About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 56 – Side: Villain (The hero protects smiles again today)

“…There he goes. I’m going to miss him.”

“Just for a while. He said he’ll be back… And I have things to do too!”

“Yes, yes, you’re right! You have to master that new form of Blaster you just discovered, and train with me so we can improve our coordination! We have lots to do, Yuugo!”

As they saw Marcos leave, they talked about what they had to do going forward.

This city… No, this world housed a darkness that surpassed Yuugo’s imagination. And the one who led Rush astray was still working in the shadows.

Yuugo would have to be strong enough to protect the people, when the time came to face this darkness.

And to do that, he would have to become stronger himself, but also get more allies, and learn more about this world.

Both Phi and Melt expressed their desire to prepare for the battles ahead.

They turned to him, thinking about moving forward alongside the hero, but…

“…U-uh? Big brother? Big brother!?”

“He’s gone!? Eh!? Where did he go? Where did he run off to !?”

They looked around in surprise, as Yuugo was just there a few seconds ago. But then they saw him a little far away, talking to a girl who was sobbing.

It seemed she was lost. Phi and Melt smiled awkwardly, thinking it was just like Yuugo to hear her cries for help before anyone else, and walked towards them as they heard Yuugo gently speak to the girl.

“What happened? Did you get separated from your parents?”

“Sniff, sniff…! Yes…!”

“All right! Then let’s look for them together! As you can see, I have a big head and body that are easy to spot! If you’re with me, your parents will find you right away!”

“Yes… Thank you!”

“It’s fine it’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’s only natural for a hero to help people in need! Oh, sorry you two, but help me find this girl’s parents.”

Phi and Melt looked at each other and laughed, because Yuugo got them involved so naturally.

“What am I going to do with you, big brother…!? Let’s find her parents quickly and go back to the academy! I have a lot to do, like tuning Blaster!

“I’ll go along too! Excuse me! Are her mom and dad here!? We have a lost girl!”

Said Phi and Melt, as they stood at either side of Yuugo, who put the girl on his shoulders.

They looked for her parents while walking through the main street.

A hero’s true essence was not defeating enemies, or crushing evil. It was helping people in need, which meant poking his nose into other people’s business.

This was also a proper good deed, and Yuugo’s job. Bringing a smile to a crying girl’s face was plenty to be proud of.

A few minutes later, they found the girl’s parents, and Yuugo said goodbye after handing them the girl.

The girl said thank you, and threw him a question before he left.

“Thank you mister. What are you?”

“Hn? Me? I…”

Yuugo smiled brightly. On the stern face fitting for a villain who fell to the wayside after losing a duel, a friendly and charming smile appeared as he gave the girl a thumbs up.

“Just a passing hero. Make sure to remember it!”

Any time, even in another world, Yuugo was the same.

His hero soul burned as he copied the heroes he watched early in the morning, and continued to help people.

He watched the girl leave with her parents, much like how he saw Marcos off, and looked to the blue sky.

…With a smile still on his face, he yelled loudly, determined to live as a hero in this world.

“That settles the first case! Another day with clear weather for the Luminous Academy!!”

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11 months ago

Reference time!!!!

The Title is a reference to Kuuga, who protects the smiles of everyone.

and the “A passing by hero……”

11 months ago
Reply to  Zeronos

Not Kamen rider Kuuga, buat Kamen rider dekade.

11 months ago
Reply to  4th_eyes

Yeah what I said.

The title is a reference to Kuuga + The thumbs up

then Hugo said that “he was just a passing by hero” is Decade reference.

Well gotta add a Revice Homage too because Hugo kinda admit that he was a busybody, which is a reference to Ikki Igarashi’s self admittance of being a busybody too.

11 months ago