be back once Giga Scissors is fixed? Actually, maybe it would be interesting to copy you and rework it into a full body armor type.”

“Oh, nice! Then we can start thinking about henshin poses to pull off together!”

Marcos, who was the one who was most badly hurt in the fight with Rush, was going home temporarily to heal and repair his magic item.

Yuugo spoke to him with a bright tone in this temporary goodbye, but some loneliness showed on his face.

And despite sounding displeased, Marcos was happy that Yuugo came to say goodbye.

It would be nice if they could continue on with this light atmosphere, but the conversation shifted to the end of the incident from days prior.

“…They found Rush’s things. Apparently someone was using him.”

Said Marcos.

“Looks like it. I’m sure the same thing happened to the guy that we took down after he transformed into a crab kaijin. This isn’t over yet. Whoever is pulling the strings is still out there.”

“Yes… And it vexes me that only very few people know that, like us.”

Much like the incident before this, the truth, including Rush’s transformation into a monster armor beast, was being kept from the public.

The only people who knew about it were the ones who witnessed it, the guards Yuugo and the others spoke to, and the higher ups of the academy, who the guards reported to.

As far as the public knew, this mess was caused by vile monster armor beasts that infiltrated the city.

Both the identity and objectives of the one pulling the strings were being investigated in secret, and Yuugo and the others were strictly forbidden from speaking about it as well.

“It’s a shame. You’re the one who actually solved that problem, and you can’t even brag about it. Some students in the academy are being lauded as heroes for protecting the others, but your achievement should be much greater.”

“I don’t care about that. I, and you too, fight to protect the weak, and people important to us. I don’t need applause or praise. The fact that the smiles on those kids’ faces were protected is all that matters… Right, hero?”

“Hmph… I guess so.”

Marcos looked up at the blue sky, while agreeing with Yuugo with a big smile on his face.

Only the employees and children in that children’s home knew what they accomplished. While the students of the Luminous Academy and the townspeople were spending yet another day without knowing who the true heroes were.

But it was fine. Marcos could also understand that protecting freedom and peace away from people’s eyes was part of the mission of a hero.

“…Yuugo, I’ve only been able to talk to you like this pretty recently, but… You’ve taught me a lot, and I’m very grateful for that.”

“Same to you. I only made it in time because you went over the limit and kept fighting. It was because we all cooperated that this incident was solved without more harm. I’m glad I met you, Marcos.”

The time to say goodbye was drawing closer. Marcos saw his subordinates pulling up in a wagon, and threw one last question at Yuugo.

“Yuugo… Once I’m healed, my magic item is fixed, and I come back… Can I call you my friend? And can you forgive me for hurting your brother and your friend?”


Yuugo looked confused for a second upon hearing that.

Then he burst into laughter, as Marcos watched on nervously, trying to determine what this reaction meant.

“What are you talking about? We’re already friends.”

Said Yuugo with a smile.

“…I see. Of course. Thanks Yuugo…!”

Yuugo put out his right hand, and they exchanged a firm handshake as they smiled at each other.

And just before getting on the wagon, Marcos had something to ask of his comrade in arms.

“Yuugo, something evil is approaching this city. I’m leaving it to you while I’m gone. I trust that you will protect people’s lives, and the peace.”

“Leave it to me! Rest easy Marcos!”

Marcos responded with a big nod to that reassuring answer, and got in the wagon.

He entrusted the city to his friend until he came back, and whispered to the subordinates that were returning with him.

“…I can’t lag behind either. I need to keep training while Giga Scissors is being fixed. Get ready as well. As soon as I’m healed, I’m going to start training hard!”

His subordinates smiled awkwardly, as they thought that this heated air around him reminded them of someone.

And as they thought he had grown a lot compared to not too long ago, and was a very reliable person, the wagon sped along, heading home.

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Blade king form
Blade king form
11 months ago

playing Oazora ni naru is really appropriate right this moment, every intense battle need a relax song to end their continuous battle against evil after all. I was hoping Phil will be the one making armor for Marcos but oh well, evey warrior need to find their path to greatness by themselves. heck I hope marcos’s subordinates make armor for themselves just like riotroopers, that will awesome to look forward to, as they fight as troopers against mobs of monsters.

11 months ago