About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 60 – Youth under the moonlight

How was her past self… It sounded pretentious when put that way, but Melt nodded again as Yuugo asked if he could hear what her life was like in her hometown.

After thinking about it a little, she started talking.

“What was my life like… Normal, I guess? I trained because I wanted to be a magic knight, listened to guards over there… People said I was talented, you know? Well, I can’t brag because I’m pretty average over here though…”

“That’s nice, you’re like your town’s start of hope! And your parents are rooting for you, right?”

“Yes! We weren’t poor, but we weren’t rich either. It was kinda iffy, you know? But I was still sent to the famous Luminous Academy. They said I had the talent for it since I managed to bring the power out of the Seward Ring, so I have to do my best here.”

Melt squinted as she thought back to her days in her hometown. It had not been long since she moved, but she spoke to Yuugo with nostalgia.

“…I want to be a magic knight in the headquarters that’s in the capital. You might think I’m dreaming too big, because I’m a girl and I’m from the middle of nowhere, but… I want to try believing in myself. It’s weird to give up before even trying, right? The fact that someone like me is even attending Luminous Academy is a miracle, so it wouldn’t be that weird for more miracles to happen, would it?”

“It wasn’t a miracle. You managed to join Luminous Academy because you worked for it. I don’t know what it was like in your hometown, but I can imagine your family rooting for you a lot, and you working super hard.

And I’m rooting for you too, so make sure you make that dream come true!”

“Thanks Yuugo! But… Like I said before, sometimes I feel down when I face my level. But when I see you working hard all the time, I get this feeling that I can’t fall behind either! So… Yes, I need to thank you. I’m really glad I met you and became your friend.”

Melt conveyed her gratitude towards Yuugo, as her face became a little red.

And as Yuugo felt a bit embarrassed and lowered his head a little with a small smile on his face, she asked a question.

“Do you have any dreams? I want to support your dreams too! Won’t you tell me?”

“Dreams… I dunno. I guess becoming a proper hero like I promised Phi? But maybe I had different dreams before I lost my memory. I need to keep that in mind and find my own goals too.”

“I see… But I think that might be fine too. School just started, and you need to regain your memories too, so you don’t need to rush! We still have a long road ahead of us, don’t we!?”

Yuugo nodded in agreement, and Melt showed him a happy smile.

He then thanked Melt for her ever bright presence, that along with Phi made him forget his difficult situation, and continued with an awkward smile on his face.

“But I should start rushing when it comes to finding a place to live. I can’t keep sleeping outdoors forever. It’s going to be rough when it rains too…”

“Hahaha, you have a point there! You scored some points because of the incident with Rush too, so the school might accommodate you if you talk to them.”

“Maybe, but things are still a mess on their end. And asking for something by using his achievements as a shield isn’t the way of a hero, so I don’t really want to do that. I have the face for it, don’t I?”

“Yes, you do right now! You have to uphold your promise to Phi, and get your life together. You have lots to do!”

Dreams were important, but so was thinking about the near future.

After laughing a lot about Yuugo saying he needed to secure a roof over his head for the time being, Melt wiped tears in her eyes that she got from laughing with her finger and continued.

“…Yuugo, this is just an ‘if’, but…”


Yuugo turned to her as if asking what it was, and waited for her to keep talking.

And after they looked at each other for a bit, Melt shook her head and smiled.

“…Sorry, it’s nothing. Forget it. I should be going back and take a bath! We need to get up early tomorrow, so you should be doing the same.”

“Oh? Yes, that’s right… I guess I’ll do that!”

Yuugo thought it was strange for Melt to be evasive like that, but also decided he should not press her to talk, so he agreed with her as she took back her statement.

Melt trotted away from Yuugo, as her pink air shined under the moonlight.

“See you tomorrow! Goodnight Yuugo!”

“Yes, sleep well. Let’s work hard tomorrow.”

After hearing Yuugo’s response, Melt made her way back to the home where she was staying.

But on the way there, she stopped where Yuugo could not see her, and exhaled deeply while pressing her red cheeks.

“That was close… I almost went too far…!”

If you don’t have anywhere to go after graduation, you could marry into our family… Was what Melt almost said to Yuugo.

She chastised herself as she thought that this proposal at this time would do nothing but trouble him, and sighed while looking at the night sky.

“…I’ll cool my head a little before going back. I don’t want any weird misunderstandings…”

There were other girls where she was staying. She did not want to draw weird suspicions to her relationship with Yuugo, and wanted even less to cause him trouble.

And so, she thought about killing some time before going back, so she could avoid showing her red cheeks, and let out a hot breath with her hand on the left side of her chest, as if holding down her pounding heart.

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9 months ago

Cute stuff melt

7 months ago

yes melt that would be like skipping 20 steps lol way to far way to fast

6 months ago

I’m curious when ash is gonna come to play since it doesn’t seem like hd would even get an opportunity to be in her proximity